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FtM partner and long distance relationship

Started by carsRus, September 08, 2011, 02:34:07 PM

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So, I'm in a really tricky situation. I don't even really know where to start. I met this person online and as I've gotten to know them have really fallen in love. I love everything about them. About a month ago they started really getting serious about transitioning, finally being able to admit that deep inside they were really a man (and in a lot of ways had really been living as one for awhile). I support this transition 150% I can already see how much taller and more confident he is. I'm concerned about a couple of things though...when we met, we both identified as this is definitely raising a few questions for me about my actual orientation, though I really don't have a problem seeing him as male (at least not conceptually...he's still very early in his transition...only really decided to affirm his true gender about a week ago)...I still think I'd consider myself basically a lesbian, because for the most part I'm physically attracted to women. It's really doing my head in a lot of ways...I definitely have some degree of dissonance about the female parts of his body (like his breasts, as nice as they are, and as much as I like them, look totally out of place to least on him). I don't really know what I want to head is really jumbled right now. OK, so. I love him as a person...he is the most amazing person I know...I love so much about him...he thrills me and makes me feel safe in a way I never knew was possible. I guess my fear right now is two-fold. He wants to start T, ASAP. I am torn on this. I am concerned about his health and what impact the T could have on it (he has treatable liver disease, and is waiting for treatment for that) well as some heart problems. I'm 8k miles away right now...and I don't want him getting really sick (or worse) while I can't be with him. At least that is one reason I've come up with why I don't think T is a good idea...much deeper though, I think I'm afraid of what changes could happen to him physically once he starts the T, and that I wouldn't find him attractive any more. I don't mind him doing T (in fact, I really want him to, because I know how much it'll mean to him to have a deeper voice and the ability to have facial hair, and to need to shave)...I just really wish I could be there for it, so I could walk through the transition with him and be able to watch those changes happen more gradually vs having to watch from a distance. I know this is all about him...and I really think this is great stuff he's doing...I just also really don't want to lose him, because we both mean so much to each other, and I know how much it'd kill him if I left.

tl;dr version: My MtF partner (who I am madly in love with) lives 8k miles away. He's just starting his transition, but is really anxious to get T. I am worried about him starting now a) due to health reasons and b) because I'm afraid of how the physical changes he'll undergo could impact my feelings for him. I really wish he'd wait until he can get treatment for his health stuff, and until I could be there for all of it with him. Is that a really selfish feeling to have?


You definitely are in an interest situation.  He needs to be under a dr care when he starts T with his other medical problems.  He could do fine taking T, if the dr does the necessary labs in following him progess.  Is he interested in top surgery? How do you feel about him havif surgery?


He is interested in top surgery as well as a full hysterectomy (plus removal of the ovaries). I don't have a problem with either of least on this side of things. I might have a sense of loss after the top surgery (in particular...since it would change something I could see)...but from this side of things I don't have a problem with it. As I said before...I've often had a weird reaction to his chest, as is, just because the breasts feel sort of out of place on him. My big fear is the T, and all of the physical changes it will bring. I'm worried he won't seem like himself anymore, and especially if I'm just watching it from 8k miles away and not able to be there and watch it happen. We try to keep in touch, but sometimes I'll get busy or he'll get busy and it will be a few days before we're able to sit down and really talk "face-to-face". I'm afraid of how shocking all of those changes could be. I know he could do fine...I'm really mostly worried about the liver, because it's already giving him problems, and I don't want to see him go into liver failure if it just gets too taxed.