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Has anyone else tried inducing lactation?

Started by Miyuki, September 15, 2015, 07:05:04 PM

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I thought this might make for an interesting discussion, though I'm sure it's been discussed before. Over the summer I was still in the mindset that I desperately needed to do something to make money, and I stumbled on a website that allowed women to sell breast milk. I really looked into it, and worked out the logistics and everything. I knew it would be a long shot, since I was not going to sell breast milk without disclosing that I was transgender, and that would severely limit who would consider buying it. But I thought there might be a certain class of men that might be interested, and the site did allow male buyers. All I had to do was successfully induce lactation...

So that was the plan at first, but I pretty quickly realized it was not going to be easy for me to produce enough milk to be worth selling. It took a long time to induce lactation to the point where I was producing more than drops, and even then I could only manage maybe an ounce a day. I tried domperidone but I wasn't able to take it for very long, because it made me feel horribly depressed and unmotivated. Eventually I decided to give up, but all the effort I put into it didn't go to waste. By the time I stopped, I'd had a very significant increase in both nipple size and sensitivity, and it's difficult to describe, but my breasts felt more "real" after having done this. I'd always been a little disappointed in the amount of breast development I had, and I ended up mostly ignoring them or even feeling borderline dysphoric when I felt my chest and there was hardly anything there. Technically I have a B cup, but on my chest that's just barely adequate, and my right side is also noticeably smaller than the left. Inducing lactation helped me to think of them as being real functional breasts, despite their flaws.

So that could have been the end of the story, but the thing is (it really seems like this should be more common knowledge too, because even a lot of cisgendered women don't seem to know this), lactation doesn't just automatically stop when you quit stimulating it. Even when I wasn't trying, my breasts still filled up with milk after two or three days, and got sore enough that I had to empty them. I guess the key would have been to just deal with the soreness for a while, because whenever you empty them it just causes them to make more. But I really didn't mind emptying them every few days, and so I just kept on doing it. And then recently I added progesterone to my HRT regimen, which is known to be a factor in development of milk glands, and I wanted to try fully stimulating lactation again and seeing if the supply would be better. I'm not sure if it was the progesterone, or just keeping my breasts in shape by keeping the lactation going for as long as I did, but the amount I was able to produce increased significantly. I managed maybe 2-3 ounces a day on average. Still not exactly overwhelming, but perhaps a good sign for future development?

I don't really know if I want to sell the milk anymore, but all I can think now is that I am actually going to be able to breastfeed my children if/when I have any. Probably not enough to go without formula, but it's still a pretty amazing thing. We have to miss out on so many things cisgendered females are able to do purely because of their anatomy. We can't menstruate (well, that might not be the worst thing to miss out on), we can't become pregnant (how bad could morning sickness be?), we can't give birth (I mean, that part isn't so bad as long as you take the painkillers ::)). But breastfeeding is one thing that we don't have to miss out on, and I for one am glad I'm not going to.

Has anything else here tried inducing lactation recently who wants to share their experiences?



brenda w

I actually tried this in my late 30s long before i was on hrt. having had gyno my whole life i am sure i had some sort of hormonal imbalance. i was able to get some drops after a lot of work and one day i got a squirt and it scared the bejezus out of me and i imediatly stopped.  i was still married at the time and it did a number on my libido which was upsetting to my wife, she had no idea btw.
you said the first time the first time you did this you were tired and depprssed did that go away. And on a side note i imagine you have to be careful because you are raising your prolactin levels which can have a slew of side effects, and long term you might want to research the side effects of high prolactin levels. I know it reduces testosterone and estrogen levels in the blood. now the action of this i assume is endocrine and not an actual hit on blood levels, so because most of us introduce outside source of estrogen it probably wont affect estogen levels but surely will affect T levels. At any rate monitoring these levels and looking into the long term consequences of increased prolactin levels over long term is something to think about.


Quote from: Zoetrope on September 16, 2015, 03:39:41 AM
... on myself, or others?

Either way is fine I guess. :)

Quote from: brenda w on September 16, 2015, 06:53:09 AM
I actually tried this in my late 30s long before i was on hrt. having had gyno my whole life i am sure i had some sort of hormonal imbalance. i was able to get some drops after a lot of work and one day i got a squirt and it scared the bejezus out of me and i imediatly stopped.  i was still married at the time and it did a number on my libido which was upsetting to my wife, she had no idea btw.

