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Grover Norquist Is The Anti-Christ

Started by Julie Marie, November 21, 2011, 08:17:42 AM

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Julie Marie

Grover Norquist is a lobbyist, but not just any lobbyist.  He is the puppeteer for the Republican party.  He says, "Jump!", they ask, "How high?"  He's called the most powerful man in Washington.  Yes, a lobbyist, the most powerful man in the capitol of the United States.  How did this happen?

Watch this video.  Listen to what this man says.  Look in his eyes.  If you don't walk away with chills running down your spine, you weren't paying attention.

However you slice it, the Norquist pledge proves that the Republicans who signed this and are honoring it don't care about anything but keeping their jobs.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Another Anti-Christ, huh?
They seem to be everywhere nowadays, those pesky Anti-Christs. First it was George Bush, then Prince William, Then Obama, Then Hillary Clinton, then Arnold Schwarzenegger and several more including Michael Jackson and President Kennedy.

Seems that each time a person is engaging in politics nowadays and someone doesn't agree with what that person says, then that person has to be the Anti-Christ. ;D



He's among the worst we've got.  In a perfect world he would be mucking out stables somewhere, far away from being able to ruin so many persons lives because of his own peculiar misguided theories.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Julie Marie

I was surprised they allowed the media to film their invitation meeting.  Here we see our elected officials and others in power being led by a lobbyist.  I really found that disturbing.  I think this guy has reached megalomaniac status and feels he's invincible now.  He had no problem showing a roomful of politicians hanging on every word he says or simply acting like indentured servants or people who made a pact with the devil.

Norquist claims the voters decide the important issues but later claims if anyone who signed his pledge breaks it, he will make sure they don't get re-elected.  In other words, he, not the voters, decides who gets re-elected.  And our puppet Republicans know he will take the millions the Koch brothers and other billionaires donated to his organization and use it to campaign against the pledge breaker.  The message is clear, I have big money behind me and I will see to it if you don't do what I say, I will crush you.

His message also shows how money wins elections and that voters are easily swayed by slick advertising.  In a country where we have the freedom to vote, we don't use that right very wisely.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


The Dems have the unions, trial lawyers and up till recently the hedge fund managers.

If just 20 'Pubs break away, than this pledge becomes a thing of the past. That would be near 10% of the House GOP.



And right there you have the problem with the Pub's, you can't find 20 of them who will think for themselves or this silly nonsense that has been smack dab in the middle of 'why the >-bleeped-< things are not working' - or working totally wrong, so lets cut taxes AND start two more wars - for over 15 years and has done GREAT DAMAGE to the nation, so much so that it if not outright qualifying as treason, it sure is a profound statement  about why they should never be allowed to govern until such time as they figure out what government is.  That fact that there hasn't even been 20 of them who would, or could, not, put country in front of party as our financial system dissolved around them is pretty sad.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Julie Marie

Oh, they ARE thinking for themselves.  They are thinking totally for themselves.  Norquist and his billionaire buddies have told them, point blank, "Do what we say or you will be standing in the bread lines."  Most of these politicians have no idea how to actually work for a living.  And the thought of having to get out there and try to find a job like the rest of us scares the hell out of them.  Ol' Grover and his buddies know that and play these people like a fiddle.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Jamie D

Quote from: tekla on November 22, 2011, 07:27:45 AM
And right there you have the problem with the Pub's, you can't find 20 of them who will think for themselves or this silly nonsense that has been smack dab in the middle of 'why the <not allowed> things are not working' - or working totally wrong, so lets cut taxes AND start two more wars - for over 15 years and has done GREAT DAMAGE to the nation, so much so that it if not outright qualifying as treason, it sure is a profound statement  about why they should never be allowed to govern until such time as they figure out what government is.  That fact that there hasn't even been 20 of them who would, or could, not, put country in front of party as our financial system dissolved around them is pretty sad.

In case you haven't realized it, the Republicans are not "governing" at the moment.  (The same could be said for the Democrats as well.) The Democrats control the Executive branch and the Senate.  To the extent that the Republicans in the House of Representatives have been able to block the leftist/socialist/democrat agenda, it is because they were empowered by the People to do so.


  He will fall.  This guy is too visible.  It is the invisible apparachik that are dangerous.   I like Alan Simpson's reply to him though. 

Julie Marie

Quote from: Jamie D on December 05, 2011, 02:39:48 AM
To the extent that the Republicans in the House of Representatives have been able to block the leftist/socialist/democrat agenda, it is because they were empowered by the People to do so.

So anything we empower our politicians to do they should do?  Looks like we're in for a hell of a ride!
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Amazon D

He is just the hated scape goat for all of us to blame..

There are people who control the banking system since the 1700's and they pull all the strings and have many scapegoats..

The truth this extraction of money from the worlds economy has people thinking and soon it will have people acting..

How they act or function is the key to their / our survival..

The richest family in the world is not going to let the rest of people on earth ruin earth.. they will destroy us before they let that happen. what would you do if you were in that place??? Damn right your not going to let the world keep consuming until the earth is totally destroyed.. you might even think about removing a few billion people...

Yes i see people fighting in the streets for food etc etc and i see those FEMA camps being opened to hold the unruly...

I also see some wars being started to erase many people.. 

Its inevitable.. the republicans know whats coming.. they and the rich democrats are reaching for everything they can while the getting is good.. They see that people can't stop and well our deomcracy of capitalism is a guaranteed path towrds the earths destruction..

The question is where will you be??? Living in a city somewhere when the SHTF or living amongst the simple people growing food and living a low energy existence who will be seen by "the family" as good people worth saving or allowing to survive..

look at all the houses being reduced in value they have no value because you can't grow anything on them but just consume large amounts of energy with TVs . dryers  large frigerators ,, central air conditioners..

