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Being God

Started by Julie Marie, May 25, 2011, 05:23:33 AM

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Julie Marie

As part of the process of locating a leak in our hot tub, I had to remove the siding.  The entire interior of the tub is solid sprayed foam.  So we had to do a lot of digging to locate the pipes and tubing.  After finding break #1 we realized there was another leak.  That required more siding removal so I decided to just replace the whole thing.

Yesterday I removed all the old siding.  As I was doing that I found ants had taken up home in our hot tub.  Who can blame them?  There's the warmth of the foam and water from the leaks.  Paradise!

As I came around to removing the last corner, I found a huge ant colony.  They had eaten away the foam and formed all kinds of cavities for them to live.  Needless to say, once I removed the siding and exposed their home to the elements, the ants were scrambling and trying to defend their home.  I think one ant actually challenged me. 

While I was removing the last few pieces and watched the ants going everywhere, it looked like they were in chaos and I thought of the recent tornado destruction in Joplin, MO.  I suppose there could have been some people who were sitting in their houses as a tornado ripped off the walls and destroyed their home.  They might have seen that as an act of God.  And, to the ants, I may have been God.  I could let them live.  I could demolish their home in minutes.  I could even kill them.  And they were helpless to stop me.  It's kind of how many of us see God.  The only difference here is the ants could see me.  But then again it's quite possible anyone caught in a tornado could feel they were seeing God.

How many times have we, as humans, affected the lives of other creatures on this earth?  Spiders squashed, centipedes smashed, ant colonies stomped.   And they were helpless to stop us.  If they had the ability to reason, would they see us as God?

For the record, I left the ants to fend for themselves, hoping they would find another home.  In our home, all life is precious.  An hour later they were gone.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


I guess that depends on whether they would see us as their creator, too (Adam and the Ants jokes aside :P). I mean if some vastly more powerful being came down with a Monty Python-esque foot and squished everything, I'm not sure the first thing I'd think of was that it was an act of God.

Having power and / or control over something doesn't make one a God, at least in my view.

I mean using that analogy, what about all the 'Gods' killed by spider bites?
Natura nihil frustra facit.

Julie Marie

Quote from: Sephirah on May 25, 2011, 06:22:28 AM
I mean using that analogy, what about all the 'Gods' killed by spider bites?

Maybe the spiders were atheists.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Kia Ora Julie,

::) After studying arachnids for a number of years...I would say they are "agnostic"  having a bet each way! ;) :D

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

Amazon D


Saving planet Earth is a titanic enterprise, don't you think?
Before we zoom off with our plans, maybe we should listen to the voice of...

In the middle of a fallow field owned by Farmer Brown there was once a large anthill, teeming with burly red ants. Highly intelligent, sophisticated creatures they were, maintaining a modern civilized society complete with centralized government and a university which taught history, science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and political science.

One gentle spring afternoon, a strange ant approached — a black ant. Scout ants watched, scrutinizing his every move. He climbed the hill slowly, sideways, favoring an injured leg. The presidential complex was alerted, and a special contingent was sent out to meet the alien. Being intelligent, highly educated, well-bred, and peace-loving ants, they were courteous and hospitable to any newcomer. They offered him food, medical assistance, and a place to stay. But the new ant refused everything. His antennae were waving excitedly, and his mandibles were clicking at an abnormally high rate. He insisted that he had no time to waste but had an urgent message for the whole hill.

"Can't you tell us the message and let us pass it on?" he was asked.

"No!" he insisted, rearing up on his four hind legs. "I must tell all the ants at the same time, and I must tell them now!"

At this, the ants called a top-level conference, and decided that under such an unusual circumstance a special assembly of the whole hill could be called. The colony had been working very hard after all, and the meeting could, perhaps, take on a festive air. And besides, it would give the president ant a chance to make an address he'd been planning for some time.

Assembly call was sounded; and soon red ants, pleased with the opportunity to suspend work, began swarming from every cell and passageway until they completely covered the hill, looking like a great pile of living red beads shining in the warm spring sunshine.

After the traditional protocol and preliminary introductions, the impatient black ant was finally given the summit from which to tell his story.