If we're being completely honest here, this wasn't my first time trying either. I tried once before when I was a teenager after learning male lactation was possible. I didn't have any specific motivation at the time other than just wanting to know what it would feel like, but I was actually able to produce drops of milk before I stopped. I never got a squirt back then, but now it's pretty easy. :)

Quote from: brenda w on September 16, 2015, 06:53:09 AMyou said the first time the first time you did this you were tired and depprssed did that go away. And on a side note i imagine you have to be careful because you are raising your prolactin levels which can have a slew of side effects, and long term you might want to research the side effects of high prolactin levels. I know it reduces testosterone and estrogen levels in the blood. now the action of this i assume is endocrine and not an actual hit on blood levels, so because most of us introduce outside source of estrogen it probably wont affect estogen levels but surely will affect T levels. At any rate monitoring these levels and looking into the long term consequences of increased prolactin levels over long term is something to think about.

I only felt depressed when I was taking the domperidone, and I didn't take it for very long. I had considered that long term elevation of prolactin could have side effects, but low testosterone is never something that really worried me, and I'm not especially interested in having a sex drive right now. Also, a lot of women do keep lactating for long periods, and I haven't ever heard of that being a problem in and of itself. I think as long as you do things naturally it shouldn't cause any major issues.


I'm producing
But how much do you want to make?


Right now producing a lot isn't really a priority because I'm just throwing the milk away anyway, but I'd eventually like to be able to produce enough to breastfeed without formula if I wanted to. I have no idea if that's realistic for someone who is transgender though. I'm certainly not producing that much now. Right now, I'm just continuing to maintain lactation as a way to encourage more development, and producing too much milk might even be a problem since emptying your breasts does take up a lot of time.


I have.

I had a moderate success. I did manage to produce milk. The first time I attempted to extract, i got a few drops, but as time went on I managed to produce enough for a squirt.

I had a electronic breast pump that I use to use to extract the milk, i actually use to enjoy the feeling of the suction of the breast pump on my breasts.

The sore feeling when my breasts were full of milk was uncomfortable. I would be sore after about 2 days without extracting, then I got a good flow of milk. I extracted milk for about 6 months almost on a daily basis. When I decided to stop, I took a pill to dry up my milk, the same pill cis-woman take.

It had an effect on my breasts, my breasts become more rounder and more fuller and for me the change was permanent, i know for some women it is not.

I enjoyed the experience and it made my breasts feel real as they had performed their designed task..
Enjoying ride the hormones are giving me... finally becoming the woman I always knew I was

Carrie Liz

I haven't tried myself, but I'm very curious how you managed to induce it... Hormone pills? Pump? How?


You can use hormones or pills, I think that is the easier way. But I did it the hard way by manual stimulation. It's not complicated or anything, just really time consuming. All you do is to stimulate your nipples by rubbing them or twisting them in your fingers for about 20 minutes at a time, at least three times a day. Massaging your breasts to increase blood flow can help too, but I don't think it's strictly necessary. After doing this for a week or so, eventually drops of milk start to come out when you squeeze them, and if you keep doing it for long enough you can work your way up to full lactation. One you start to produce significant amount of milk, you have to keep emptying your breasts whenever you do stimulation, or else the build of of milk in your breasts will inhibit them from producing more. Eventually it becomes more about emptying them than stimulating them. Emptying them can be hard at first though, because until the supply really starts to come in, a pump won't be very effective. I found the easiest way was to use a milking motion with my thumb and index finger, squeezing from maybe an inch or so above my areolas down to the tip, stopping every now and then to massage. I used a towel to pick up the drips. Hope that is helpful. :)


I've been thinking about this lately.  My daughter was just born a week ago today, and my wife is breast-feeding her.  Our consensus is that with all the medications I'm taking, breast-feeding would be a terrible idea.  Doesn't mean that my breasts aren't affected by baby though!  Over the past week my hard breast buds have softened or disappeared, and my breast tissue appears to be filling out!  It still aches behind the nipples though.  No lactation, but that isn't stopping our little girl from trying to latch on if I'm not paying attention, haha.


Quote from: KristinaM on September 17, 2015, 12:23:00 PM
I've been thinking about this lately.  My daughter was just born a week ago today, and my wife is breast-feeding her.  Our consensus is that with all the medications I'm taking, breast-feeding would be a terrible idea.