I tried to help people back in the 70's when i started a recycling center in N calif and went back east in 81 and told people soon they would be recycling all their bottles and cans and people lol at me.. when i built green homes in the 80's and 90's i tried to tell people to learn to change their wasteful ways.. but oh no people only wanted to consume consume consume

Myself i grow and have canned enough food to last 2 yrs from what i grew. I use 15.00 a month in electricity and burn waste wood and use maybe another 30.00 a yr in propane to cook in warm times

People think that David Rothchild is the anti-christ google it.. and he may soon offer the people of planet earth a deal to survive after a few billion kill each other trying to srvive this global money extraction..

David de Rothschild Answers Alex Jones = David Rothchilds is going to force the world to stop consuming stuff because he wants to save the planet.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Jamie D

Quote from: Julie Marie on December 06, 2011, 02:20:27 PM
So anything we empower our politicians to do they should do?  Looks like we're in for a hell of a ride!

The Republicans laid out a clear agenda for the 2010 general election.  It was to stop the excesses of the socialist-liberal Obama administration.  That is their mandate in the House, and to a lesser extent, in the Senate.

Jamie D

Quote from: Amazon D on December 06, 2011, 04:06:16 PM
I tried to help people back in the 70's when i started a recycling center in N calif and went back east in 81 and told people soon they would be recycling all their bottles and cans and people lol at me.. when i built green homes in the 80's and 90's i tried to tell people to learn to change their wasteful ways.. but oh no people only wanted to consume consume consume

Myself i grow and have canned enough food to last 2 yrs from what i grew. I use 15.00 a month in electricity and burn waste wood and use maybe another 30.00 a yr in propane to cook in warm times

You are to be commended.  I converted about 500 square feet on the side of my house, that the previous owner used for RV parking, into a home garden.  I usually use what I grow immediately, and give the rest to firends, neighbors, and co-workers.

Julie Marie

Quote from: Jamie D on December 07, 2011, 02:53:24 PM
The Republicans laid out a clear agenda for the 2010 general election.  It was to stop the excesses of the socialist-liberal Obama administration.  That is their mandate in the House, and to a lesser extent, in the Senate.
Yeah, the Pubs are good at stopping excesses...
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Amazon D

I am giving up On the occupy movement.. Not that i actually ever went there. I did see their groups etc and well its just something i can't support but i am for freedom and democracy for all people. I am staying with one group called 99%declaration which is the front for group. Yes the occupy group has gotten people to think but they need to do something and not just think that hanging out on streets is gonna change things.. There are also some crazy groups or FB occupiers pushing violence and one is "law enforecement is the 99%"

I left the following at their FB and then hid that group which is the only way i could figure out to leave ??

"""This group is installing fear and pushing violence in a subversive way.. people leave this group for your own sanity = spirituality""" ...I am against violence..... if what you say will happen, happens, then so be it.. i will never hurt another human.. i would rather be killed... i believe in an afterlife and God and worry not for all things here on earth.. Yahshua i follow you.. please delete me from this group!!!

Life here on earth is but a dream of the true spiritual world from whence we came and to where we will return
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Julie Marie

When I look back at the movements that had an impact in my lifetime, all that come to mind had some level of violence.  Not that I condone violence but it seems the powers that be just don't do anything until they are swarmed by angry mobs.

In the case of Grover Norquist and most like him, he helped "influence" the powers that be with a boatload of cash in the form of a promise his group will help get them elected and re-elected.  The average person doesn't have that kind of money.  If you got half the people in this country firmly behind a cause, I still doubt their donations could rival that of some of the lobbyists we allow to bribe our politicians.

From everything I've seen in my lifetime, most movements are ignored until they become newsworthy.  And then they have to continue to escalate if they expect to continue to receive attention.  Anyone who has followed politics knows that the masses tend to forget things after a few months.  Politicians know that and that's how they can make promises they never fulfill and keep getting re-elected. 

Today we have videos being taken everywhere.  And politicians are constantly being recorded saying some pretty juicy things.  You would think THAT would stick in the heads of the masses, but it doesn't.  Most people are just too wrapped up in their own lives and, until their lives are so miserable they just can't cope, they won't lift a finger to help themselves.  Apathy is the order of the day and that's why nothing ever changes until social unrest turns violent.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Amazon D

The problem we also have is foreigners who are living here and may not be true patriots and they may be pushing fear and division and violence to case our people havoc. They may also be a part of the occupy people. There are also many now on FB that are not even living in the USA but have great understanding of the english language and they can be stirring things up for many citizens by pushing conspiracy to help their causes. These so called FEMA camps being rehabilitated may be just for those people who enter our country under the guise of being patriots but with some ulterior methodolgy. They have good people thinking they will be sent to extermination camps for good american citizens. There are also militia groups online coming from FB calling for good people to join them and well that only gives the good people away and causes them to appear as terrorist when in reality they may just simply care for their country. So even with this bill that passed in the house and senate calling for arresting and incarceration without due justice may actually be justified as today we have millions of people here who came here after WWII and did so not to actually join us but to divide us. I am not falling for the words of radicals online verse the congress people who are a large percentage of ex military. Yes we are a military country but we have our freedoms unlike many other countries which definately don't..
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Jamie D

Quote from: Julie Marie on December 07, 2011, 04:43:50 PM
Yeah, the Pubs are good at stopping excesses...

Interestingly, Bill Clinton had a Republican Senate and a Republican House.  The Speaker of the House at the time ...

Newt Gingrich