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constructive criticism

Started by Elsa.G, November 14, 2011, 02:26:58 PM

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im currently on break at work right now, ive been thinking quite a bit about my appearance and id like to post some pics up later on. Id like some comments, criticism or whatever about my appearance. The biggest thing i care for right now is my face, As you can see from my avatar thats a pretty close up pic of my face. I just want to know on what i can improve on. Im 22 and i have been developing crows feet on the corners of my eyes which are pretty clear in the pic if u can see them. Anyway i appreciate any comments anyone has about my face and i mean ANY bad or good, i promise i wont get upset i will use it to my benefit. Anyway i cant post any pics at the moment but i appreciate feedback on my avatar. Thanks everyone!

Mahsa Tezani



yes i do, but not all the time. A lot of days i wake up really tired before work and like to sleep an extra couple of minutes instead of doing my make up but i definitely do


Quote from: Elsa.G on November 14, 2011, 02:26:58 PM
im currently on break at work right now, ive been thinking quite a bit about my appearance and id like to post some pics up later on. Id like some comments, criticism or whatever about my appearance. The biggest thing i care for right now is my face, As you can see from my avatar thats a pretty close up pic of my face. I just want to know on what i can improve on. Im 22 and i have been developing crows feet on the corners of my eyes which are pretty clear in the pic if u can see them. Anyway i appreciate any comments anyone has about my face and i mean ANY bad or good, i promise i wont get upset i will use it to my benefit. Anyway i cant post any pics at the moment but i appreciate feedback on my avatar. Thanks everyone!

Ummm it looks like you have the typical male square forehead. I think some forehead work will improve or ever considered bangs? Your eyebrows sit really low as well so I think a brow lift will help feminize your face more or you can just tweeze them. That's all I see that needs work from your avatar.

And like the pretty lady up there said, makeup helps.
"You have one life to live so live it right"


Oh and if you're overweight, losing the extra fat will help thin out your jaw/chin area.
"You have one life to live so live it right"

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: JenJen2011 on November 14, 2011, 02:35:32 PM
And like the pretty lady up there said, makeup helps.

Thanks JenJen2011 :)

Elsa. G,

Makeup helps everyone if you're a GG or a TS. It automatically makes someone 25% more passable assuming they have an andro face to begin with. It's also a lot of fun..the idea is balance and proper application.

Emphasizing your femme features and deemphasizing the male part.


thanks for ur input, also do u know a way to make my forehead more feminine? i usually pull my hair back so it's something i consider important. Also i have tweezed my brows but they are naturally low :( i have always had like squinty eyes, not like in a asian way but they are naturally pretty squinty and sometimes they look like they are only half open


Quote from: Mahsa the disco shark on November 14, 2011, 02:39:07 PM
Thanks JenJen2011 :)

Elsa. G,

Makeup helps everyone if you're a GG or a TS. It automatically makes someone 25% more passable assuming they have an andro face to begin with. It's also a lot of fun..the idea is balance and proper application.

Emphasizing your femme features and deemphasizing the male part.

In ur honest opinion do u think i have a andro face? or just plain masculine or feminine?

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: Elsa.G on November 14, 2011, 02:47:12 PM
thanks for ur input, also do u know a way to make my forehead more feminine? i usually pull my hair back so it's something i consider important. Also i have tweezed my brows but they are naturally low :( i have always had like squinty eyes, not like in a asian way but they are naturally pretty squinty and sometimes they look like they are only half open

Get bangs. You have a large forehead and it's not doing the rest of the face any favors. Tyra Banks need some of form of bangs to look good and so do you. Get femme eyebrows too. Go to Dabbles salon and ask for Jaklyn, she'll know what to do.

Eyebrows open up the entire face too.