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A Matter of Taste

Started by mechakitty, September 20, 2011, 03:27:00 PM

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"A Matter of Taste"

She crept up to the mottled-gray brick wall and found the hole.

It was never easy sneaking out of the Valley of the Blueberries, her home for as long as she could remember. She was a Blueberry Child. Her skin was the color of the sacred fruit they worshiped: a deep and vivid Blue. From day one, she had been taught to forsake the Other Persuasion, that of the Eaters of the Cherry.

Growing up, her friends and family would eat Blueberries and laugh heartily, and she would force an awkward smile, but at night, she would dream of Cherries. She dreamed her skin was Red as the plump, dangling fruits she fantasized about. Her family knew about this obsession; they condemned her for her thoughts and fed her brainwashing drugs. They attached electrodes to her soft Blue skin and tried to zap the filthy Red deviance out of her flesh.

Everyone she knew told her she was living in a dreamworld, but in this place, on the borderline of the Valley of the Cherries, it was the only place she felt truly awake. She peered through the hole, and watched the Eaters play.