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Started by Amalina, January 13, 2012, 11:41:34 PM

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Catherine Sarah


Consider yourself the"real deal"

Quote from: Amalina on January 18, 2012, 03:01:25 AM
My problem with this is now knowing more about myself and thinking of it post transition I can only think of myself with guys. I'm sure my reasoning will cause some face palms

That statement proves you are the "real deal."   Once the operation is over, there is an "enlightenment" that you experience, that is not transferable, that most people, pre - op, don't, and will not understand, until THAT moment.

If you get "face palms," ignore them. They simply don't understand. I am very much in that place. Within the next 5 years, I will be married to the man of my dreams.

And if your Christians friends challenge you; look them dead in the eye and ask them for Chapter AND verse, that states you are wrong. If they find one; they are liars and do not understand the Bible. They probably haven't even read it. Frank Houston, former head and founder of Christian City Church "Hill Song" did a survey once that found 93% of Christains didn't read the Bible. Surprised? Not really. Not with the bigotry they display. My coming to terms with my TG self, I've been asked to leave 2 churches over recent times; as apparently I don't comply to "Christian ethics."  I am yet to receive a satisfactory explanation on this point. So far I have only received unadulterated rubbish from so called "learnard" men. The final joke is, they still accept my tithes.

Continue to grow in strength and confidence. Be safe, well and happy
Lotsa huggs

If you're in Australia and are subject to Domestic Violence or Violence against Women, call 1800-RESPECT (1800-737-7328) for assistance.


Haven, I agree with Beverley, I wouldn't call that hateful at all. I'm sure anyone would feel awkward and/or scared with that kind of experience. I know I would! :icon_hug:

Zylphia, I'm sorry it sounds like your coming out was pretty messed up. One of the things I worry about is a small part of my family getting violent. Pretty sure they will need to find out from a distance. At least though it sounds like you got one of the harder parts over with already. Anticipation and not knowing for sure can really suck. :icon_hug:

Catherine, on the first part, the guy thing just is really hard for me to come to terms with right now. If I was at least partially into my physical transition I think it might help but I'm so far from starting right now. I seriously don't even ever appear like I'm trying so I feel like a guy with those feelings which personally feels so awkward.

On the friends thing, a lot of them are very into reading their bible, that's why I chose them as friends. One thing I have always hated were the type that blindly believe their pastors and spout sermon talking points without knowing the scripture to back it up, they just don't understand what being transgendered means. To them it's guys in dresses and falls under being gay, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for christians on understanding these things is they attribute all of it to sex and lusts. I would be surprised if any of them even realized that FTM is part of it. So yeah they'll have scripture but their ignorance will be trying to apply wrong passages and while normally I'd love a good debate I don't know if I can handle that one with them because of the emotional aspect that I'd really just be fighting to keep my friends and the chances of them learning and staying are slim.

There is actually a blog post floating around my head on this topic that I might have to throw at them at some point, which btw I put a link, to my blog, too in my sig finally. It will have some random humor spam reblogs but a large part of it should be my journal entries of sorts. If anyone is interested, fair warning though, most of it is about as cheery as my posts in this thread. So not really at all. It just gives a little more insight into my thought process on all this.

Thank you. :icon_hug:

Tazia of the Omineca

Yeah my coming out was pretty strange. Oh and my family gets violent for other reasons, myself included.
I punch out my 30 year old cousin for waking me up at 4:00 AM and yelling at people in my house.


Quote from: Zylphia on January 20, 2012, 03:10:16 PM
Yeah my coming out was pretty strange. Oh and my family gets violent for other reasons, myself included.
I punch out my 30 year old cousin for waking me up at 4:00 AM and yelling at people in my house.

Your family sounds like that one in the police academy movies but less funny. Mine isn't usually violent at each other but towards others, and something like this will probably set off a couple of them. :(

Right now I'm still a decent size guy, like most of my family, so if needed I could probably take care of myself but I've never had to because of my size, have always been able to avoid fights. Once I start transition and losing weight and size, yeah I think I'll just call them when the time comes or better yet send a letter. Really hoping to avoid that situation.

Tazia of the Omineca

I like that I came out as young as I did, that way the image isn't set in their head.
They get no expectations, I came out to my mom as gay when she started talking about grand children.
I don't think my mother has any problem with my decision, my aunt though... she has a problem.
I can't even keep a conversation with her anymore... she bothers me.


I definitely envy your youth on all this. I'm only in my early 30's but I really wish it hadn't taken so long for me to realize the obvious. I was too wrapped up in trying to live up to expectations and all. Now it will probably be a shock to so many.

Also you already look amazing, I can see you getting even more gorgeous later. I'm a bit ragged you could say, I'm still trying to figure all that out for my transition, nothing but uphill for me here. /shrug


Tazia of the Omineca

Yay! I get called a girl a lot. Which makes me blush which is a good thing.


I was thinking about that the other day, it's going to be weird at first because my mind is still used to that being an insult. Even though I would love to be able to pass. Like I said I'm not the fighting type, but not sure that for the first bit of trying to pass, that when someone refers to me proper that I might not try socking them lol hope not. Would be kinda counter productive eh?

Side note to the earlier discussion on christians. I wrote up a really long "open letter" with my thoughts. I'm thinking of posting it on my blog but I'm worried it might be taken wrong somehow by friends not the christian friends, doubt they'd see it, but those I've made here or on tumblr. Not that I think many will read it but still. I can be a bit blunt, and lately spaced out, with my rants.

Will probably post it before bed tonight and deal with the fallout in the morning if anyone sees it. Wish I wasn't so insecure sometimes.

Tazia of the Omineca

I'm only insecure about my voice really, everything else seems okay.