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New round these parts

Started by JudgeHolden, April 05, 2011, 10:15:16 PM

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Hey everyone,

I'm 27 and posting here because I'm a non-op MTF....person.  I'm posting because, unlike some of the others here, (and that's a blatant generalization, as I've only read a handful of threads), my reasons for not transitioning aren't financial or familial. They're just personal. I don't think I could afford to transition if I wanted to, but then again, I've always managed everything I've needed somehow, and I doubt it would be very different. I have no children and am in a committed relationship, (a wonderful one), and my S.O. knows all about my dysphoria. In fact, we have a system of 'pink days' and 'blue' or 'regular' days to make it easy for me to communicate my sort of orientation for the day. Forgive me if I'm rambling a little bit. It's four in the morning and I've had a cappuccino and about thirty seven cups of tea. Anyway, I've dealt with GID since I was about 6 years old, and figure I can just keep on dealing with it. 

I suppose I'm only posting to vent how frustrating it is to be a sort of fence-sitter, like I am. I don't transition because some of the time, I feel just fine being a guy. Other times, all I want is to feel and look feminine. I had the opportunity to transition a few years ago, came out to my close friends and family, went full-time at home and tried some public excursions, and, passing without much difficulty, realized that I didn't feel much different being treated as a woman. So I decided not to transition. Most of the 'need', (you know what I'm talking about--the urge to transition) dissipated for a couple of years, and only in the past six months has it slithered out from whatever dripping dark place it sleeps to whisper in my ear again. I'm posting here because, yeah, I have trouble dealing with it, feelings of guilt and shame when I'm feeling feminine and absolute distance from that side of myself when I'm not. It's frustrating to not know yourself.

My S.O. posted on another forum seeking advice, and because she cares enough about me to talk to others, I thought I would do the same.  The most difficult part for me is that I keep my S.O. guessing; she wonders if one day I'll change my mind, transition and abandon our life together, even though I never would (and she's told me so many times that she'll love me no matter what body I'm in). I my life the way it is. My body is a sack of meat, really, and yeah, sometimes I wish the sack of meat were a lot prettier, but most of the time I just stuff it full of pizza and nicotine anyway.

So, I guess that's it. In the words of Daniel Johnston: Hi, how are you.



Hi JudgeHolden, :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 6200 strong. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another member. icon_hug:

And be sure to check out these links ( MUST READS )

Hugs and Love,


Hi JH!
I saw you in chat tonight and thought I'd say hi on here. First of all, welcome :) So many different types of people here and a place for everyone. It sounds like you've really explored where you are coming from and are in a comfortable spot and THAT is the most important thing! I hope you find what you are looking for and remember that you've got one magical life to live; don't ever let anyone tell you how to live it and don't ever be made to feel like you have to fit in some box. You are you, that in and of itself is a beautiful thing. Be well, smile, Meghan :)


Hi, and welcome.   Whatever floats your boat I say! 
Have you ever reflected that when your SO wears jeans and a t-shirt she is cross-dressing too?  It's just that you are an enthusiast.
Does she help you pick clothes, and help with make-up when you want to be feminine?  And vice-versa too. (I  wish I had someone to do my eye liner)  If you can look at it as something that adds variety and a spark to your relationship, I can see it strengthening it.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Shana A

Welcome JH, from another who lives in between/outside the gender binary...

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Hi and welcome. I'm still relatively new here myself. I'm a non-op FTM due to a lot of circumstances, personal, familial, and financial. I hope those things will clear up one day as I would like to medically and surgically transition. But if it doesn't happen, I won't be too disappointed. I would prefer to be regarded as male in society, either way. I just have to lose a lot of weight first and then see how things go for me, if I get treated better in society and am able to reach some of my goals, such as moving to the west coast and leaving this hellhole behind. 


Hey everyone,

Thanks, Janet, for the links. I'll have a look. Meghan, you're right about not fitting into a box. I try to just be relaxed about it, and I call 'em how I see 'em, day to day. Justme, my SO and I are on the same page, but right now, I'm not CDing at all. If I wanted to, she'd probably help me out with the stuff you mentioned, although I would be very reticent about bringing it into our relationship like that. It ends up raising more questions that it answers, and, although it can strengthen relationships, in my experience, it usually just complicates them. Sascraps, it sounds like you've got good goals. Stick with 'em :)




I like you're and your S.O's "pink" and "blue" days. That's not a bad idea actually.

The thing I've found (also being non-op) is that it's ok to just be yourself - and if some days that's "pink" and some days that's "blue", that's ok too. And you're lucky enough to have found someone who loves you regardless.
"Let's conspire to ignite all the souls that would die just to feel alive."




Hi JH and welcome. Like you I am not going to transition. I never had the desire to transition. I feel very happy as I am. I don't hate my male side; I just prefer the feminine. Thank you for sharing.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



I just want to say that I love the pink and blue days. I wish I could arrange something like that with my SO.