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Genetics of GID

Started by kate durcal, June 25, 2011, 09:58:30 AM

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kate durcal

I just found this kind of old paper on the gentics of GID. The conclusion is:
"Overall, the results support the hypothesis that there is a strong heritable component to GID. The findings
may also imply that gender identity may be much less a matter of choice and much more a matter
of biology."

I have a great-grandfather that had GID, but none of my 2 daughters or my 3 son seem affected. How about you?

Kate D D

Behavior Genetics, Vol. 32, No. 4, July 2002 (© 2002) p251
The Heritability of Gender Identity Disorder
in a Child and Adolescent Twin Sample
Frederick L. Coolidge,1,3 Linda L. Thede,1 and Susan E. Young2



It would be very difficult to guess about my ancestors, society being what it was, but I have a daughter who is in therapy for GID.
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano


I have a sister who once confided in me her inner conflicts.
Although it isn't exactly GID what is going on in her head is a very close cousin to GID.
I won't divulge her issues as it is not my place to do so but suffice it too say that it seems that whatever it is that causes GID seems to have struck my family twice.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


i've never been a girl. neither has my mom, but she still insists on being a woman and slightly biased against people with a different gender identity or sexuality. all i know about my grandma is that she wasn't a motherly person, and that she was a very practical being. and that she once arm-wrestled with my oldest brother and his classmates when they were around 15. only one who stood a chance against her was the bear

but then i also have a normal girly little sister, has it from her father's side (we don't have the same father). my daughter is an even girlier girl than my sister, she too has it from her father's side

Sabriel Facrin

My case seems to be the initiation of GID for my bloodline.  My parents aren't just cisgender, but with the kind of mindset they have, it sometimes seems like they can't even comprehend that someone would at least think they're the opposite gender of their physical sex.  Supposedly one of my brothers had GID-like feelings, but he was able to be pushed away from that mindset, so I think he might be normal, considering how well denial and suppression "works"...
Either way, if I'm the start for my bloodline, I'm the end as well. o.o; I cannot stand the idea of fatherhood, and I feel uneasy about raising a child under two biological mothers...not that sperm banking isn't an arm and a soul in prices.