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The Before & After FFS thread!

Started by Forever21Chic, October 04, 2011, 05:10:40 PM

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Quote from: Michelle. on October 20, 2011, 12:16:59 PM
How much did your FFS cost?

The total cost of the procedures/hospital bills was about $32,000, and an additional ~$2000 for 10 days hotel accommodations and travel. I had actually got a pricing about 2 years prior for the same surgeries, and in the time I waited to get them done the total cost went up by close to $4000.

I paid for it with the entirety of an injury settlement and by convincing my mom to fill in the rest. Afterwards, pressure from my family (I have one of those families) caused her to change her mind about the whole situation and that's where things went bad.

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: Butterflyhugs on October 20, 2011, 05:42:38 PM
The total cost of the procedures/hospital bills was about $32,000, and an additional ~$2000 for 10 days hotel accommodations and travel. I had actually got a pricing about 2 years prior (late 2008) for the same surgeries, and in the time I waited to get them done the total cost went up by close to $4000.

I make about 10k a year... about 3k which I actually see. 32k is unfathomable.

Joeyboo~ :3

32k is unfathomable.

How in the >-bleeped-< do you find money like that?

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: JoeyD on October 20, 2011, 07:30:37 PM
32k is unfathomable.

How in the >-bleeped-< do you find money like that?

I am guessing she was snooping through Tony Montana's reclining chair or moved into an apartment owned by John Gotti.


It was that high because of my choice of doctor (Spiegel) and because I chose to get every possible procedure (at the time) done. Serious price cuts could be made by only opting for certain things, staggering them, and going with a different surgeon. But I sadly acknowledge and agree that it's probably out of reach for many of us.

Quote from: Mahsa the disco shark on October 20, 2011, 09:12:09 PM
I am guessing she was snooping through Tony Montana's reclining chair or moved into an apartment owned by John Gotti.

I answered that already:

QuoteI paid for it with the entirety of an injury settlement and by convincing my mom to fill in the rest. Afterwards, pressure from my family (I have one of those families) caused her to change her mind about the whole situation and that's where things went bad.

Mahsa Tezani



Quote from: Butterflyhugs on October 19, 2011, 05:58:16 AM
I had FFS with Dr. Spiegel last August. I made a video with before and after pictures:

Here's a sample photo:

Simply beautiful.  And yes, I did manage to watch your entire intro on youtube. It was very interesting.  I wish you the best.



Butterflyhugs:: How did healing go? What kind of sensation do you have a year later?

You look phenomenal, by the way.  ;D

Thanks  :D

I was afraid at first because the healing was quite so slow to start. I don't remember a lot of specifics from that first week because I was in a percocet-induced haze most of the time, but some things do stand out:

When I first woke up that evening in the hospital, my eyes were completely swollen shut. I could open one of them up to the point where I could see some light through my lashes, but that was it. Imagine coming awake into high levels of pain but not even being able to look around to see WTF is what. My nose was in a cast and filled with dried blood, and I had very little control over my lips.  I wound up having to stay 2 nights in the hospital on an IV because I couldn't move my mouth to eat/drink. In fact, the swelling didn't even to begin going down significantly until about 5 days post-op. When I had looked in the mirror one time back at the hotel, I remember thinking to myself that I looked like a fat Hawaiian who didn't know how to put on makeup. My face was many shades of purple, blue, red, orange, etc. The outer halves of the whites of my eyes were completely red (not bloodshot--but just a totally bright red color). The right eye stayed like that for about 3 weeks.

The doctor said that normally patients take about 3 months to fully heal (meaning there's no more noticeable swelling), but in the long run mine went a lot quicker than that. He attributed it to my being very young at the time of surgery. The one month mark was really the turning point. After that, things just kind of settled into place and all the sudden random people on the street were stopping and telling me I was pretty.

I found one photo I took of myself during the healing process. It's me at 3.5 weeks. Notice how I still look like a Gremlin or Smeagol or something similar:

Then this is me at 1.5 months (roughly 3 weeks after ugly impish creature):

So you see there was a big change in that short amount of time. I had considered myself fully healed at that point, but looking back over pictures taken throughout this past year, I can notice subtle changes occurring all the way up to about May, which would be about 9 months post-op.

As far as sensation goes, one thing I didn't like was that for a very long time my nose didn't actually feel like it was attached my face. It wasn't numb, because if I touched it I could feel my finger on the skin, but I couldn't wiggle it or flare my nostrils or anything like that. That lasted until around December (4 months post-op). Oh, and the top of my head was completely numb until around the same time. People could knock on my head, and of course I'd feel the vibrations in my neck and such, so I knew what was going on, but I couldn't actually feel them touching me. What I couldn't understand was how I could still get itches on my head, but I couldn't feel myself scratching them--so they wouldn't go away! Lol! Imagine having an itch on your harm, and watching yourself scratch it, but being unable to feel the scratching and so it doing absolutely nothing. It was quite odd and very annoying.

All in all I was very pleased with the care and courtesy (and results) of Dr. Spiegel and all his staff. They even sent me flowers at my hotel! I'd recommend them to anyone.



Quote from: JoeyD on October 20, 2011, 07:30:37 PM
32k is unfathomable.

How in the >-bleeped-< do you find money like that?

