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The before and after thread.

Started by Mahsa Tezani, October 01, 2011, 05:34:29 PM

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Louise Scott

Quote from: Trixie on March 08, 2012, 08:39:08 PM
I need to stop looking at this thread. Makes me jealous. -_-

I feel the same! I get so envious looking at these pics but still can't get the courage to go and see my gp!!


Quote from: Louise Scott on March 23, 2012, 10:03:44 AM
I feel the same! I get so envious looking at these pics but still can't get the courage to go and see my gp!!

Girl, you're not going to get anywhere on wishes and envy. you HAVE to get out of your comfort zone many many times to change your life.



Hey come and check me out here!!........ ;D


Quote from: Keaira on March 23, 2012, 11:01:22 AM
Girl, you're not going to get anywhere on wishes and envy. you HAVE to get out of your comfort zone many many times to change your life.

Well said!
Hey come and check me out here!!........ ;D

Joeyboo~ :3

Quote from: Caira on March 23, 2012, 11:18:37 AM

5 months HRT and still going :D

Natural hair?
It looks like it's going to have a pretty wave to it once it grows out more :)


Hey Joey
Yes thats my own hair.  It does have a "kink" in it when it starts to grow out.  I am hoping it will be a nice attribute when it is longer.  At the moment though, it's a real nightmare as it will never sit right.  Some mornings It drives me crazy >:(  However I wouldn't trade it in for my old hair cut, a number 2 crop :o never going back there again. 
Hey come and check me out here!!........ ;D


So, update time! I'm now exactly one year on HRT!
*confetti 'n stuff*

Cell phone quality...  ::)


Quote from: Eve87 on March 24, 2012, 08:13:08 PM
So, update time! I'm now exactly one year on HRT!
*confetti 'n stuff*

Cell phone quality...  ::)

I've said this before, but you were an extremely handsome man and now you are an extremely pretty woman!


WoWzA!!! Just scrolled through all the pages an all of you look gorgeous, I must say it's very inspiring to see such awesome results! :)



You look so feminate and pretty, would you have SRS very soon?

Ms. OBrien CVT

OK girls.  Here you go.






It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me

The Passage

I just thought I would add to the community and stop being so anti-social... so um, I don't have ANY before pictures of me. They've either been deleted or lost in the harddrives of various computers that I've used in the past 3 years. I've never actually been picture-friendly, as I always knew something was missing about me. I always HATED seeing myself in pictures that my mom took. If you left me alone with them in a small room and one lighter, they would be burned to a crisp by the time you came back. I hated myself that much. Now... it's a little more manageable, I guess.

So, since I can't provide a before picture, I'll just try to describe what I looked like right before I figured things out. Which would help narrow it down because I have been through so many changes and styles, aesthetically. Not that anyone would particularly care without photos... but, ya, anyway. I was a lot heavier then, since I was exercising a LOT about every day. I was thin but athletic, and I weighed roughly 170 lbs at 5 feet 7 inches. I was going through an identity crisis phase so I decided to cut my hair down to about a half an inch. Regardless, it helped add to the "bad boy, super male, punker kid" look I was trying to pull off. Which never worked well at all, for obvious reasons. In other words, it went HORRIBLY. I cannot even begin to describe how badly I was acting, trying to be someone else -- the very thing in males that I find attractive. Doh.

I've been on HRT for about... 7 months now? I now weigh approximately 140-145lbs, still the same height of course. Still feeling... not all there, body wise -- of course. :P

Here's a picture, that I'm not very proud of, so please bear with me:

Yeeeeah... as you can tell, this was taken by my phone, so the quality is, well, bad. I chose it, though, because it kind of highlights a point in my transition where changes in my body are actually visible. I also chose it because it's rather blurry and that comforts me because I think it buffs out the acne and crud that I tried so hard to conceal... LOL! So, when I'm feeling more confident, I may return... to torture you all with my really long posts, with lots and lots of words. :P
"Magic is just science we don't understand yet." - Arthur C. Clarke

Joeyboo~ :3

Some more before and after action.


Now, 8 months on HRT


Quote from: Ms. OBrien on April 01, 2012, 08:32:29 PM
OK girls.  Here you go.




OMG!!!!!! CIN where have you been!!!!!! You look great!!!! Good to see you post here again. I was wondering where a whole mess of us went. I see some new girls but  a lot have left us.





Quote from: JoeyD on April 01, 2012, 09:50:01 PM

You looked dyke even before hormones. Lucky you. Now you're just really pretty.


Quote from: Ms. OBrien on April 01, 2012, 08:32:29 PM
OK girls.  Here you go.






HAHA Ms. O'Brien, fancy seeing you here! It has been a very long time indeed since I have popped my face, and keyboard, in here and I am so happy to see a familiar face, even if a new name. You were always a huge inspiration to me and I know you were to countless others as well. You were always there to welcome the newcomers, including me back in 2009 (has it really been that long?). So, what is the member count today? ;)

You are looking wonderful and I still see that smile of yours. Bravo on keeping to the road, even though many have passed - both of us - over the years. I don't know if you remember that thread from before I meandered away to live my life. I do remember it well. Even though it was a sad point in your life, it was beautifully worded and struck a chord with me. I'm sure more than one of the other casually progressing girls felt the same as well. I seem to remember someone having some profound response like, it isn't how fast you get to the end (or was it whether you win the race or come in last?) it is how fabulous you look crossing the finish line. I'm still looking for my finish line finery. :)


Okay, it has been a long time since I have posted in the forum, or even visited. So, I see that I have missed a good of transitioning photos. I guess I'll go ahead and myself to the roster.

Starting off in May of 2009, when I was miserable, depressed (as I usually was up till that time), overweight and hating my life. I was at the heaviest I had ever been - over 230 pounds. This was also about 6 months before I would discover the Holy Grail, and that I was a transsexual woman. Okay, there was no grail, but the other bit is certainly true. This was also one of my happy, bright and cheerful days. I was co-hosting a networking event for industry professionals and was getting to see some good old friends and meeting plenty of new people. And there was food.

Last month. My how things change for the better. I am now down to 150 pounds, 5'7" (or 5'8"?), and thrilled to still be alive. There were a few very serious close calls with the Evil Suicide Demon, but I managed to dissuade him from taking me. I have been on anti-androgens for 19 months, estrogen for 8 months and I am now 4 months full time.

Do I pass all the time? Probably not, but I don't really think about it. Do I get seen and treated like a woman? Oh, yeah, all of the time. I have not gotten a sir in months (except on the phone and drive thru windows). I rarely wear makeup, no more wigs or breast forms. I'm wearing a size 38A bra now and it is really starting to fit properly - WOOOHOOOOO!!!! I go out in the world as myself, with confidence and the world sees me as a woman. That is enough for me at this stage. I am even getting to the point where I not only don't hate myself, but I actually think I am a lot more attractive than I ever thought possible even a year ago.

I think for a half century of living and hating myself, I look and feel pretty darned good. As do all of you other ladies brave enough to post and even more so, live your lives.


Sorry to get spammy again :P But I finally put together some of the pictures I been taking through transition. Figured the before / after thread was a good spot for it.



Wow! What a change!

You are really, really looking good sis.
I'd love to see you in another twelve months, not that it would matter because you are gorgeous! ;)



Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.


Very nice. Quite a change there too. It's funny, I dont even notice  the changes going on with my face, except when I get up in the mornings. lol. then I stand there wondering when I stopped looking like a guy. ^_^ I should do one of those videos sometime. ^_^