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Service Dogs, do you have one?

Started by Emily Ray, September 19, 2011, 09:01:11 PM

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Emily Ray

Hi everyone,

I have been sharing my life with Chestnut for three months now. She is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. I suffer from pretty severe depression at times and it was suggested to me that a dog might help me keep it at bay. For the most part she has done just that. I love her so much that I couldn't think of hurting myself and leaving her alone to deal with the world on her own.

I adopted her from a no kill animal rescue. She had been there for a month and was really broken hearted. She was very slow to trust me. It took her 2.5 months before she would even rest her head against me. That was frustraiting for me because she has the silkiest ears and is so warm and snuggly. But now she snuggles with me. Infact she is resting her head in the crook of my arm as I write this.

Does anyone else have a service dog or want to get one and might have questions about the life with a constant companion?



Emily Ray


It sounds like you are a good canidate for a service or companion animal. They make huge stop signs. I just couldn't break her little heart again. She trust me with her life. I won't let her down.




Hey there,

I just moved back in with my parents after going through some really rough times. I've been begging my mother for a dog, but she refuses to acknowledge that it would certainly help me. Are there any websites that could help out?


Emily Ray

Psychiatric service dog is something you can search for at google. I had to prove to my parents it was a good idea for me before my parents let me get my Chestnut. It had a list of specific task that a psychiatric service dog can be trained to perform. I also had my psychiatrist write a letter recommending that I get a service dog. Having Chestnut in my life has made a huge difference. She has kept me safe and helped me get out of some dark times. Let me know what happens hon.




That's awesome. I have my first meeting with a therapist this week, so I'll bring it up with him or her. I've grown up with dogs and now, being out here by myself, I could really use the companionship. Thanks for the advice and I'll keep you posted.