  1. Get parents or family to pay.
  2. Go to college and earn a degree so you can have a high paying career job!
  3. Inherit the money from a dead relative. (like me xD)
  4. Get a few loans.
  5. Escort.
  6. Rob a bank?
  7. Find buried treasure! (X marks the spot?)
  8. Win the lottery!
  9. Save up your money from a min wage job. (should take you about 10-15 years lol)
10. Steal it. (referre to number 6)

   Hope that helps!  :laugh:

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: Rukia87xo on October 20, 2011, 11:39:37 PM
  1. Get parents or family to pay.(Not gonna happen)
  2. Go to college and earn a degree so you can have a high paying career job!
(missed that boat)
  3. Inherit the money from a dead relative.(They are all dead and didn't have anythng)
  4. Get a few loans.(Credit is the devil)
  5. Escort. (mmmm, I could do that...EXCEPT I AM ALMOST 30)
  6. Rob a bank?
  7. Find buried treasure! (X marks the spot?)
  8. Win the lottery!(1 in a billion chance)
  9. Save up your money from a min wage job.(Not gonna happen)
10. Steal Embezzle it.


Find a sugar daddy/mommy.
Take up a hobby, sell wares/service.
Find a part-time job.
Go over seas to Mexico/Central America, spend less on FFS.
Package SRS/FFS in Thailand.
Buy low/sell high.

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: Michelle. on October 21, 2011, 12:22:29 AM
Find a sugar daddy

Some Persian guy offered to be my sugar daddy. He had a nice car...I told him I wasn't interested.

I want my rhino/lip aug damnit!

Joeyboo~ :3

I'd donate some of my -insert N word here- lips to you if I could.

There's a trans friendly doctor in houston who's good at nose jobs that I'm super wanting to get into.
If only I had 6k...

It's alot cheaper than 32k+
that fer shuree.

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: JoeyD on October 21, 2011, 12:45:34 AM
I'd donate some of my -insert N word here- lips to you if I could.

There's a trans friendly doctor in houston who's good at nose jobs that I'm super wanting to get into.
If only I had 6k...

It's alot cheaper than 32k+
that fer shuree.

Thank god I only have two things to do.. But most men don't complain about my features. Nose is so central to the perception of beauty.


Quote5. Escort. (mmmm, I could do that...EXCEPT I AM ALMOST 30)

I've been to a support group for MTF trans sex workers. I was the 2nd youngest one there--most of the other women were in their late 20s/mid 30s. You look attractive in your picture. As long as your body is in decent shape you could probably do it. It does come with even more psychological baggage though.

I've also heard of people using the excess of student loans and/or scholarships for college in order to pay for surgeries. That way you kill 2 birds: get a nose job, and have your tuition paid. And you don't have to start paying it back til 6 months after you graduate :P

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: Butterflyhugs on October 21, 2011, 01:10:53 AM
I've been to a support group for MTF trans sex workers. I was the 2nd youngest one there--most of the other women were in their late 20s/mid 30s. You look attractive in your picture. As long as your body is in decent shape you could probably do it. It does come with even more psychological baggage though.

FFS to me is just like adding icing on the cake or upgrading to mk2 iron man armor. For now, I want to get a car and move out of my Mommy's house. But really, it helps the "feminine" effects of HRT last longer...since 15 years from now I am gonna wish I had plastic done.

I'd love to go to Vidal Sassoon though and do what I should have done 10 years ago.


This is like a fun meme.  ;D

Quote from: Rukia87xo on October 20, 2011, 11:39:37 PM
  1. Get parents or family to pay. *They are just as broke as me or are too selfish.
  2. Go to college and earn a degree so you can have a high paying career job!Did that and can't find work.
  3. Inherit the money from a dead relative. (like me xD) See #1
  4. Get a few loans.Credits shot
  5. Escort. Hubby would kill me.
  6. Rob a bank?Too honest.
  7. Find buried treasure! (X marks the spot?) Jack Sparrow beat me too it.
  8. Win the lottery!Funny thing about that I would have won it twice now but 1. my cousin lost the ticket and the second is when my numbers hit was the week I couldn't afford a ticket.
  9. Save up your money from a min wage job. (should take you about 10-15 years lol)Doing it and bills take the moneys away.
10. Steal it. (referre to number 6) Stiil too honest

This was fun Thanks :)
Scott Kelley: You guys are here on a good day.
Zak Bagans: What's that suppost to mean?
Scott Kelley: The building will talk to you today."


I thought that you at America have different living standards. Here in central Europe (Czech republic) everyone cry how bad everything is and have no money to anything.
But i can go to bank and easily take a loan for 32k$, I now have 80k$ mortgage for lot and 25k$ loan and when i need I can take much more.
IMVU: MedusaTheStrange

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: Medusa on October 21, 2011, 04:01:04 AM
I thought that you at America have different living standards. Here in central Europe (Czech republic) everyone cry how bad everything is and have no money to anything.
But i can go to bank and easily take a loan for 32k$, I now have 80k$ mortgage for lot and 25k$ loan and when i need I can take much more.

In America they print money like it's going out of style.

I don't trust loans or high interest on them. I don't even like credit.


Quote from: Mahsa the disco shark on October 21, 2011, 12:03:52 PM
In America they print money like it's going out of style.

I don't trust loans or high interest on them. I don't even like credit.

   There are medical loans you could get that cover anything medical which includes cosmetic surgery (FFS) but you'd have to have excellent credit to get a loan that high and the interest rates would be through the roof. I thought about doing this for my SRS/GRS when the time comes and afterwards be in debt for the rest of my life. What are they gonna do? take my vagina away?  :D