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Ronald Reagan

Started by Princess of Hearts, September 17, 2011, 05:22:54 PM

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Amazon D

Quote from: Jamie D on December 04, 2011, 12:14:28 AM
Do you remember the "Misery Index"?  I do.

Carter = "malaise" "one term" "historic blowout election"

The people spoke in 1980 with their ballots.

They had most of the population stoned on cocaine and it screwed up the elections by favoring the right while cheap drugs flowed all over the USA and across texas airspace and into arkansas where they fake democratic president later balanced the budget on the backs of welfare reform and at first it seemed like the savings from privitization of prisons was a good thing until yrs later the second bush had so many people in jails for crack that the taxes sucked up much of the local state goverments savings due to the high cost of incarceration of mostly poor black people for crack while white people got shorter senteces for snortable coke.. Yea white people didn't complain because it was the blacks who suffered but now it has gone round to where the middle class is paying too much in taxes to keep poor blacks in jail for crack. Even hillary didn't want to make the release of black coke heads retroactive because too much money was being made in the stock markets from that pain. Finally the supreme court did reverse it..
but today we have the cradle to prison pipeline for mostly poor blacks
Yea clinton wasn't the black president because he played the sax he was really the white devil who made sure many blacks spent their lives in prisons for profit.

Carter was the best president bt he had gotten set up by the powers to be with the iran hostages and soon then reagan got in and pushed even more coke basically which was started by bush senior when he was CIA chief and we had the contra's and ollie north making sure coke got thru

Heck carter wanted to stop the flow of oil from the middle-east but the oil dealers didn't want that so they set up carter and soon reagan was in and oil flowed again like water.. Now they had the left addicted to coke and the right to oil..
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Jamie D

Quote from: Julie Marie on December 04, 2011, 08:31:39 AM
Again, lines 1 & 2 are opinion, whether yours or someone else.  The third is about the masses, who are often sheep.  Most of them could never articulate why they voted for this candidate or that.  They just repeat what they hear.  I just was curious why YOU believe what you do about Carter and Obama.  That's all.

I beg to differ.  Lines 1 and 2 of my post are not "opinion."

The "Misery Index" was an economic barometer.  Carter cited it in his 1976 campaign against Gerald Ford, when it was about 14%.  When Carter was defeated, the Index has risen to about 22%.  As it it based on commonly measured criteria, the Index is more objective than not.

"Malaise" (as poster Tekla points out) came from a(n) (in)famous television speech given by Carter in July 1979.  The underlying issue behind the speech was the energy crisis of 1979 (I also remember gasoline lines and "odd-even rationing") - which was widely interpreted as a fumble on the part of the Carter Administration.

"One term" and "historic blowout election" are facts.

Jamie D

Quote from: tekla on December 04, 2011, 08:01:14 AM
As I recall, the hostages in Iran were released on the day of Reagan's first inauguration - about two and a half months after the election.
Yeah, they didn't trust our system anymore than the Republican's did when they traded - as they said they would never do - arms for hostages.  They waited until that day, because only once Reagan became President could he authorize the release of the weapons.

Are you conflating the release of the hostages taken from the US Embassy in Tehran, with the "Iran-Contra Affair"?

Princess of Hearts

Quote from: Jen61 on December 04, 2011, 11:28:04 AM
This is absolutely the best post, LMFAO !

Until recently I did have the power to lock my own threads.



...for some added perspective...



Pica Pica

"He's the president, who's vice president, Jerry Lewis?"

...No, but Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of California.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor by default (which is about as good as it gets - you might come from a dysfunctional family, in California we come from a dysfunctional state) in an election that should never have happened.  Bad government taking it's marching orders from their wallet which is full of corporate cash.  (using 'corrupt' before corporate as many do is really redundant).  Saying the state government of California 'sucks' is an insult to all the governments everywhere else that only suck.

We're just happy to have Florida and Texas out there who seems to exist only to make Cali look good in comparison.

there is whole group of wealthy people who through media manipulation* sell fiction to the masses so that both of their candidates get nominated, that way they always get their guy elected. These groups of wealthy people are the ones who have been choosing a path for America since the Constitutional Convention** at least.

But, there is a saving grace.  That is wealthy people distrust each other, and almost never agree.  So sure it works that way, its' possible to see it.  But there is more going on, starting with the fact that for about (at least) 30-35 years now (going back to Carter, this is what he was really dealing with) the systems have become so complex, so unwieldy and so vast that they are no longer manageable.  And by that I mean that the tools of management: planning, logistics, modeling, forecasting and all that, no longer seem to work.  They have not been working for a while now and it's really showing.  It's showing here, and in Europe and just about everywhere else but China (but we don't care about those places so we don't notice.)

There is no doubt in my mind that people (high ranking people who actually pay attention to this stuff) are very afraid

* Carter was really the first to really get kicked out due to it.  That's when the hate, smears and lies of right wing talk radio came on line.  Just look at what was posted - and frequently is - I also remember gasoline lines and "odd-even rationing" - which was widely interpreted as a fumble on the part of the Carter Administration - fumble how?  I remember that it was a hella lot better than no system and waiting in line for over 15 hours for gas when Nixon was President.  That go round was much worse, much more mismanaged, but somehow gas lines and oil crisis are all Carter.

** - The first real seminal 'history' book by an American Academic historian (as opposed to old rich white guys who did it as a hobby) is considered to be Charles and Mary Beard, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution in 1913.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Jamie D

Quote from: tekla on December 05, 2011, 11:12:09 PM
Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor by default (which is about as good as it gets - you might come from a dysfunctional family, in California we come from a dysfunctional state) in an election that should never have happened.  to be Charles and Mary Beard, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution in 1913.

You might remember that Schwarzenegger was first elected in a recall of the sitting governor, Democrat Gray Davis.  If the vote to recall Davis was successful (and it was with 55% of the popular vote - predominately the San Francisco Bay area and central coast voting to retain him), then the candidate for governor with the plurality of vote would win office.  There were over 100 candidates on the ballot, as I recall, Schwarzenegger gathered close to 50%.  Democrat Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante got sbouot 30% of the vote.

A friend of mine was on the ballot.  I voted for State Senator Tom McClintock instead.