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Stuck in a legal limbo, between US and UK law

Started by KateConnors, August 03, 2011, 08:08:07 AM

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I suspect there's not many with the same predicament as me, but here goes anyway...........

I live in the US with my wife and 18-month-old munchkin, we're both from the UK originally and are here on work visas (the munchkin was born in the US though).  I am likely 12 months or so from going full-time, though I am presently on hormones, facial hair removal etc.  My plan to transition is rather complicated from a legal perspective   :-\

- UK law dictates that for gender change recognition to take place, any pre-existing marriages must be dissolved.  I believe on the other hand that US federal law does not have this requirement, though I could be wrong.  Does anyone know if a change of passport is possible in the UK without the legal gender change recognition (which is a change of birth certificate).

- My therapist tells me she can obtain a change of gender on my Mass. license with a letter from her.  While this would be great, I wonder if this would have any implications on my current visa or back home.

- My wife is having a green card filed at the moment, this could take years to be completed.  If I attempt to change my legal gender in the UK before the green card application is complete, I presume I will put my green card (as my wife's spouse) in jeopardy.

- I've had contact with US immigration lawyers, but the problem is that this is such a grey / gray area that no-one can really tell me anything with certainty.    :(

We will be moving from Massachusetts to California early in the New Year, as we have both secured our dream jobs.  My plan is to work for my new company for 6 months or before transitioning (they think they are hiring a man) to allow time for them to appreciate my talents first and foremost.

Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.......



As an Aussie all I can say to someone moving from the UK to the USA is, "you poor bastard."  Sounds like a total legal can of worms. :(


"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Al James

if its any help i got my female uk passport changed to a male one with just a letter from my doctor stating that i was undergoing therapy for gender reassignment and that the changes would be permanent. Had to pay the full price for a renewal and send in photos and a change of name and title deed poll but four weeks later the new passport appeared no questions asked


Thanks James for that regarding obtaining your UK passport. 

I think the best I can hope for is that I get my gender changed on my UK passport and my US driver's license, but keep my male UK birth certificate to avoid having to void my marriage.  I don't think such an arrangement would cause too much daily aggravation or change my quality of life, though I need to find answers to the immigration implications.  Perhaps I have to wait for our green card to come through...

I have no option on being 100% stealth anyway, since I am out to family and friends without too much issue (in the grand scheme of things).  I am also a scientist, and I don't want to somehow disown my publications to date just because they've got my male name attached.