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SURGICALLY, is it possible to keep the penis and make a vaginal opening?

Started by mynhii, November 20, 2011, 10:51:30 PM

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`````Impotence after orchi is purely a phsychological issue.

Been castrated for awhile now and I still get strong erections when I am excited.

It's all very well making a statement like that and I'm happy for you but I don't think it's fair saying that because it won't be the case for everyone and someone might go get the surgery thinking everything is gonna be peachy when the reality could be different....
see you on the beach....


I am not the only person to get an orchi and still have the damn thing react to arousal.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Quote from: smooth on November 28, 2011, 02:36:03 PM
`````Impotence after orchi is purely a phsychological issue.

Been castrated for awhile now and I still get strong erections when I am excited.

It's all very well making a statement like that and I'm happy for you but I don't think it's fair saying that because it won't be the case for everyone and someone might go get the surgery thinking everything is gonna be peachy when the reality could be different....

I happen to think you are ignoring the bodies largest sex organ, the one that actually controls arousal - the brain..


Quote from: smooth on November 28, 2011, 08:05:15 AM
If you're not bothered about depth, specifically any depth at all then I'm pretty sure you could get it done. Once your testicles are gone (make sure you're sure, super sure that this is what you want) your scrotal skin can be fashioned/surgically altered to make a very convincing vulva (vaginal opening) though obviously you wouldn't actually have one, a vagina that is. Nor would you have any semblance of a clitoris, certainly not something that would have any sensation because that would still be tied up in your still in place penis. I think I know where you are coming from and I don't doubt you've been turning this whole idea over and over in your head for some time. There's a thousand reasons why... or a few at least  :) I don't know your situation, your age or anything else about you but I have a suggestion that might give you some clarity of thought regarding your desire. This is a little "out there!" and there are those who will say it's BS or just plain stupid but my opinion is that it might help when judged against what you are considering, I'm assuming that's why you're asking?
Taking cross sex hormones, that is hormones that are the opposite off the physical sex that you were born, might well help you to make up your mind about wether making this very no way back change is a good idea or not. Once you have made this decision about wether or not this is right for you or not you might be able to drop the idea and move on with life, or not as the case may be. It could be that if you don't come to a decision about it, it could well take up a lot of your time thinking about and considering it as an option. it could prove to be quite a distraction in life as gender issues tend to be, now there's an understatment for you  ::)
I'm not saying it is but you might well find your desire for this modification is driven in part by your testosterone and your sex drive. The two things are linked inextricably. bringing your T under control should give you some clarity of thought in this area.
Some things to consider and this isn't hear say or rumour. I personally know it to be true.
Removing your testicles will probably leave you impotent. It won't stop you fancying whoever you fancy but it will remove your desire to have sex with them and to a point your ability as well. You might well be able to muster a degree of erection but it wont be as big and it won't be as hard or useable. Viagra may help with this but after a period of time and with no involuntary erections through the day or night if you do use viagra any supplemented erection that you may get might be either uncomfortable or even painful. You will probably retain your ability to orgasm but this won't be the same either. This won't actually bother you too much because after a period of time has passed you probably won't be interested in sex anyway, even on your own. I have no doubt that there will be people who stand up and say it's not like that and in some cases maybe it isn't but you should certainly consider what I have said because if you can step outside of your desire or possibly your fantasy for a while you might see it as possibly a mistake. You could always take a Testosterone supplement to maintain your level and maintain your sex drive and ability but this would be for the rest of your life and if you're planning any kind of androgony or gender change then testosterone is the last thing you'll want in your blood stream unless of course you were born physically female. Oh what a tangled web we weave  ;)
Whatever you decide to do best of luck and I hope ie makes you happy, we all deserve a little happiness eh  ;D

Thank you so much for your kind words.
I find it very interesting with your comment about my sex drive driving me to make that decision. I think that I'm fine being a male without feeling proud of my penis or testicles. I never care about them.  Unlike other men regardless of their sexual orientation, I simply don't think my testicles or penis matter much to me as being a man. It's perhaps because I'm quite feminine (not effeminate though) in certain aspects of my life.


Quote from: kelly_aus on November 28, 2011, 07:48:41 PM
I happen to think you are ignoring the bodies largest sex organ, the one that actually controls arousal - the brain..
actually I think that was a spellcheck issue :P
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.


