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Bio female who has a question y'all may be able to answer.

Started by Hulud, October 10, 2011, 02:30:49 PM

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So, I was just browsing the FTM forum in search of information for my SO who wants to transition. I came across a bit of information which is interesting to me as a bio female (who likes being female), which is that people with more fat tend to also have more estrogen.

This information may be the answer to a mystery about my own body. You see, when I hit puberty, instead of rounding out and gaining weight in my hips and breasts like the other girls, the percentage of fat on my body decreased dramatically. I do have boobs, albeit very small boobs, but the only reason I have hips at all is because I'm so skinny that my shape is almost completely dependent on the shape of my skeleton, and of course my pelvis is sized such that a baby can fit through.

I am currently at about 95 pounds, and I am 5'4", which means I'm between 20 and 30 lbs underweight. I'm not sure why, but a decent theory as put forth by my doctor is that my gall bladder does not work properly, and therefore my body has a very difficult time metabolizing and storing fat.

A thing I also noticed is that before the age of 13 (when my body fat distribution was pretty normal), I was practically incapable of getting angry at anyone, but now (at the age of 18) I have become very much more aggressive than I would like to be.  Based on the information I came across, this could be because my estrogen levels are lower than they should be as I am practically incapable of gaining and keeping fat on my body.

I've pretty much come to terms with being freakishly skinny, but the aggression is something I struggle with daily. So basically I am wondering, if I take some sort of supplemental estrogen, will I become less aggressive? I doubt it will do much for actual weight gain since it's likely a result of having a funky digestive system, but if I could lower my aggressiveness even just a little, I'd be a lot happier.


It might help. It would probably also help with slowing down your metabolism. You could always try a phyto-estrogen of some sort, and see if it makes things better for you.


Would a cream or a pill be better? From my research on FTM matters it sounds like trans-dermal hormonal supplementation is more effective than supplements taken orally.


Wouldn't taking estrogen pills all the time make you infertile? Idk if you plan on having kids lol but I'm kind of curious because I know steroids can in men.



If you can, you really need to get yourself checked out. The agression you complain of may explain your lack of weight. Gfemales produce testerone like anyone else, but you seem to have a wee bit too much or perhaps are a bit too sensitive to what you produce naturally.



You need to talk to an endocrinologist. Also, GOMAD
Being severely underweight is bad for you all around.
Quote from: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 10, 2011, 03:08:09 PM
Wouldn't taking estrogen pills all the time make you infertile? Idk if you plan on having kids lol but I'm kind of curious because I know steroids can in men.
No, many women take a lot of extra estrogen in the form of birth control. It mimics constant pregnancy. It won't make you infertile.


My mom said that her doctor told her that years of taking birth control had made her infertile. This was 6 months before I was concieved, but still, lol


Whatever the effect upon your fertility, low weight, agression and failure to develop normal female 'padding' needs to be investigated. There are a number of possible causes, some relatively minor, some more serious. But this must be medically investigated.

Self medication is unlikely to imporve matters, it could make things worse. In any case, it is the policy of Susans' that self medication is nether encouraged nor assisted.

Now please, go to your GP.


Quote from: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 10, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
My mom said that her doctor told her that years of taking birth control had made her infertile. This was 6 months before I was concieved, but still, lol
A quick google a few decades later would reveal that her doctor was wrong.


If you think you have low estrogen, you should definitely get your estrogen levels tested before any further speculation!

A lot of those things like fat storage and aggression just vary by person, and might not necessarily be about hormones  :)

Also it could be about your diet, if you never ate many calories/are very active then it's impossible to gain a lot of weight.


Princess of Hearts

Actually the fat in your body doesn't come from fat in your diet.   Fat people are fat because they eat a diet high in sugar and foods that convert to sugar such as grains and carbohydrates.    The body doesn't require carbohydrates at all to live, but without fat and saturated fat in your diet you will experience mood swings, depression and heart problems.   The heart is surrounded by a generous amount of saturated fat to protect it.   Babies deprived of fat and protein by vegetarian parents are not only small for their age but they also have developmental problems i.e learning difficulties.   Fat is absolutely essential for brain development and healthy maintenance.

I eat no bread, no wheat, no rice, potatoes, or pasta, neither do I eat anything containing white flour.   I don't drink alcohol or anything full of sugar like cakes, biscuits, ice-cream and chocolate.   Instead I eat red meat, cheese, butter, pate, coconuts, bacon, Brazil nuts, etc. 


  Your weight for 5' 4" is low, but not dangerous.  But get your hormone levels checked anyway.  Yes a gall bladder not putting out enough bile could cause your thinness.  I seen a lot of thin women get pregnant, go to full term and give birth to children with no problems.  Some of those even plump up later. 
  Birth control pills will not make you (a cis woman) sterile.  It is time that will do it.  Women who has had children when younger is trending to have menopause later in life than those who wait.  A lot of sad stories in my Boomer generation of yuppie women waiting after getting their post-grad education, getting on and moving up in the company ("Upwardly Mobile" was the theme) and then finding their prince.   And then nothing happens when she gets past age 35 and tries to have children after all of this.  This is sad. 
  I am coming up on age 59 and males have sired in their 80's.  I may have clocked out on this being on the HRT, even though I am a bit late to father a child in this society.  I wanted to marry and have children but my GID prevented that.  This is sad.


Thanks everybody, and I believe I will go to a doctor.


Quote from: Hulud on October 10, 2011, 02:30:49 PM
...  people with more fat tend to also have more estrogen.


Larger people have more hormones in general. Larger women have more estrogen AND testosterone. Which is why they have bigger boobs and in a few cases they also have facial hair. Larger men also produce more of both, which is why larger men have bigger "man boobs" - you'd be surprised, it's actually not all fat.

Your aggression may not be caused by estrogen levels but in fact progesterone or testosterone levels. Being so underweight, do you miss any periods?

I suggest going to a doctor, telling them what you've told us. They will more than likely try to prescribe anti-depressants. But insist on a checkup and include a blood test to check your hormone levels.

Cadence Jean

I suggest running it by a therapist first to see what their take is.  Maybe their are some psychological tools that you can use to manage your aggression.

From a biological standpoint, I'd expect to see other traits of masculinization - more and thicker body hair, for instance.
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