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A weird "passing" experience

Started by MarinaM, February 23, 2011, 05:51:13 PM

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So much of this depends on the physical that I have to bore you with appearance stuff first, it's important:

I'm totally out of the closet to anyone who would benefit from the knowledge and I've slowly started dropping my masculine guard over the last three months. I am 5'5'', 141 lbs, slender, a soft voice, and talk with a lot of facial expressions and gestures. For three months I've let my hair grow from 1/2" to 3" long (and it waves so hard it curls). I have a masculine jaw, a little T exposure skin damage, beard shadow; feminine eyes, nose, forehead, and (not so masculine) chin. Okay enough, well documented. Just setting a mental image.

I was working a big time wrestling event at one of my part time jobs and we all got issued the exact same blue shirt (yes! neutrality! Boo! Bad color!). They also allowed me to wear some of the wrestling sleeves that are made of silky, shiny, red material. The kind that extend from the elbow and form a half glove that your thumb sticks out of. My stand manager knows about me and had to ask if they made me feel pretty (I did sell them to many pretty girls that night), of course I said yes :) Also: I was working in a way that customers had to see my hands up close, and I was wearing clear nail polish.

I just entered strange territory:

At several points during the show I got the weirdest feeling that I was not passing as male. Not in a traditional sense, in the sense that the ephemeral thread that males link between themselves: The "Hey dude! What's good? Oh! Look look at her, damn..." type of inclusion was finally, completely gone. One customer told her son that, "She (meaning me) needs the card so you can pay for it," then did a double take, looking fearful as though I would take offense. For the night I felt like I was living between genders, not even on HRT, and it was odd.

Now, I'm MTF and I'm good with that. I identify as a woman that was born physically male, and as a result has had tons of male experience. But I was trying to pass as a man, and I was keenly aware that I did not totally succeed. This was weird. Affirming, but it felt so strange to be exposed to thousands of people like that, have them take some gender biased notice, and not have any of them make any fuss about it. I felt that this would probably help me connect with those who identify as androgynous, or even, on some level (especially early stage), FTM's. I thought that if I take note throughout my transition I could probably tap a breadth of identity experiences, not that I would try to speak on their behalf, but it would make me just that much more of an understanding person.

I know it's not about a MTF passing as female, but I think this experience was important. So strange and eye opening.


Good experience wish that could happen to me. You lucky !!!!! :angel:

Melody Maia

I am a firm believer that passing is more than just physical presentation and the mechanics of moving and speaking. It is soooo much about our mental state. What we think of ourselves and our inner life. I think we project our femininity out to the world as some sort of aura. Maybe it changes the way we carry ourself or makes some other subtle changes we find hard to quantify, but I believe it to be real.
and i know that i'm never alone
and i know that my heart is my home
Every missing piece of me
I can find in a melody



Hi Emma

It's a good expirience.
When I look at your avatar I can't see anything from a man so I understand perfectly
why you are not very successfull passing as a man.
You look like a nice looking girl to me so don't pass as a woman, the expirience proves that.
You are not only looking as a woman but apperently you have the behaviour to present yourself as one.
Good thing, honey



Thank you Ray, maybe someday  :)

Quote from: Melody Maia on February 24, 2011, 12:28:33 AM
I am a firm believer that passing is more than just physical presentation and the mechanics of moving and speaking. It is soooo much about our mental state. What we think of ourselves and our inner life. I think we project our femininity out to the world as some sort of aura. Maybe it changes the way we carry ourself or makes some other subtle changes we find hard to quantify, but I believe it to be real.

And it's hard too, to qualify masculine or feminine behavior, at least in my generation, the way I grew up. I've been around men in a full male capacity and females in a full female capacity, it seems the huge difference maker was listening to my instincts and withdrawing from the male world in general.

One of my best friends says: "Girls have long hair, sit to pee, and carry purses. Everything else is completely up in the air."
My wife says: "There's no difference between the way you act now and the way you acted when I fell in love, it's just glaringly apparent now."
My (female) stand leader said: "It wasn't a shock, you've always been kind of girly. But there are girly guys. I'm more manly than you."

