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story of a night

Started by Barbara Deveneux, September 27, 2011, 10:15:07 PM

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Barbara Deveneux

I really needed to get out one night.I picked a deserted neighborhood to take a walk.Well not that deserted turns out it was a junkie/crack infested part of town.There was a black  cadillac parked at the end of the street..I did not pay it much attention..A guy came out from in between the buildings and approached me,i was so afraid and scared.I saw the cadillac door open.a guy got out with a long coat ,and walked toward us...The guy ran away.He asked me what the hell i was doing here..I said i want to get out of here.He said "ok,get in the car".I could tell he was mob,and he was a hunk.He kept staring at a house for about ten more minutes,then said lets get outt'a here baby.He drove to  a motel and kissed me in the parking lot.I stayed in the car he got the room.we went in, i started caressing his chest,but there was a bulge in his side.I pulled it out, it was 9mm hangun,he laughed and said "your not going to shoot me are you baby"I said no,but i felt so powerful holding his gun though,i was so turned on by it.He took the gun and grabbed me with both arms ,put me against the wall and kissed me so deep like i have never been kissed before.He treated me like a lady,he made me feel special that night.But is'nt that what a real man is suppose to do?