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Abusive enough?

Started by Keaira, September 20, 2011, 11:59:49 PM

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I'm sure I've mentioned my Brother-in-law and his support for my transition, or lack there of. Now it seems that he is okay with insulting me via my Step-Daughter's facebook page. Frankly I wouldnt care if it was anywhere else, but since it is one of my children, I just want God to strike him down with lightning. Not kill him, just.. Turn him into a bigger vegetable than he is now.

You can tell he is a Fox News viewer. Here are some of the posts:

"I give sound advice, you just drive them crazy until they leave DAAAAVIIID. BTW have your nuts fell off yet? I figure all that estrogen and they'll drop like an apple. Not only are you a homo you are a douche bag."

My daughter responded with:

Wow, guys. I know thy you don't get along, but really? This is worse than the bullying I saw at high school. Can we grow up a bit and not fight? For at least once? To this of you wondering; tomorrow I will be sending applications to IUS, and AI. I will also be looking into a couple other art school options. I will also be looking into contacting Ivy Tech again to at least get in second semester. Just because I didn't go to college this fall does NOT mean that I'm not going. I understand that you all are just wanting what is best for me. But all this pushing is driving me crazy, and so is all the fighting. Like David said, I have to live with my choices. And that goes for him too. His choices have made half the family cut ties. But he lives with it. Cyber bullying is wrong. Just because you don agree with someones choice doesn't give you the right to pick fights with them. Especially here on MY status. If need be, just ignore each other! Don't go insulting people when it isn't even necessary. What if I had an alternate life style? You all love me, would that stop? Would you go making my life hard just because I have different ways of living?
I'm growing up in a society that is very diverse, and I was raised to look passed people's differences. Uncle Andy, you helped me become who I am now. I respect you, and even look up to you in a few ways.
But I thought you were adult enough not to go and verbally attack someone online...

Her Uncle's response:

To answer all of the posts: Great Tori, It's not bullying I have justification, No I can't I'm and Ass hole... did I get everyone?

I reported him on Facebook and I hope he loses his social network.



He doesn't have justification he's just being a whiny douche. Did you do anything to him at all?


Yes I did. I grew a spine,  I started transitioning, gave him back the handgun that he had given me, Emailed him about how his new job was going, [ to which he responded with: "Drop dead you Queer, remember what I said about embarrassing me at Valeo? I wouldn't come over."

He used to work at Valeo with me. He was a salaried Process Engineer and I was and still am a Molding Tech. Mr. "I'm an Engineer" Didnt want me to transition at Valeo when he worked there. He has since moved on to 2 other jobs since and goes to Church every Sunday because its part of the requirements to keep his Daughter in a private school, not because he is a good Christian, though that might seem hard to believe.

Besides, Everyone I talk to that knew him pretty much have the same opinion. He Embarrassed himself!
He was not liked by many there at all.



wow what an ugly person.. good on your step daughter btw : ) it's obvious his sexuality is unstable.
queer, transgender woman, Feminist, & writer. ~


At this point, I just feel bad that he feels like he has to lash out at me like that. And why I pretty much just wrote him a farewell letter.


You should be very proud that your step-daughter stood up to him and stood up for what is right. Sorry you have to deal with such a douch bag...


I'm very proud of her. I always have been. She's got a lot going for her. She's funny, very artistic, smart and pretty. She wont take crap from anyone.


Reporting him was the best you could do.  I'm glad someone stood up for you.

I'm wondering something though....someone gave you a (presumably free) gun, and you give it back?... O.o


Yep. My Brother-in-Law gave me a Hi-point 9mm hand gun. I dont want him to have any excuse for contact with me, So I gave it back. It sat untouched under my bed locked up in a fire box for about a year.