Opening his mandibles to speak, he told them that he too had lived in a hill very similar to this. His kinsmen too were intelligent, highly educated, well-bred, and peace-loving ants, living together in a modern civilized society complete with a centralized government and even a university which taught history, science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and political science. Yet they were all taken unaware by a terrible tragedy.

Just yesterday, he and his fellow ants were going about their usual business when he had heard an ominous rumbling that had kept increasing in intensity until it had become a deafening, earth-shaking roar. He had rushed outside just in time to see a monstrous black mass rolling with high speed directly toward the hill.

There was no time to do anything but rush out of the way. He had run stumbling down the slope, looking back just in time to see the black mass crush the hill hopelessly into the ground. So great was its force that it had sent great boulders hurtling across the earth, one of them hitting him, injuring his leg.

An enormous shiny knife-like object had followed, ripping the earth into a great canyon. It had slashed into the flattened hill, tearing it open and exposing all the carefully stored eggs to the birds. The horrible monster had come again and again, gouging out row upon row of canyons, destroying the whole earth before it finally went away.

He had stayed there with the few survivors, all of them dazed with shock, until great floods had come washing down the canyons, carrying away the eggs and dead ants. Then they had decided to abandon their one-time home. But before parting, they had sworn a pact to warn all other anthills.

"That's why I'm here," the alien ant told his audience. "And that's why I can't stay. This place is going to be destroyed!"

The red ants listened, but although seemingly interested, made no sign of real excitement aside from occasional clicking of mandibles and waving of antennae. The alien ant insisted there was no time to lose. The hill must be evacuated immediately, he told them, and the eggs transported to a safe country. All ants must leave or face destruction.

In a hurried, on-the-spot meeting, the president and his advisors decided all ants should go back to work while the professors of the ant university subjected the problem to intensive study. Then another assembly would be called, at which time the professors would report their findings. Meanwhile the alien ant would be taken into custody for further questioning and to prevent him from possibly inciting a riot.

At the reassembling of the ants, the president announced that a decision had been reached. Five noted ant professors were to read their reports, after which he would announce the decision.

Enter: Historian ant. Cited the many and sundry crank ants who had come and gone throughout recorded ant history, each propounding some nonsensical theory which had later proven untrue. Stated that in all the annals of ant history, no account of any such catastrophic destruction and flood had ever been substantiated by hard evidence.

Enter: Scientist ant. Demonstrated with the use of audio-visual aids that such phenomena as a "monstrous black mass" and "an enormous shiny knife-like object" could not be produced by ant science, could not even be envisioned by ant science, and were outside the realm of ant science, since they clearly were of a supernatural character. Stated that in his personal opinion the phenomena were miraculous and therefore unthinkable to the scientific mind.

Enter: Psychologist ant. Explained how physical injury to an otherwise healthy ant might work to dement the mind, bringing on phobias, obsessions, delusions, and realistic hallucinations. Stated that this could explain the "vision" of the alien ant.

Enter: Sociologist ant. Pointed out the absolute necessity of maintaining societal stability, of preventing mass hysteria by use of group denial. Stated that in order to preserve the healthy well-being of an ant civilization it was imperative to disbelieve anything which might upset the status quo and create chaos.

Enter: Philosopher ant. Set forth the theory of the relativity of truth. Stated that what the alien ant believed was truth for him, and that he could shape his own life around it. But what the red ants believed was just as much truth for them and that any change of belief was unnecessary as long as the red ants stayed within their own culture.

Enter: President ant. Extolled the virtues of the red ants. Revealed the decision to maintain the status quo. Publicly instructed the alien ant: He was to be released, but only with the stipulation that he was to leave never to return. And, were he to return, he was hereby officially notified that, upon his return, he would be immediately placed under arrest.

A salute was rendered to the future of the red ants. The ant creed was read, and the ant pledge of allegiance repeated. The assembly was dismissed, each red ant going to his own cell.

Set at liberty, the alien ant began to limp his solitary way across Farmer Brown's pasture, engrossed in his thoughts. What had he done wrong? Why wouldn't they listen? He didn't even notice Farmer Brown sitting serenely atop his tractor, preparing to plow up his fallow ground, figuring how much water it would take to irrigate the field where that particularly large red ant hill was located.


