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Will Americans ever elect an “atheist” president ?

Started by Anatta, November 27, 2011, 03:54:51 PM

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[In the near future] Will Americans ever elect an "atheist" president ?

Yes I believe it's possible
23 (44.2%)
8 (15.4%)
Doubt it
12 (23.1%)
When hell freezes over[which means definately not]
9 (17.3%)

Total Members Voted: 47


Kia Ora,

::) When I say atheist I mean an "open-out" atheist, one whose not afraid to speak openly about not having a belief in a god or the supernatural... It's quite possible there have been atheist presidents in the past but due to public pressure they have [like gay and trans people] remained in the closet with their beliefs...

Many countries have elected openly atheist and or agnostic heads of state...
For the most part humanistic atheism is not much different from a faith system that promote equality, human rights, helping the needy, etc...The only difference so it would seem, is the lack of a god figure calling the shots...

::) Australia has an openly atheist Prime Minister Julia Gillard , here in NZ we have had agnostic Prime Minsters Helen Clark comes to mind... I'm under the impression our present PM John Key[whose mother was Jewish-which according to Jewish law make him Jewish]is somewhat agnostic in his beliefs...

::) So what do you think??? Will America ever have an atheist president or do you think religion is so entrenched in the American psyche that only when  >:-) hell freezes over will this happen ?

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:




I would say no, but a more precise answer would be HELL NO.

Let's face it, people in this country take their religion very seriously, especially if they are in the mainstream.  An out atheist would get too much negative press.
"The cake is a lie."


Not if they say so, but so long as they give it some lip service, then all bets are off, we've elected plenty of them.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: tekla on November 27, 2011, 10:53:26 PM
Not if they say so, but so long as they give it some lip service, then all bets are off, we've elected plenty of them.

Politics is the art of giving lip service.
"The cake is a lie."


Ya'll gets them political types down that way that can put a lip lock on a long-neck from four counties away.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

I honestly couldn't care less what a president believes in so long as he understands that when he sits in the oval office, he represents ALL OF US and not just those that subscribe to his/her brand of talking snake and as such it is his/her obligation to make decisions accordingly.

Sadly the most fanatical and craziest of the religious are also those with the loudest voices and largest bases and as such it would be political suicide to even utter those words.

What really shocks me and makes me want to cry sometimes is not when I hear candidates obviously lie about being religious so that they may pander to the christians (let's be honest, that is the governing majority) but when to pander to that same crowd they say things like "I do not believe in evolution and/or it is a theory among others"

When it takes shelving common sense, rational thought and empirical evidence to get elected in this country what hope do we really have?


Kia Ora,
::) Thanks for the responses so far...

::) OK this has been a little slow on the up take so.............................Would America ever elect a non Christian, say for example a Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim or Jew {I guess Buddhist for the most part would be seen as atheist or at least non theistic]

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


When I was a kid, I wanted to be the president. Some of my most shameful memories are of teachers laughing at me after I said (childishly, sure) that I was going to be the president. Every single effing one of them said you can't do that you're a girl.

I'm an atheist. I don't think that matters. I have great respect for christians and hindus and jews and several other kinds of followers. What they do is good and important. We need to believe powerfully. I believe in the dynamics of cells, blood, light, planets, neurons, etc. That's my faith. Having faith is good.

Nobody ever treated me like I was nothing for being an atheist.
everybody's house is haunted

Rain Dog

As long as the christian groups are so large, and they continue to fight against the separation of church of state, there will not be a president who does not identify as christian.


Kia Ora

(and thanks Mr Hockey for jump starting this thread again)

I've changed the title to get some feedback from "religious" trans-members...

::) So as a "religious" trans-person would you vote for an "atheist" president ?

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

Jill F

Who's to say we haven't already.  There are a lot of atheist politicians out there that just don't cop to it.  What you don't say to get elected is just as important as what you do say.


There will be an (open and out) Atheist president within my lifetime. It's becoming more and more acceptable to be Atheist or non-theist it seems. (It even seems that the majority of people in my age group, in the part of the country where I live are Atheists or non-theists who openly state that they think religion is irrelevant and I'd expect this number to grow and spread in the next few decades)

While there will still be a sizeable group of people who wouldn't vote for an Atheist (though, those same people probably wouldn't vote for any theist who is a non-Christian), the number of Atheists, Agnostics, unaffiliated, non-Christian religious, etc. in the population are growing. With more diversity, there's a greater chance that a non-Christian will be voted into office within the next few decades.

We just had our first African-American president voted in for a second term, which is something that was completely unfathomable just a short while ago. We also had our first female vice presidential candidate in a major party run for office, which is also something that was unfathomable a few decades ago. Following the tide of progress and more diversity, it's only highly likely that an Atheist will either be a serious candidate in a major party or get voted into office.

As a non-Christian religious trans person, I would vote for an Atheist. I'd also vote for a Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Baha'i, etc. I vote for a person's politics and character, not their religion or lack of it.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ

Jamie D

Quote from: Mr Hockey on February 22, 2014, 06:39:56 PM
No. With all the bigoted Christians who are so full of themselves in this country, they'd never elect an Atheist president even if he was well qualified. I hope I'm wrong though.

Mr. Hockey, it is bad form to necro' and old topic like this, and doubly bad form to do it while violating Rule #10 of the terms of service (viz. "bashing").

Just sayin'


I think we will eventually have an openly atheist president, but not a chance of it in the next 5 or 10 election cycles. Someday.
everybody's house is haunted

King Malachite

Just because a president or presidential candidate "claims" to be Christian, doesn't mean that they are.  Chances are, I would never look to a president as a spiritual leader.

With that being said, personally I wouldn't vote, but if I was forced to vote, and an atheist caught my attention with what they promise to bring to the table, especially concerning working class and LBGT people, etc., then I would vote for them.

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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


C'est Si Bon


Not in our lifetimes.  I remember when Russ Feingold got a divorce while he was a prominent Senator, it was pretty widely reported because being divorced eliminated him from any future presidential aspirations. 
"Choosing to be true to one's self — despite challenges that may come with the journey — is an integral part of realizing not just one's own potential, but of realizing the true nature of our collective human spirit. This spirit is what makes us who we are, and by following that spirit as it manifests outwardly, and inwardly, you are benefiting us all." -Andrew WK


Quote from: skin on October 23, 2014, 01:05:20 PM
Not in our lifetimes.  I remember when Russ Feingold got a divorce while he was a prominent Senator, it was pretty widely reported because being divorced eliminated him from any future presidential aspirations. 

People said no major party would nominate a Mormon before Mitt. People said there couldn't be a black president, before Obama was elected. Don't think an atheist president is any less likely.

And a divorced guy? He was elected twice, once in 1980 and again in 1984.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Of course an atheist could be elected President, if a majority could re-elect a complete failure, then anything is possible, probable even. I doubt we'll ever elect a decent competent President again. America's best days are long behind it I'm afraid.

Watch the movie 'Idiocracy'... that's our future.  ;)