Yes, that is a very good point. I would definitely not recommend that anyone attempt to breast feed (or sell their milk) while they are taking medication to suppress their testosterone levels, or any other medication that is not known to be safe when breastfeeding for that matter. Breast milk with even trace amounts of certain medications in it could have a harmful effect on the child that drinks it. In my case, I'd just had my orchiectomy and I had/was planning to stop anything that I was taking that could have contaminated the milk before actually selling it. But since I did decide to resume taking a very low dose of anti-androgen, that is part of the reason I put aside the idea of selling for now.

Quote from: KristinaM on September 17, 2015, 12:23:00 PMDoesn't mean that my breasts aren't affected by baby though!  Over the past week my hard breast buds have softened or disappeared, and my breast tissue appears to be filling out!  It still aches behind the nipples though.  No lactation, but that isn't stopping our little girl from trying to latch on if I'm not paying attention, haha.

Wow, that's really cool. :) I would suggest that you could maybe try dry nursing as a bonding experience if that's something you are interested in, but you'd have to be very careful with how much you did it because there is a real chance your breasts would actually start producing milk if you did it too much.


HI, i am trying to induce lactation, have been for several months. I have been on EP&S for a few years now and have B cup (tanner 4 I suspect) breasts.

I have tried manually stimulate my breasts and nipples a lot and use a dual action breast pump at least 3 times a day. I am not sure it matters but each of my nipples are pierced twice, but I removed the bars & rings.

To this point all I have been able to produce is a few drops and only occasionally.

I discussed with my Dr and we are upping my E&P dosage for a while, then start taking Domperidone while at the same time stopping P and significantly lowering E.

From what I read, breast milk freezes really well and holds up many months when frozen. I would never throw it away, after all it is not called liquid gold for nothing.

My wife is fully supportive of this and we will be consuming whatever I can make. We have decided to use it as a standalone drink, on cereal and cooking if there is enough. (No kidding, look it up!)

I really hope this works as I want to lactate really bad, but we will see...



Never tried but, when my wife was pregnant with our second daughter I had a vesectomy. Within a couple of months my T dropped hard. I had no libido at all. But I did notice that underway nipples I developed hard knots and the nipples started getting way more erect more often for no appears to reason. After our daughter was born I did about half the childcare. I did all the after 12 bottle feelings and diapers and a lot of the holding when I was not at work. Anyway we had a routine. Every two hours all night I would wake up the same time my daughter did for a bottle and diaper. So the funny thing started happening, when she would cry I would get two little wet spots on my shirt at my nipples.
The first time it happened, I was on my way out the door that morning to go to work. As I was leaving I heard her cry. Instantly I felt something. Sure enough my tee shirt under my work shirt was wet where it touched my nipples. That was my first experience with the let down reflex. Personally it was awesome to feel that. I did feel worse though about not being able to breat feed her. Often times I'd hold her at night with the bottle and I'd have that happen again. It was like just sitting there with her sucking on her bottle made me so relaxed. It was a beautiful few moments when it happened.

Over the nearly seven years since my vesectomy my breast tissue barely changed. There was a bit more under the aeriolas but that was it. In the last three months I have been taking saw palmetto capsules. Just a couple morning and evening like the bottle suggests for prostate health. Saw palmetto is supposed to work like the hair drug Propeicia by reducing the conversion of testosterone to DHT the potent version that makes hair fall out and builds muscle. Anyway, starting about two weeks ago my wife noticed I had breast growth. Right now I have tissue around the ariolas about like a preteen girl. I'm not on HRT as I'm STILL waiting on my therapist to write the letter so I can make an appointment with the endo.
04/26/2018 bi-lateral orchiectomy

A lifetime of depression and repressed emotions is nothing more than existence. I for one want to live now not just exist!



I did not have to try, when our children were small and my wife was nursing, I would produce some too. I have had gyno since puberty, maybe that is a clue. Anyhow, I could produce a few ounces daily from each side. And yes, it is an incredibly bonding experience. Now years later, I still get tingly nips whenever I see a woman nursing. And I ache for several days after. But now I rarely produce more than a few drops and then only with a lot of stimulation. I have never taken any meds, it just happened!
I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam.
-- Popeye

A wise person can learn more from fools than a fool can learn from a wise person.