Poor, foolish ants! So, why didn't they listen? Why didn't they realize that they must totally pull out? Why didn't their learned scientists agree? Why was the voice of a solitary prophet neither heard nor obeyed? Why was everyone so intent on preserving their wealth, power, reputation, or comfort? Poor, foolish ants!

But are we any different? Are we really able to hear and obey the voice of the prophets at Earth Day? What are those prophetic voices saying anyway? We hear of different solutions to the big, looming disasters threatening the whole earth. We hear that programs are going to be put in place to hopefully keep the ecological balance of the whole earth from collapsing. We hear that America needs to secure its economic survival by becoming increasingly independent of Third World countries' resources. But is there anyone speaking about our need to totally pull out of a wasteful and destructive lifestyle, unequaled the world over? Isn't this the prophetic warning we hear (but somehow ignore) every Earth Day?

Yes, but where would someone go if they wanted to leave? Where is there a real place where we can be part of the solution, not part of the problem? Where is the place where selfishness and wastefulness can be taken out of us? "A New Social Order" describes just such a place.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

A New Social Order
We are members of a new society, a new social order. The peace that reigns in our midst is not due to laws and law enforcement. We do not do things out of obligation, but because we choose to. In this life of love, no one has a right to be cold to his neighbor. Malice, put-downs, and paybacks are foreign to our way of life. Love restrains us from striving to get ahead of each other, from taking advantage of one another, from turning our backs on one another when times get hard.

Everyone knows what the old social order is like, in which each person is responsible for his own life and the lives of his family, if he has one. Once people have food, clothing, and shelter, they may try to be kind to their neighbors.But there is a limit and there are barriers — racial, religious, political, and economic. No matter how many laws are passed, the walls between people still remain. Even within families there are barriers. One brother has his set of friends, the other has a different set, the sister has still another. And many families can't even sit down and have a simple meal together without fighting.

A Radical Solution
The new society we live in is not this way. We have found a radical solution that enables us to love. The chains of fear and guilt that used to bind us have been broken.

Who can love when the barrier of guilt rises up? That barrier is the painful weight, the sudden memory that comes when you are with someone you have hurt, or someone who has hurt you. Who can give when they are afraid of losing their possessions, their time, even their own life?

Our Master Yahshua, the Son of God, has washed away our guilt with His own innocent blood. He has given us the power to forgive others just as He forgave us. We have received the same spirit that raised Him from the dead, His Holy Spirit. Now we can dare to suffer loss in loving others, because fear and guilt no longer have any power over those who trust Him.

The new social order we are talking about is not ideal. It is real. Ideal societies are the territory of dreamers and intellectuals. No one has ever thought up an ideal society that actually works in reality. In fact, there is no location on earth where you can observe an ideal society at work. Man-made societies are based on laws, and laws can only limit evil, not create virtue.

No, this new social order is not perfect. We who were raised under the old order are faulty in our love. The desires of the self tug at us, and we are continually inneed of forgiveness. But our Master Yahshua gave His life to pay for our sins so that we could forgive each other and press on towards the goal — that His new order would one day fill the whole earth.

So it is not because of rules, regulations, or even religious principles that we in this new social order live together and share our property and possessions. Bible verses do not have the power to cause people to love and respect each other. The Bible by itself can't even make people agree on what it says. The thousands of Christian denominations are ample proof of this.

The old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" aptly describes every social institution of the world, including all religions. Unless forced to do otherwise, people naturally gravitate toward others who have a similar self-interest. So in Christianity, for example, you have the white church, the black church,the rich church, the poor church, the conservative church, the liberal church, and even the "gay" church. Today, there is a denomination for every inclination.

The saying holds true even for communal living, both religious and otherwise. Whatever "intentional community" a person joins depends on his intentions. Some rally around a social cause, others a political agenda, and still others a doctrine or philosophy. But the deeply rooted barriers of guilt and fear spring up even there. Ultimately self-preservation outweighs all other considerations and even birds of the same feather find it difficult to nest together for very long.

