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Started by N.Chaos, December 15, 2011, 11:05:19 PM

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* I'm really, really sorry about the freakout nature of this original post. I was in a very, very bad mental state last night. I'm absolutely terrified of this thing passing, mainly because its seemingly impossible to find any legitimate information on it that isn't just "START CRAPPING YOUR PANTS NOW, EVERYONE".

Some people are saying we're all screwed, some sources are saying its more terrorism-related BS, I don't know what to think. When I'm in a mood like I was last night, where I was about two seconds away from offing myself to escape any possibility of this, I'm utterly convinced we're all going to die, or worse. When I'm being a bit more logical, or at least trying to be, I see that this is still a horrendous thing, but at least maybe everyone won't be screwed. I honestly don't know, though.

All I know is that last night, I kept having flashbacks to my assaults from earlier in life and thinking "that's all going to seem like a party compared to what will happen to me".

Completely overreacting? Possibly. I've had issues with paranoia ever since I was in about 6th grade, though. It doesn't make the terror any less real for me, though.

Jamie D

NDAA = Nation Defense Authorization Act ?

Mr. Obama signed the bill today, which was the 48th consecutive year this authorization has been passed.

I wouldn't let it get me down.  Sort of business as usual - which in its own way, is scarey enough.


It is damn scary. Granted, I remember when the 'Patriot Act' was the scariest thing I'd ever heard of.

wait, what now? This isn't actually new news?

I've been having a hell of a time finding anything reliable on it, its all been people crapping their e-pants over it as far as I can see.