That's probably why I so successfully waited until now to transition- I needed to reach the point of being completely uncomfortable with my body, and I had to realize that I take much better care of myself while acknowledging that I am really female. The exact reason is still being fleshed out, and I may never have it, but I guess it doesn't matter.

Annette: Thanks *Hug* There is another picture of me in the "could I pass one day" thread, I put it there for fun! You can see the all male me, just to prove how exceedingly strange this all was.


it's a very odd feeling isn't it...the last 3/4 months of last year I regularly started to fail when it came to passing as male...the weirdest one was in the mens toilets in a club when the atendent told me I'd make a very pretty girl...all i needed was boobs!  :laugh:


It is very odd, even a bit scary, to be between the two genders in such a situation. Just plow forward. Light at the end of the tunnel  :)

Melody Maia

Quote from: EmmaM on February 25, 2011, 12:19:49 AM
It is very odd, even a bit scary, to be between the two genders in such a situation. Just plow forward. Light at the end of the tunnel  :)

The odd and feeling doesn't go away either when you first go full-time. It is like you are living in an alternate reality, which I guess you are in a very real sense. Girl world is different than boy world.
and i know that i'm never alone
and i know that my heart is my home
Every missing piece of me
I can find in a melody



I had that happen quite a few times when I was still trying to be a girl, it was so weird because even then it made me so happy...I had this adorable older woman stop me on the street once and ask "I'm not being rude, but what gender are you...because I'd like to know what section you found those pants in".

It's definitely an affirmation, if a slightly odd one. And I have to say, you look ( to me) 100% girl, and incredibly pretty in your avatar.


Quote from: N.Chaos on April 29, 2011, 12:14:55 AM
I had that happen quite a few times when I was still trying to be a girl, it was so weird because even then it made me so happy...I had this adorable older woman stop me on the street once and ask "I'm not being rude, but what gender are you...because I'd like to know what section you found those pants in".

It's definitely an affirmation, if a slightly odd one. And I have to say, you look ( to me) 100% girl, and incredibly pretty in your avatar.

Thank you! That means so much to me right now.

I had another weird experience today:
I was walking with my daughter in front of the bookstore (in guy mode) and a lady walks by with her family. She turns to her husband and says, "That baby is sooooo cute! But who is that guy? Is that a guy?' She saw me turn around and she almost walked into the door of Old Navy trying to avoid me.

This is getting good :D




Quote from: Melody Maia on February 24, 2011, 12:28:33 AM
I am a firm believer that passing is more than just physical presentation and the mechanics of moving and speaking. It is soooo much about our mental state. What we think of ourselves and our inner life. I think we project our femininity out to the world as some sort of aura. Maybe it changes the way we carry ourself or makes some other subtle changes we find hard to quantify, but I believe it to be real.
I agree with Melody. I think for me I have always kinda acted a little fem and when I tell people that I am trans they are not surprised.


Quote from: Stephanie.Izann on October 06, 2011, 05:40:30 PM
I agree with Melody. I think for me I have always kinda acted a little fem and when I tell people that I am trans they are not surprised.

Same here, I don't think many will be too surprised if I ever come out. I've always been kinda girly and all throughout my life people have noticed without really putting 2 and 2 together.
NOT out
NOT on hormones


I agree that passing got a lot to do with your own self believing in you. There are days when I did feel like a woman and blend with the crowd much better as I am believing it myself. If I got doubts in my own being, it's being reflected the way I am and people do take a second glance. Not sure if they find out the truth, but at least they are invited to look for an odd sign. On the other hand, I was already being on stage with (cis) girls and I didn't really sting out either, managing to survive there. So I can relate to your story, Emma - and I would be sure that I wouldn't recognize you as a guy as your avatar looks pretty to me.

Just looking around here, observing women 'in the wild', there are some that are even less feminine than we are and they are still taken as a woman. So I am sure it can't be all about the visual appearance :)


Thread necromancy because this is a nice telling of an interesting time. Lol I try to share my experiences so coherently and usefully, but usually I give up and read articles or decide that I absolutely must know what everyone is eating today. :)
everybody's house is haunted