Yet, despite these overwhelming obstacles, the prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago, recorded a vision of something new and different. In his vision God Himself took a tender shoot and planted it so that it would grow up to become a mighty tree itself:

Under it every kind of bird will live; in the shade of its branches will nest winged creatures of every kind. (Ezekiel 17:23)
This prophecy might seem obscure and unimportant if the Son of God had not echoed its words some 500 years later:

What is the kingdom of God like? ... It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; and it became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches. (Luke 13:18-19)
This new kingdom is a social order ruled by the God of love. He is the "someone" who planted that tree. It is His doing. It is not because of man's ideals or laws that we are able to live this life of love, but because of His Spirit.

All the prophets since ancient times have spoken of this new social order in which all things are restored — the relationship between humanity and God, men and women, parents and children and between the different races.

Some will not be able to see the difference between what we are describing here and a dozen utopian ideals and philosophies. Some will feel that it is too good to be true. But there are those who are ready to do the will of their Creator and they will know whether this is actually God's kingdom we are talking about or just something wemade up. To gain this life costs you everything, but as our Master Yahshua said:

Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. (Luke 9:24)
All who really believe that He died as a payment for their sins will no longer live for themselves but for Him — giving all their possessions, time, and energy to see His people flourish and his justice prevail.

If you are looking for a nice community where you can do your own thing, you would certainly be wasting your time to come here. But if you desire to live a life of self-sacrificing love, to experience the deep soul satisfaction of doing what you were created for, we invite you to be a part of this new social order that is re-emerging on the earth.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


kate durcal

A Cat and a Dog are talking about Humans

Dog: this humans: they love me, pet me, fed me, take care f me...they must be Gods.

Cat: they place food and water for me, they pet me, they clean my >-bleeped-<...I must be a God


Kate D

Maddie Secutura

Quote from: M2MtF2FtM on June 06, 2011, 06:38:31 PM
A New Social Order
We are members of a new society, a new social order. The peace that reigns in our midst is not due to laws and law enforcement. We do not do things out of obligation, but because we choose to. In this life of love, no one has a right to be cold to his neighbor. Malice, put-downs, and paybacks are foreign to our way of life. Love restrains us from striving to get ahead of each other, from taking advantage of one another, from turning our backs on one another when times get hard.

Everyone knows what the old social order is like, in which each person is responsible for his own life and the lives of his family, if he has one. Once people have food, clothing, and shelter, they may try to be kind to their neighbors.But there is a limit and there are barriers — racial, religious, political, and economic. No matter how many laws are passed, the walls between people still remain. Even within families there are barriers. One brother has his set of friends, the other has a different set, the sister has still another. And many families can't even sit down and have a simple meal together without fighting.

A Radical Solution
The new society we live in is not this way. We have found a radical solution that enables us to love. The chains of fear and guilt that used to bind us have been broken.

Who can love when the barrier of guilt rises up? That barrier is the painful weight, the sudden memory that comes when you are with someone you have hurt, or someone who has hurt you. Who can give when they are afraid of losing their possessions, their time, even their own life?

Our Master Yahshua, the Son of God, has washed away our guilt with His own innocent blood. He has given us the power to forgive others just as He forgave us. We have received the same spirit that raised Him from the dead, His Holy Spirit. Now we can dare to suffer loss in loving others, because fear and guilt no longer have any power over those who trust Him.

The new social order we are talking about is not ideal. It is real. Ideal societies are the territory of dreamers and intellectuals. No one has ever thought up an ideal society that actually works in reality. In fact, there is no location on earth where you can observe an ideal society at work. Man-made societies are based on laws, and laws can only limit evil, not create virtue.

No, this new social order is not perfect. We who were raised under the old order are faulty in our love. The desires of the self tug at us, and we are continually inneed of forgiveness. But our Master Yahshua gave His life to pay for our sins so that we could forgive each other and press on towards the goal — that His new order would one day fill the whole earth.

So it is not because of rules, regulations, or even religious principles that we in this new social order live together and share our property and possessions. Bible verses do not have the power to cause people to love and respect each other. The Bible by itself can't even make people agree on what it says. The thousands of Christian denominations are ample proof of this.

