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Quote from: LoriDee on Today at 09:27:39 AMTHIS.

Other veterans in my support group have stated this exactly. We don't want to get militant or political. We want to be left alone so we can get on with our lives.

I prefer to get militant and political so young people don't have to. I'd rather have someone bring their issues up with me than have them bully a teenager.
Member Blogs / Re: Which hurts less
Last post by Oldandcreaky - Today at 10:31:11 AM
Quote from: ChrissyRyan on Yesterday at 07:59:27 PMI am glad your relationship is steadfast.


I'll tell you what's steadfast: Miss ChrissyRyan!
Member Blogs / Re: Allie's Blog IV: Revenge o...
Last post by Oldandcreaky - Today at 10:30:04 AM
"flibberty gibbet" makes me laugh, but it does belie the serious infraction of claiming ownership of someone else's story. I hope YOUR story reaches your friends and wife's family first from YOU.
Tara sounds like me.
Quote from: Jessica_Rose on Today at 06:34:52 AMNevertheless, she feels pressure to stand up and fight when all she really wants to do is fade into the background


Other veterans in my support group have stated this exactly. We don't want to get militant or political. We want to be left alone so we can get on with our lives.
Hormone replacement therapy / Re: Patches
Last post by LoriDee - Today at 09:19:10 AM
Mylan offers the once-a-week. I didn't like them because they didn't seem to last the whole week. My levels were rollercoastering, so doc changed to twice a week to even things out.
Hormone replacement therapy / Re: Patches
Last post by D'Amalie - Today at 08:44:37 AM
I'm not sure I can tell a peak from a trough.  I use two patches changing every 3rd day (72hours).  ESTRADIOL 0.1MG/DAY (EQV-VIVELLE-DOT) APPLY 2 PATCHES TO AREA OF THE SKIN EVERY SEVENTY-TWO (72) HOURS FOR HRT. TOTAL EVERY DAY DOSE 200MCG EVERY DAY.  I noticed a sister said they changed only once a week?  I didn't think there was an option for that, what brand?
Member Blogs / Re: Allie's Blog IV: Revenge o...
Last post by imallie - Today at 07:53:30 AM
Can't make this stuff up...

My wife and I agreed, after my one sister called yesterday and told me, excitedly, the funny (and supportive!) stories of telling her friends, that maybe I need to text my sisters ("the circle of trust" as we dubbed them at the lunch 😂) and reconfirm with them that we still haven't told my wife's family or our friends, and the schedule for us doing that.

So I was literally writing that text this morning when the phone rang... and it was ANOTHER sister...

She was so happy to tell me just how supportive HER friends were when she told them! Again, these women (in this case, only two) are pretty close to additional sisters. One of them, however, a real flibberty gibbet if I do say so. 🙄. 

And with this sister I can and was much more direct:

"You DO know that we haven't told the other side of the family yet? Or OUR friends? And do you think the others know that?"

"Oh sure," she said. "You were really clear on that. You're telling family this weekend and your friends next week."

"Right," I said. "So it would be awful if our friends heard it from anyone else, you know? So you all know it's still under close hold?"

"Oh yes of course," she said. "We all 100% do!"

So... I really can't send that text now, and I suppose I just await my third sister calling and telling me, excitedly, what a wonderful reaction she got when she went on the local six o'clock news and discussed it last night... 🤔🙄😂

Birthdays / Re: April 24, 2024 - Birthdays...
Last post by ChrissyRyan - Today at 07:26:34 AM
Happy birthday to each of you!

Fun and Games / Re: Two Word Association Game ...
Last post by ChrissyRyan - Today at 07:25:53 AM
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