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Temperature regulation and body hair post op

Started by JessicaR, July 01, 2011, 04:04:19 PM

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Well I'm 31 days post op today :-)  and feeling  great...

   I noticed a big change in my perception of temperature and I was wondering if others have experienced the same..  For all of my adult life,
I was always too warm. It could be 61 degrees in my room and I would break out in a sweat from running the hair dryer. Now, after returning
to summer in New England, I find that I get a little chilly if it's below 70. I can only assume it's an effect of having those nasty little
testosterone factories removed... Has anyone else experienced this effect. I'm not complaining, mind you; I'm elated that I finally feel comfortable!

  Also, I was wondering if an even greater lessening of body hair can be expected after SRS..  I know the physiology but I was looking for
personal experiences... and if you noticed a difference, how long did it take? Thanks :-)



Just a thoght, a guess even, but the differences in your perception of temperture may be because you aren't as hot as you use to be.

Most of our internal heat comes from metabolism, the liver especially. It's our own little central heating boiler really.


It's summer here and it does get pretty warm and I still sleep with a down comforter if that tells you anything.  I noticed a significant amount of body hair go--not that I had a lot but now my arms are much lighter than before.


Quote from: spacial on July 01, 2011, 05:48:38 PM
Just a thoght, a guess even, but the differences in your perception of temperture may be because you aren't as hot as you use to be.

Most of our internal heat comes from metabolism, the liver especially. It's our own little central heating boiler really.

   That's exactly what I meant to say ;-)   .....that I feel like something has changed with my chemistry to reduce my body temperature...


Northern Jane

When I was younger I used to be able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures.  After SRS (a LONG time ago) I do not tolerate the heat well. My internal furnace burns HOT! I have friends who warm themselves on me in the winter LOL!

In the first couple of years after SRS ALL my body hair disappeared except for a spares triangular patch of pubic hair - even armpit hair disappeared. Needless to say my female friends are extremely jealous LOL! Part of it is undoubtedly genetic - I am a fair skinned redhead - and part probably from having lower testosterone levels than XX females.


I read an article in an endocrinology report that stated that testosterone increases the metabolism. In doing so, raises the temp of the body. This is a primal feature at about the same level s the "fight or flight" reaction.
It most likely helped our ancient ancestors kill food for the family.
Female ansestors were more sedintary, cooking, making clothes and chasing the children.



I found about six months after starting HRT I noticed the cold a lot more and then it just became more so with time. The first 8 weeks after surgery it was even worse but has been slightly balanced out again. Still find everything a lot colder and less able to stand it. I have electric heaters scattered around the house on timers these days (during winter) >_<
I also read something about women having thinner skin which doesn't insulate as well ..generally speaking. There will always be an exception! *looks over at NJ*. xP


Yep temperature tolerance definitely changed after starting HRT.  I used to love going skiing in the winter now when it gets below 30C I start getting cold.  Think I would die if I went to the snow now, give me the warm beach any day.

As for hair reduction post surgery, I have had a slight decrease however nothing substantial. 


Quote from: JessicaR on July 01, 2011, 06:37:05 PM
   That's exactly what I meant to say ;-)   .....that I feel like something has changed with my chemistry to reduce my body temperature...

If it's what I think it might be, then your chemistry has indeed changed. As juliemac says, it's about evolutionary adaptation. Humans have quite unique tempertature regulation, compared with other animals. Males have different evolutionary demands and expectations. I do know the higher tempertures tend to aid muscle flexation.

There seems to be a load of documented evidence to demonstrate that, after orchedectomy, we become noticable calmer. One can only hope that this would be accompanied by less sweating and less of that smell.


Re: Joyce

After starting HRT, I really don't take the cold well, at all.  I also seem to be much more tolerant of the heat after surgery.  This is my first Summer post-op and the temps above 90 degrees F. don't seem all that bad to me.

     I've moved my home AC thermostat up to around 77 degrees, where it used to need to be around 73.    I don't seem to sweat nearly as much and I sweat from fewer places.

     As an example, my upper lip would always show beads of sweat in the heat.  Now, I think those sweat glands have shut down, as I never see sweat from there.

      Body hair is slowly going away and what I do have is gradually getting finer and lighter in color.  It is WAY less dense than it ever was.

Susan Kay

Reaction to heat has considerably moderated - I go out, run around (figuratively speaking) come home and find out it's been 100 degrees plus, again, and I'm surprised. The heat just hasn't bothered me, luckily, since this is such a nasty heat summer. I always hated summer, and still haven't fallen in love with it, but certainly have adapted to it. I probably will get what's coming to me in January when it turns zero!

Body odor seems to have "femmed" up as well - not at all the strong unpleasant smell of my male past. It has been replaced by a different smell which I assume comes from the feminazation, including the main feminazation accomplished six weeks ago with surgery. Not at all unpleasant, but definately different; definately girly.

I truly hope the experiences related here about body hair mostly going away turn true for me.

Susan Kay
Remember, people are very open-minded about new things --- so long as they are exactly like the old ones.

- Paul de Kruif


oh yes definitely cannot tolerate the cold like I used to.  Not quite as bad as Dinky :) but yeah, anything below about 25C and I start looking for a sweater.  I have a tendency toward low iron in my blood and that can make it difficult to stay warm as well.

Body hair does seem to grow less or more slowly, but hard to say as it was already pretty much gone even before surgery.

I'm going camping in Queensland at Christmas in the midsummer tropical heat... that ought to be interesting, especially as my boyfriend is already like a furnace when he sleeps.  Guess I'll find out then how well I can tolerate the heat :)

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


Quote from: FairyGirl on July 14, 2011, 05:58:27 PM
I'm going camping in Queensland at Christmas in the midsummer tropical heat...

Luuvvv the Qld heat at that time of year......fantastic, although it might be a bit warm to cuddle a furnace Fairygirl  ;D