The old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" aptly describes every social institution of the world, including all religions. Unless forced to do otherwise, people naturally gravitate toward others who have a similar self-interest. So in Christianity, for example, you have the white church, the black church,the rich church, the poor church, the conservative church, the liberal church, and even the "gay" church. Today, there is a denomination for every inclination.

The saying holds true even for communal living, both religious and otherwise. Whatever "intentional community" a person joins depends on his intentions. Some rally around a social cause, others a political agenda, and still others a doctrine or philosophy. But the deeply rooted barriers of guilt and fear spring up even there. Ultimately self-preservation outweighs all other considerations and even birds of the same feather find it difficult to nest together for very long.

Yet, despite these overwhelming obstacles, the prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago, recorded a vision of something new and different. In his vision God Himself took a tender shoot and planted it so that it would grow up to become a mighty tree itself:

Under it every kind of bird will live; in the shade of its branches will nest winged creatures of every kind. (Ezekiel 17:23)
This prophecy might seem obscure and unimportant if the Son of God had not echoed its words some 500 years later:

What is the kingdom of God like? ... It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; and it became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches. (Luke 13:18-19)
This new kingdom is a social order ruled by the God of love. He is the "someone" who planted that tree. It is His doing. It is not because of man's ideals or laws that we are able to live this life of love, but because of His Spirit.

All the prophets since ancient times have spoken of this new social order in which all things are restored — the relationship between humanity and God, men and women, parents and children and between the different races.

Some will not be able to see the difference between what we are describing here and a dozen utopian ideals and philosophies. Some will feel that it is too good to be true. But there are those who are ready to do the will of their Creator and they will know whether this is actually God's kingdom we are talking about or just something wemade up. To gain this life costs you everything, but as our Master Yahshua said:

Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. (Luke 9:24)
All who really believe that He died as a payment for their sins will no longer live for themselves but for Him — giving all their possessions, time, and energy to see His people flourish and his justice prevail.

If you are looking for a nice community where you can do your own thing, you would certainly be wasting your time to come here. But if you desire to live a life of self-sacrificing love, to experience the deep soul satisfaction of doing what you were created for, we invite you to be a part of this new social order that is re-emerging on the earth.

What does this have to do with tiny creatures seeing you as a god?

It is an interesting thought.  Imagine that god existed and that he was really a cosmic bully building up planetary ant farms just fill them with acid or irradiate them with a gamma ray burst.  That would be something wouldn't it?



Today, there is a denomination for every inclination.

And science classes for those who choose 'none of the above.'
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Julie Marie

And I just found out I kinda suck as a God to be feared.  The ants must have known I was a push over as they resumed their occupation in the hot tub foam.  I found them while excavating for another leak.  While they did scramble when I was chopping the foam out, they obviously still felt this was their territory as they scurried around my earthquake causing pry bar as it chopped out another chunk of their world. 

But, just like in the Bible, I reigned down on them fire and brimstone in the form of RAID Ant & Roach killer.  I think they are realizing who is boss now!
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Princess Rachel

but could anyone harm the souls of those ants?



FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Julie Marie

Quote from: tekla on June 10, 2011, 10:18:35 AM
Shock and Awe!

Aw, shucks!  Twern't nuthin'.  It's just something we Gods have to do once in a while to get their attention.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Amazon D

Quote from: Julie Marie on June 09, 2011, 09:06:48 PM
And I just found out I kinda suck as a God to be feared.  The ants must have known I was a push over as they resumed their occupation in the hot tub foam.  I found them while excavating for another leak.  While they did scramble when I was chopping the foam out, they obviously still felt this was their territory as they scurried around my earthquake causing pry bar as it chopped out another chunk of their world. 

But, just like in the Bible, I reigned down on them fire and brimstone in the form of RAID Ant & Roach killer.  I think they are realizing who is boss now!

Boric acid sold at lowes for 4.99 is great and fairly safe around people

its what they used wayyyyyyyyyyyyy long time agoooo like 20 mule team borax
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE
