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Impeach Alberto Gonzales

Started by togetherwecan, February 06, 2007, 01:43:28 PM

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Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the nation's top law enforcement official, has authorized war crimes, dismissed the Geneva Conventions, redefined torture to allow most types of torture, helped establish military commissions that deny defendants the right to a fair trial, claimed the U.S. Constitution does not provide the right to habeas corpus, and defended violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
This week, leading bloggers inspired by John Dean proposed impeaching Gonzales as the first step towards impeaching Bush and Cheney.
Urge your Representatives to Impeach Alberto Gonzales:


Bush has done a lot of diabolical things, but nominating Alberto Gonzalez to the Supreme court was one of the most transparently bad.

Alberto Gonzolez deserves to go on trail for war crimes. I heartily agree with this sentiment, togetherwestand.

