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Are the "faithful" happier than the "unfaithful" ?

Started by Anatta, July 02, 2011, 07:44:16 PM

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Kia Ora,
::) It's been said in general theists tend to be more happy go lucky than those who don't have faith in an almighty...They have something to look forward to...
Just a few links on religion, atheism and happiness....

The link on American atheism's interesting....

::) However on a personal level I'm always happy  :icon_biggrin: , that is I find contentment no matter what moods becomes me, by not attaching my "self" to them... And this  had nothing to do with belief in[having faith in] a god or gods [I'm an agnostic atheist] ...This contentment came about from studying the mind [from the inside]...

So my question general would you say the  :angel: "faithful" are  happier than the  >:-) "unfaithful" ?

Happy Mindfulness :)

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

kate durcal

Quote from: Zenda on July 02, 2011, 07:44:16 PM
Kia Ora,
::) It's been said in general theists tend to be more happy go lucky than those who don't have faith in an almighty...They have something to look forward to...

So my question general would you say the  : "faithful" are  happier than the   "unfaithful" ?

Metta Zenda :)

I has been said by who? Where is the statistics?

Let's review what kind of Happiness the "faithful" have bring to the world. the destruction of the library of Alexandria, the dark ages, inquisition, the Salem which hunts, the genocide of millions of native American, and even Hitler quote G-d as to be in his side, wow!

In the other side of the world the Indus and and Muslims masacres by each other is alsovery telling of the "faithfull." While the the Buddhist just peacefully witness and meditate.

History shows that the "faithfull" are just  very Happy to murder the "unfaithfully." No wonder the "unfaithfull" are so very unhappy.

Kate D *The D stands for my cup size)


Quote from: kate durcal on July 02, 2011, 10:04:31 PM
I has been said by who? Where is the statistics?

Let's review what kind of Happiness the "faithful" have bring to the world. the destruction of the library of Alexandria, the dark ages, inquisition, the Salem which hunts, the genocide of millions of native American, and even Hitler quote G-d as to be in his side, wow!

In the other side of the world the Indus and and Muslims masacres by each other is alsovery telling of the "faithfull." While the the Buddhist just peacefully witness and meditate.

History shows that the "faithfull" are just  very Happy to murder the "unfaithfully." No wonder the "unfaithfull" are so very unhappy.

Kate D *The D stands for my cup size)

Kia Ora Kate,

::) The reason why the faithful seem happier  .... And there's a lot of "truth" in this...The faithful have a sense of "belonging"...

Happy Mindfulness Kate :)

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

kate durcal

I am loosing "faith" on you, Your answer is -if you forvive my laangusge- gibberish. Do not give me a web site, anybody can pos tanythig in the intenet. You are making some big statements and I am askinng you to back up your claims with some data, not URL's.

Kate D


Kia Ora Kate,

::) I apologise if you find at times what I write gibberish...There's not much I can do to help you I'm afraid...  ::) Anyway ............   

Quote :

Researchers accidentally discovered that people with religious beliefs tend to be more content in life while studying an unrelated topic. While not the original objective, the recent European study found that religious people are better able to cope with shocks such as losing a loved one or getting laid off of a job.

Professor Andrew Clark, from the Paris School of Economics, and co-author Dr Orsolya Lelkes, from the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, analyzed the a variety of factors among Catholic and Protestant Christians and found that life satisfaction seems to be higher among the religious population. The authors concluded that religion in general, might act as a "buffer" that protects people from life's disappointments.

"We originally started the research to work out why some European countries had more generous unemployment benefits than others, but our analysis suggested that religious people suffered less psychological harm from unemployment than the non-religious," noted Professor Clark. "They had higher levels of life satisfaction".

Data from thousands of European households revealed higher levels of "life satisfaction" in believers. Professor Clark suspects that a variety of aspects are at play, and that perhaps a "religious upbringing" could be responsible for the effect, rather than any particular religious beliefs.

The researchers say they found that the religious crowd tended to experience more "current day rewards", rather than storing them up for the future. Previous studies have also found strong correlations between religion and happiness. The idea that religion may offer substantial psychological benefits in life, is in sharp contrast with another common viewpoint that religion is repressive and has a negative influence on human development.

Professor Leslie Francis, from the University of Warwick believes that the benefit might involve the increased "purpose of life" experienced by many believers that may not be as strongly felt among nonbelievers.

End of Quote...

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


I always heard this but during my 10 years as a Pastor, I have to disagree with the statement "faithful are happier than unfaithful."

Then it again it depends on the church too. I pastored in an Anglican, Presbyterian, and Assemblies of God church and I can tell you that the more liberal the church is, there tends to be a pattern of how much happier they are.

Having pastored in a conservative church, I KNOW that much of the happiness is only skin deep and can fracture into a million pieces if one thing goes wrong.

Also, I have many atheist friends who are humanists. They tend to be much happier than a christian.

The happiest people I have ever met were Witches and I am proud to be one! but then again, im probably showing favoritism lol


Imo you make your own happiness.

I'm in two minds about how much spirituality has to do with anything. I hesitate to say religion, because they aren't the same thing. However I think that attributing things that go badly in a person's life to some external entity outside yourself ("It's god's will" etc), is a bit of a... hmm... how to put this... I think it serves as a way of distancing a person from unhappy events. It stands to reason that if you believe you're being watched over by a creator and everything that happens is their whim... you absolve yourself of a lot of personal responsibility. It's a sort of 'Que sera, sera' attitude.

