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Do Pumps Work Pre-T?

Started by Contravene, November 02, 2014, 02:50:16 AM

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Just what the title says.

I was thinking of buying an inexpensive pump to get a head-start (no pun intended :P ) on some growth but I wasn't sure if it would even have lasting results for someone who's pre-T.


I tried a pump pre-T but it was not for very long so I can't tell you what the lasting effects are. I pump
now (2.5 years on T and semi-regularly). I think it makes a difference, but I have no science to back it up. That being said, pumping pre-t really helped my dysphoria.

Bimmer Guy

Quote from: Ayden on November 02, 2014, 03:52:21 AM
I tried a pump pre-T but it was not for very long so I can't tell you what the lasting effects are. I pump
now (2.5 years on T and semi-regularly). I think it makes a difference, but I have no science to back it up. That being said, pumping pre-t really helped my dysphoria.

This is something I have wondered about.  Is there any scientific evidence that it makes a permanent difference?
Top Surgery: 10/10/13 (Garramone)
Testosterone: 9/9/14
Hysto: 10/1/15
Stage 1 Meta: 3/2/16 (including UL, Vaginectomy, Scrotoplasty), (Crane, CA)
Stage 2 Meta: 11/11/16 Testicular implants, phallus and scrotum repositioning, v-nectomy revision.  Additional: Lipo on sides of chest. (Crane, TX)
Fistula Repair 12/21/17 (UPenn Hospital,unsuccessful)
Fistula Repair 6/7/18 (Nikolavsky, successful)
Revision: 1/11/19 Replacement of eroded testicle,  mons resection, cosmetic work on scrotum (Crane, TX)



The way they may work is that they increase blood flow to the area which can help growth, that's the way it works, if it does. It does not at all work the way people think. Since pre-T growth isn't going to happen unless you have high levels of natural T. (Like PCOS) If they do work you have to pump twice a day. Not really a terrible reasonable schedule if you want to get anything (else) done. It can be fun anyway and can reduce dysphoria. Be safe and don't overpump and stop if there is any pain.



Thanks for the replies!

I'll try it out and see how it goes. Even if it doesn't work I have a feeling that it'll help a lot with my dysphoria like was mentioned.


how much bigger does it get when your on T and you pump? I'm debating on tryin to pump, but not sure if I should waste my money or not :/

also does it hurt? It sounds like it might hurt



If it's helping people with their dysphoria then I might give it a go. In what way do you feel it helps you with this? My worry is that my mind will just focus on the parts I don't have when I'm trying to use it.  I was put off thinking it looked like it hurts, or could easily do some damage, too.


Increasing blood flow isn't the kind of thing that is going to make a huge difference (pun intended!). You may get more growth or it may just get larger when erect. So definitely YMMV. It's something that is not so much an exact science. Several of the surgeons who do lower surgery (metas) recommend it. Another reason is that it can stretch the skin. Be super careful, these are the family jewels and you can injure them.
Stop if it hurts and kind of take it easy anyway. It should NOT hurt, if it does you are going to fast and too much pressure. I think it can feel a little odd but that much is normal.

Yes, I think it can help dysphoria. You feel your little phallus very much so that's my impression of how it could help dysphoria.



I don't have too much to work with since I'm pre-T but it has seemed to make what I do have a little thicker. I'm hoping it'll help give me more girth once I am on T but I'll have to wait and see if it actually will. Being pre-T, it is a little difficult to pump but it hasn't hurt at all.

Jay has the right idea about how it helps with dysphoria. Since pumping increases the blood flow to that area it makes me more aware of it and helps a lot with my dysphoria. It may have the opposite effect for some people though if they would rather not be aware of what's down there.


Yes, it could have the opposite effect, I totally agree. Perhaps you'd be more aware of the size and that type of thing.


Quote from: Contravene on January 04, 2015, 12:22:00 PM

Jay has the right idea about how it helps with dysphoria. Since pumping increases the blood flow to that area it makes me more aware of it and helps a lot with my dysphoria. It may have the opposite effect for some people though if they would rather not be aware of what's down there.