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your opposite gender name

Started by Marie Sue S, April 06, 2011, 12:29:42 PM

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Quote from: Sage on July 15, 2011, 12:57:22 PM
I chose the name Sage for my masculine part of myself because of a story I was writing.

This story is about a fifteen-year-old boy named Sage, who was born with a devil's tail and didn't know why, and had to face discrimination every day for being born that way.  Psychologically telling, no?  lol.   :laugh:

I asked my fiance, "What do you think my name would be if I were a guy?"

His immediate response was, "Sage.  You subconsciously created Sage's character as male version of yourself."

And believe it or not, he was right.   ::)  It's wonderful how intuitive he is.

Sage is an amazing name, when i adopt a child i plan on nameing him Sage


Quote from: drew:) on July 17, 2011, 12:57:34 PM
Sage is an amazing name, when i adopt a child i plan on nameing him Sage

Yes!   ;D  Sages for the win!
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



Mine came from one of my favorite cult movie ...

And it turned out it is a feminine version of my old male name.


I want to see this movie again.   :P
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



My male birth name is unisex and some GG's spell it the same as mine, while others vary the spelling.  I think I'll settle on the more feminine spelling but could use as is.


Quote from: Sage on July 15, 2011, 12:57:22 PM
I chose the name Sage for my masculine part of myself because of a story I was writing....

That's perfect, Sage. And it's an awesome name that fits what I know of you.

Once I realized I was trans, I looked back on all my stories I'd worked on and noticed...."Hey, all my protagonists have really serious gender issues..." I find that heartily amusing.

My first name is a name that I became jealous of in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I wanted a boy's name that could pass for a girl's name (since I was girl-shaped). Hence Ryan. Still have not decided on my middle name.


Quote from: Wolfsnake on July 21, 2011, 03:06:32 AM
That's perfect, Sage. And it's an awesome name that fits what I know of you.
Thanks.   ;D  Come to think of it, I can't think of a name that would fit me better.   :)

Quote from: Wolfsnake on July 21, 2011, 03:06:32 AM
I wanted a boy's name that could pass for a girl's name (since I was girl-shaped). Hence Ryan. Still have not decided on my middle name.
*all the while wondering what exactly a 'wolfsnake would look like*  Hmm...I think I like it, Ryan.  I've never met a girl by that name, but then again, I don't know very many people.  Middle names sound like a whole other kettle of fish, though.   ::)  I've been toying with the name "Sage Laurent" but I don't think I like it.  The middle name has to complement the first, as far as stressed syllables and consonant sounds.   ???  Hmm...
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



Quote from: Sage on July 22, 2011, 10:37:00 PM
*all the while wondering what exactly a 'wolfsnake would look like*  Hmm...I think I like it, Ryan.  I've never met a girl by that name, but then again, I don't know very many people.  Middle names sound like a whole other kettle of fish, though.   ::)  I've been toying with the name "Sage Laurent" but I don't think I like it.  The middle name has to complement the first, as far as stressed syllables and consonant sounds.   ???  Hmm...

I am considering Ryan Ellery (it's from the same root word as my original name and hints at detective stories, which I grew up on) or using my mum's maiden name (which is boring but sounds nice with my other names). Problem is I have a ridiculous Czech last name that doesn't sound good with anything.

Sage Laurent is good. I'd also think about...hmmmm....Sage Emmanuel comes to mind, or Sage Scott, or Sage Patrick. Gimme some criteria and I can look around. I write a lot, so I'm always coming up with names to fit personalities. :)

(And a wolfsnake looks like this! ;) ) <---is a shameless art whore


Mine was pretty simple as it came from the 'Brothers and Sisters' show.  I think Rebecca was a cutie.

If I gave it more thought though, I would have used Caroline.  That is a beautiful name and I have always loved it.


I'm thinking of changing my name but I'm torn.  I'm not sure why I picked the name Julie.  I just liked the name and felt like a Julie.  Plus it kept my initials the same.  I've been thinking about it lately and I'm sure my parents would have named me after my grandmother if I was born a girl like I should have been.  My older sibs were named after my parents I was named after my grandfather.  Stands to reason if I was a girl...  So then my name would be Carmela.  ICK.  But I like Cami.  It's cute.  On the other hand I have been using Julie for about 20 years and while hardly anyone actually know me as Julie it feels funny to just change my name.