I guess a lot of unhappiness is based on regret, the feelings that we should have done things differently, said things differently, but when you go through life with the view that "everything happens for a reason", then perhaps a lot of that regret, and unhappiness caused by it, is taken away. Which, I suppose, also leads on to whether a person believes there is something more beyond this life, and that their time on Earth is only one step in a journey. If so, then perhaps things such as unemployment or bereavement are seen from a... less immediate perspective, sort of a "grand scheme of things", and are therefore felt with less impact than would be the case for someone who feels that this life is all there is and that once it's over, you're just worm-bait.

Definitely interesting to think about.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Quote from: Sephirah on July 03, 2011, 05:34:08 AM
Imo you make your own happiness.

I'm in two minds about how much spirituality has to do with anything. I hesitate to say religion, because they aren't the same thing. However I think that attributing things that go badly in a person's life to some external entity outside yourself ("It's god's will" etc), is a bit of a... hmm... how to put this... I think it serves as a way of distancing a person from unhappy events. It stands to reason that if you believe you're being watched over by a creator and everything that happens is their whim... you absolve yourself of a lot of personal responsibility. It's a sort of 'Que sera, sera' attitude.

I guess a lot of unhappiness is based on regret, the feelings that we should have done things differently, said things differently, but when you go through life with the view that "everything happens for a reason", then perhaps a lot of that regret, and unhappiness caused by it, is taken away. Which, I suppose, also leads on to whether a person believes there is something more beyond this life, and that their time on Earth is only one step in a journey. If so, then perhaps things such as unemployment or bereavement are seen from a... less immediate perspective, sort of a "grand scheme of things", and are therefore felt with less impact than would be the case for someone who feels that this life is all there is and that once it's over, you're just worm-bait.

Definitely interesting to think about.

Kia Ora Sephirah,

::) That's so true, yet people are still trying to find happiness from some external source...When the world exists within the mind-there's no happiness outside ones head...

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

kate durcal

Quote from: Zenda on July 04, 2011, 12:18:56 AM
Kia Ora Sephirah,

::) That's so true, yet people are still trying to find happiness from some external source...When the world exists within the mind-there's no happiness outside ones head...

Metta Zenda :)

I am not so sure, soem external sources made me so happy. Riding my ducatti in the highway in a sunny day, etc

Kate D


Yes, the faithful are happier.  But, the only way to know to have that faith for yourself.  Otherwise, it is gibberish.  My God is the strength of my life,  He is all I need.  However, there is a difference from being happy(which is something you do for yourself), to having real joy, which is from faith in God.  Attack me if you must, but i know where my strength  and my joy comes from. 

kate durcal

Vivaldi's music, bottle of chardoney, roaring fireplace, my girl, in a rustic cabin in the muntains, JOY.

keep your church budd!

Kate D


Hey Kate.  I actually don't go to church.  I am Abenaki Indian.  I meet my God (Great Spirit) in His creation. 

kate durcal

OK, I am sory, no disresprct intended. How about you keep his creation, and I keep the girls?

Kate D


Hey Kate.  Apology accepted.  And not looking to keep the arguement going. You have your beliefs, I have mine.   The reason I don't attend a church is because I have found, that most people that put themselves out there as believers in God, are the most judgemental people I have ever met.  They gossip, create strife..etc.  They feel by going to church once a week that makes them better then everyone else.  That is not having a faith, that is religion.  Faith is a totally different thing.
As for the girls, you can keep them.  I have my own. 


ive just seen way too many "unfaithful" people happier than "faithful ones" to say conclusively that faithful people are happier.

I believe happiness comes from yourself or whatever joys you hold dear to yourself, regardless of religion.


I will say, as far as making your own happiness goes, many people will simply not give themselves a fair opportunity to be happy. Too many times, I have seen people go do something with low expectations and hate it the whole time, because they expected to be unhappy rather than trying their best to enjoy what they can.

There are good and bad things, with most aspects of life, if you focus in on the good, sometimes you can enjoy things that you would otherwise not. Likewise if you focus on the bad that negative thinking will keep you negative.

It is hard sometimes, but i really try and be happy. Life can bring you down, even against your will, but if you have "faith" in your ability to be happy, you will always be able to pick yourself back up again, and try and be happy again.

Some people have an easier time with the thought of a higher power giving them strength. I personally don't feel that way though, I am an atheist because with the experiences I have I would be less happy thinking that there is a higher power. I am sure everyone is different.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


Quote from: Annah on July 07, 2011, 03:18:38 PM

I believe happiness comes from yourself or whatever joys you hold dear to yourself, regardless of religion.

Kia Ora Annah,

::) True...

Metta Zenda :)

"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Hikari on July 07, 2011, 05:12:03 PM

There are good and bad things, with most aspects of life, if you focus in on the good, sometimes you can enjoy things that you would otherwise not. Likewise if you focus on the bad that negative thinking will keep you negative.

Kia Ora Hikari,

::) There's no such thing as good or bad...Just how one chooses to view the situation...

An interesting simple "truth" to ponder is... "No two opposing thoughts can occupy the mind at the same time!"

" By changing the way one looks at things-the things one looks at change!"

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes: