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Inner Labia 'fused'?

Started by Debra, June 03, 2011, 09:08:13 AM

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For the record, if anyone does decide to do it themselves, make sure to use proper equipment. make sure anything that touches you is sterilized by boiling or otherwise. you may want to use alcohol swabs to prep the area, though i don't know how that would effect the sensitive area. Wear clean gloves and have plenty of sterile gause on hand as well as medical tape(not the paper kind!). ~ My transition blog.


Quote from: Valeriedances on June 15, 2011, 05:07:27 PM
...and whatever you do, dont use a dull knife!!!

Sorry, couldnt help myself.


PLEASE don't do that!

Surgical scissors would be best, but grooming ones could work if sterilized. ~ My transition blog.


Quick update: Last night after dilating, I took a closer look again and found that the clitoral hooding was now stuck together too!! I was able to pull it apart ok but it was still scary. It seems to me if something isn't done about this, that it could only get worse as things heal more.

I took a picture and sent it off to my surgeon and re-expressed my worry about doing something about this sooner rather than later.



Maybe a little Neosporine on the area of the Clit?  Promotes healing and would keep things from sticking.


Quote from: Janet Lynn on June 24, 2011, 12:28:01 PM
Maybe a little Neosporine on the area of the Clit?  Promotes healing and would keep things from sticking.

I'd be afraid to do that for fear that the parts of the labia that are stuck together would heal more




Re: Joyce

Quote from: Debra on June 24, 2011, 12:10:07 PM
Quick update: Last night after dilating, I took a closer look again and found that the clitoral hooding was now stuck together too!! I was able to pull it apart ok but it was still scary. It seems to me if something isn't done about this, that it could only get worse as things heal more.

I took a picture and sent it off to my surgeon and re-expressed my worry about doing something about this sooner rather than later.

I had a similar condition and Dr. McGinn just clipped the part that had grown together.  She then pulled it apart and told me to do that daily.  I've been doing as she instructed and it seems to be working nicely.  Her office called and asked for photos, so I just sent mine in, as well.

      After what I've been shown and seen her do, I've accepted this as part of the healing process itself.    I was getting a fair amount of bleeding, but now hardly get any.

      I'm about 3 and a half months post-op now and I know it will be a year before I'm all normal and healed.  Patience...


Well my surgeon got back to me and told me she still wanted to wait another 3 months. She did recommend premarin or silvaride cream to put on the parts that weren't closed up yet to keep them from getting closed up but she wanted to see the swelling and other things go down before doing anything with the 'fused' area.

So bad news: she still wants to wait which could give it more time to heal together

good news: she does seem to be interested in fixing it once more time goes by.



An update on this: I recently saw a well known OB/GYN / Family doctor / HRT doctor person to get a 'second opinion' about my inner labia being partially fused together.

Surprisingly, she had much the opinion of my surgeon. She said everything looked really really good and she said that a lot of women don't have fully spreadable labias with full access to the clit itself. It made me feel better to hear it from another expert instead of just my surgeon but I still don't know where I'm at with this.

It really does look rather good's just when you go to spread things that it the problem is noticeable. And as far as orgasming, I think part of the problem is that though I can feel my clit inside, I can't get to it and the hooding/labia that it's encased in is still fairly numb on the surface. So maybe more time will tell as of yet.



I understand was your GP says is quite correct --- BUT, many females have that taken care of these days.
Like almost a sort of mini circumcision to have more access/feeling with one's clit.

It seems one of the more common ops these days.

Food for thought,
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


Yes, labiaplasty surgery in very common today many women have it for various reasons.


Pls don't perform a DIY nip/tuck at home, if your surgeon is too far to travel, visit a gyno or a plastic surgeon who performs labiaplasty, fusion of the labia is not much of a big deal, i am sure they can sort it out for you.


5 month Update: My surgeon has straight up said that the inner labia fusing problem can be easily fixed in an office visit. Just hearing that was really good to hear. She said not till 6 months post-op at least and I'll probably wait till she's in the Seattle Office to have it done.

I'll probably ask her about it again at 6 months but definitely feeling at ease at least.....because i feel like she's willing to do something about it.



6 month update: Surgeon has said that I can feel free to schedule with the Seattle office for the next time she'll be there to get this fixed, yay! She said it was no charge as well. =)


Emily Ray

I went to a confrence two weekends ago and Dr McGinn explained how this can sometimes happ and isn't anything to be worried about. She decribed exactly how it is delt with when it comes up in her practice.




Quote from: Emily Ray on September 20, 2011, 03:59:03 PM
I went to a confrence two weekends ago and Dr McGinn explained how this can sometimes happ and isn't anything to be worried about. She decribed exactly how it is delt with when it comes up in her practice.



Great info, thanks! =)



Sorry I'm a bit late to this thread...

This EXACT thing happened to me post-op... Everything seemed to be healing up fine and then, right when I was hitting the "6 month" mark, my doctor noticed that I had a labial adhesion, thought to have been caused by my skin's super sensitivity (and thus, resulting in granulation).  I have always wondered if I did something wrong... not washing enough, not feeling, not -- Oh well, radical acceptance. 
My site "overhealed" around the labia and around the clitoris.  Yes, at some point, I do need a surgical revision.  Can't afford it at this point and have too much going on in life.  Sucks.  Took me awhile, but I got to the radical acceptance part, so its been "fused" for a year or so... what I thought really SUCKED was having to do weekly silver nitrate treatments to burn away the granulation.
My PCP ended up doing a lot of the treatment and, on accident, she mistook urethral tissue for granulation and burned it away which caused my urethral tissue to "overheal" by stricturing and closing up so that I couldn't pee.  So I ended up having my pee hole re-opened by my urologist (thankfully he already knew me from having done my orchie years ago)... not fun... ever since then, I have to self-catheterize when I pee.  (Still working on radical acceptance here).


to fuse it must have been neglected?
what about washing and creaming it to keep it all healing well?