"Happiness is not something ready made.  It comes from your own actions" - Dalai Lama
"It always seem impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

chloe savannah

I chose my name from the Bratz doll as Chloe sounded fab and savannah made a great second name been this for 4 years now previous name was Sarah


Quote from: Wolfsnake on July 24, 2011, 10:46:46 PM
I am considering Ryan Ellery (it's from the same root word as my original name and hints at detective stories, which I grew up on) or using my mum's maiden name (which is boring but sounds nice with my other names). Problem is I have a ridiculous Czech last name that doesn't sound good with anything.
Ellery sounds really cool, personally I think it fits and you should go with that.  Yep.   ;D  I also think that Czech names sound really cool; it's a very interesting language indeed.  As for me, I have a very boring, Anglo-Saxon last name.  If I weren't getting married to someone named Mahan, I'd change my name to my Italian grandfather's last name:  Mossiano.

Quote from: Wolfsnake on July 24, 2011, 10:46:46 PM
Sage Laurent is good. I'd also think about...hmmmm....Sage Emmanuel comes to mind, or Sage Scott, or Sage Patrick. Gimme some criteria and I can look around. I write a lot, so I'm always coming up with names to fit personalities. :)
Well, I was hoping to go with my birth initials, first name initial being "S" and middle initial being "L."  I think the name Patrick sounds goo,d but I don't know if it fits me.   :-\  Any input you've got would be great.   :D

Quote from: Wolfsnake on July 24, 2011, 10:46:46 PM
(And a wolfsnake looks like this! ;) ) <---is a shameless art whore
Not really sure what an 'art whore' is, but the illustrations here look veeery different from what I'd imagined.   :laugh:  I was thinking something very chimera-esque.
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



Quote from: Marie Sue S on April 06, 2011, 12:29:42 PM
hello all

i just wondered how some of you picked your opposite gender name?

Carolynn is the Name Mom was going to call if I was a girl. I dont know if the spelling is the same. it spelling is a combination of 2 childhood crushes Carol and lynn


Quote from: kayla.k on May 30, 2011, 10:53:23 PM
iv had a bunch of girl names i went thru but never could pick it. hailie jade or shianne but 4 some reason i picked this name. kayla lee. actually thats my real middle name. i was thinking kayla kay lol but NO NO lol my last name starts with a K would end up kkk so i like kayla lee would be better :)

I can see how 3 k's would be undesirable. wise choice no good would come from it

Francis Ann Burgett

This was fun to read. I've had this my name so long I honestly do not remember, it just seemed nice I guess. I've received so many magazines & so much mail with this name it's about time I had it legally changed I guess/soon.


I think Francis Ann is a very nice name-it rolls easily off the tongue.

The doctors told my parents that I would be a girl but unfortunately I was born not completely female. She had picked out the name Stephanie for me-she later named my baby sister by that name. Randi is a variation of my given name and is what my mother has always called me so it just seemed appropriate for me to use it.

Wil Najera

i originally was undecided between Todd Landon and William Alexander. but my wife liked todd better. so i went with that. :) and i'm very happy with it.



Tammy Hope

I wanted to stay away from anything that didn't "fit" - for instance, a middle aged woman named "Brittney" would probably be laughed at.

so my first move was to ask my mom if she'd had any favorite girl names (and she didn't recall any) and then I decided to look at the most popular female baby names from the early 60's

I made a list of the ones I liked, eliminated those that were not practical for one reason or another and got a short list. i had decided ling ago to use "Elizabeth" as a middle name just because I liked the wide variety of diminutive the chosen name had to "flow" naturally when spoken "____ Elizabeth _____"

My first choice was always Tammy - for reasons I'll get to - but I had a favorite cousin who's nickname from childhood was Tammy and I was afraid I'd "creep her out" so I picked a different name (Laura) but that just didn't "feel" right. I still love the name but on some weird metaphysical level - it wasn't MY name.

So I made the hard choice to shift gears and go back to Tammy.

The name has a number of qualities i like, but most of all it's MY name. I can't explain it.

The one thing I discovered when I was trying to decide whether to switch from Laura to Tammy that I'd not thought of before was this: signature. I'm one of those folks that prints EVERYTHING except my signature...and I discovered i couldn't learn a naturally flowing signature for "Laura" - I mean I could do a wooden textbook version but not something that looked natural on paper and being written. (No, I can't write Elizabeth in cursive either, but i never intend to need to!)

I don't have that problem at all with Tammy - that removed any shred of doubt I had about switching

Ultimately though, i ended up in that school of thought that "your name chooses you" - when you get it really really right, you will "feel it"

Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


I've thought about names a lot over the years. "Lyric" is a name I use only on the web. Offline, I use a name that is based on my given middle name. It's a fairly common one and I chose it because women with that name seem to often be attractive and successful. If you don't think there are odd similarities between women with the same first name, do a Google Image Search of a few names. You'll probably notice some recurring looks, occupations and so forth.

BTW, I don't think of myself as having an "opposite" gender name. Call me weird, but for me, gender is a less sharply defined range than "opposites".
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs