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Transgender fears

Started by Rabbit, July 17, 2011, 07:55:30 AM

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I was thinking today that I wanted to make a bunch of paintings about transgender fears (therapeutic i guess?). I dunno, maybe I will post them somewhere or print them out and try to get them into a show or something to try and educate people with them? (maybe with a blurb about what the picture is about and examples in the news of these things happening to us?)

Here a quick one I did tonight :)



Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I love this idea, and your painting.  What medium are you working with?  If you were in the SF area, I'd do what I could to help you get a show.  If you have a whole body of work like this, it really needs to be seen.


Thanks! Glad you like them! I think if I spend longer on them and go larger, it will turn out better P: Right now I work digitally, but have played around with traditional painting (just I hate the mess).

I'm in LA (going to art school) , I haven't run into any other trans artists (I don't think) around... but would think having several people putting in work would be pretty good. Right now it is just a random idea (because, well, I like exploring things I am thinking about in art... and I think it could help educate people a bit... everyone is afraid of something, but I think exposing to the public what trans people are afraid of and our insecurities, they will see we are just like them and want / worry about the same common themes such as if we can find love or standing out in a negative way).


"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers


That is powerful. It really makes you feel all those churning doubts and fears and *everything* right in your gut.



Hit me in the emotions



Here is another one for tonight (hehe kind of was dodging the homework I should have been doing :P)



Looks like the homework has been done.  Very powerful and emotional pieces.

If they are quickies, I'd love to see something you really got your teeth into.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Oh, my. I, uhm. Wow, my eyeballs seem to be leaking some strange liquid, I'll go take care of that.

The coloring is really nice, and the entire project sounds brilliant. I hope you do get a show so you can educate more people. The pictures are really good.


Excellent work! Photoshop or Painter?


Meh, I really dislike the last one... I was feeling nothing when doing it and it was super literal (with really bad compositing and execution) :P Oh well, practice is practice! We learn more from our failures than we do our successes in life.

Quote from: madirocks on July 18, 2011, 11:19:08 AM
Photoshop or Painter?

Photoshop :D I really like painter too though.


I didn't understand the last one.


Nice work  :)  Would like to see more
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


I think the last one's a person being kicked out of home.
They're holding a backpack and they seem to have a black eye, so that's what I'm making of it.


Quote from: Rabbit on July 19, 2011, 03:56:11 AM
Meh, I really dislike the last one... I was feeling nothing when doing it and it was super literal (with really bad compositing and execution) :P Oh well, practice is practice! We learn more from our failures than we do our successes in life.

Photoshop :D I really like painter too though.

I haven't really had an opportunity to use it. I've wanted to though, especially with its toolset. But, I absolutely love Photoshop and Illustrator anyways. :D


Wow, those are very detailed and expressive.  I like them a lot.  These will definitely inform a lot of people and maybe help them to see our side of things (in case they don't know already), don't ya think?

Personally it takes a lot for me to like digital art, since I'm stubborn and refuse to use a computer to make any kind of art for myself.  I like to get my hands dirty, what can I say?
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



Wow, Rabbit I'm seriously impressed.
I don't think I've ever seen digital art look that...raw. There's a lot of pain and genuine feeling in there, and usually (at least in my opinion) working digitally seems to strip that. No idea how you managed to pull it off, but you're damn good. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.


Powerful. Mind if I ask which college you go to?


Urrgg, I have been so swamped with schoolwork lately that I haven't had a chance to do anymore yet (but!! I learnt a killer new technique that I am dying to try!).

QuoteMind if I ask which college you go to?

Oh, just a visual arts school in Los Angeles (mostly learning 3d stuff now :D