 ;D I've had one as well and as you say 'The damn thing still reacts to arousal" But! where once upon a time I could have you used it to break in doors these days..... well, these days I most certainly couldn't. I'm not calling you a liar but I would be surprised if everything was functioning exactly as it once was. Google "link between testosterone and erection" Testosterone plays a part. Of course your brain is important as well, as are other factors but having an orchi is probably gonna make a difference, typically a degree of atrophy. There's no doubt other factors to consider as well none of which we've taken into account so who can really say. All I'm trying to get across  :) is I don't think it's fair to give the impression that nothing changes. over to you  ;D
see you on the beach....


Quote from: smooth on November 29, 2011, 10:32:11 AM
;D I've had one as well and as you say 'The damn thing still reacts to arousal" But! where once upon a time I could have you used it to break in doors these days..... well, these days I most certainly couldn't. I'm not calling you a liar but I would be surprised if everything was functioning exactly as it once was. Google "link between testosterone and erection" Testosterone plays a part. Of course your brain is important as well, as are other factors but having an orchi is probably gonna make a difference, typically a degree of atrophy. There's no doubt other factors to consider as well none of which we've taken into account so who can really say. All I'm trying to get across  :) is I don't think it's fair to give the impression that nothing changes. over to you  ;D

Cynthialee never said that it hadn't changed-  she said that she was still capable of having erections strong enough for intercourse, and that it still functioned.
Two different things.

So yes you are correct, she is not lying. ::)



I have been getting stronger erections since my orchi. Before the orchi it would get partialy erect. Now, it is reacting almost as strong as it did when I was in my teens.

Pre orchi all I could focus on was the fact that I had these gross testicles hanging off my body every time I would attempt sex.
Now I dont have them, I no longer have that distress, so I am able to focus on the sex more easily than the fact that my body is wrong.

So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Quote from: cynthialee on November 29, 2011, 11:09:58 AM

I have been getting stronger erections since my orchi. Before the orchi it would get partialy erect. Now, it is reacting almost as strong as it did when I was in my teens.

Pre orchi all I could focus on was the fact that I had these gross testicles hanging off my body every time I would attempt sex.
Now I dont have them, I no longer have that distress, so I am able to focus on the sex more easily than the fact that my body is wrong.


Not very odd at all, really. It is wellknown that many people during transition will find themselves being more and more in tune with their sexuality the more their bodies gets in tune with their Gender-identity.

And while a castration for a Cis-male for the same psychological reasons may drastically lower his drive, the very same procedure may at the same time turn a gender-varianted person into a sex-maniac.



If thats the case I can't imagine how I am going to be when/if I am lucky enough to get my surgery!

So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


It turns out the that I have been far too short sited in thinking that my own experiences and those of a few other I've read about aren't necessarily typical. I try to learn something new every day so it would seem I owe a few of you a thank you  :) I have been educated  ;D
cynthialee best of luck with achieving the potential to become a sex maniac  ;)
see you on the beach....


Quotecynthialee best of luck with achieving the potential to become a sex maniac

lmao!! As her spouse...and a T fueled person...I second that!! *falls down laughing*
I'm also the spouse to the fabulous Mrs. Cynthialee.



So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


My T levels have been lower than normal my entire life.
Even before my orchi my T levels been T<10-24 ng/dl for over 2 years.

So I don't know that it is T reliant.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


im a girl and I and a penis added and keep my vagina any help pls
~Kerrie Johnson~ :icon_redface:




Quote from: Bishounen on November 21, 2011, 11:10:25 AM

The article is unfortunately no longer avaible, but, the patient went by the name Tess Cowell and the article was titled "Meet Tess: A New Dance of Scalpel and Soul."

I saw that article several years back and saw her photograph as well, I think she was an MD herself as I recall, and I remember the howl and objections that went up from the MtF community over it.


ok now I have to ask is it possible to keep my vagina but have a Penis surgically added? i really want one and want one BAD... I dont care if I have to use a pump...
~Kerrie Johnson~ :icon_redface:


I know the feeling. However, no...I don't believe there is a way currently. (if there is, I know of no doctor who will do it...)

Instead, there is being on testosterone, which will enlarge your clit (and many other look into that fully before jumping)

There's also "clit pumps" that do work to increase your size if used frequently and consistently. (many would say it doesn't work but I've seen evidence that shows it does) and then from there you could look at medioplasty to create a small penis out of your clit.

I think these are our best options as it stands now. Not sure what country you live in, but in the US it takes at least a year of therapy to be approved for a letter saying you can pursue that surgery. So that's likely your best place to start.
I'm also the spouse to the fabulous Mrs. Cynthialee.
