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Losing fat around the hip area?

Started by Stefan, January 25, 2012, 05:04:16 AM

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This question is mainly directed towards the FTMs. I've been on hormones (Nebido) for about 8 months and I've been going to the gym for about 2 months now but I'd like to see my hips and butt go down faster. Will the T redistribute the fat in time or are there any exercises that I can do to help speed up the progress?


I don't know if this is a option for you, but the person of the gym I go to has found out I am trans, and she has been great about it. So, she gave me exercises that help me with the specific needs I have.

You don't really have to come out as TG if it would bother you or you are trying for some stealth, but I suppose asking your gym instructors about losing hip fat won't hurt. It is not common, but some guys do gain fat in that area and asking around wouldn't necessarily out you. My ex used to be like that, he´d gain fat first at his hips, then next to his belly, and he was a cisguy.

I guess, to lose fat you have to lose weight and if you want to speed it up that would work, though of course I have no personal experience with losing hip fat, as my problem is the exact opposite. But, when I began my HRT I lost a lot of weight, and everything else I gained since then has went to my hips and thighs, so I suppose the opposite could work for you as in: Lose weight to lose that hip fat, then work out to build up muscle on your upper body.


I Don't know about the hips I guess you just have to wait for fat redistribution but I've found doing squats with a weight really helpful for my bum. It's gone down quite a lot in the month I've been doing it.

I work out around 4 times a week and do 30 squats with a 45sec break after every 10 squats. My weight is a dumbbell with 2x 2kg weights. I tend to turn it sideways and hold the one of the weights rather then the actual grip.

Even if you don't have weights doing squats will help


Getting rid of fat works the same way for all areas of the body. Contrary to popular belief, you can't target specific areas of the body for fat loss (in the same way that doing a >-bleeped-< ton of sit-ups ain't gonna get rid of a beer belly). Fat loss happens as a whole. But it's hard to give suggestions for a better workout for fat loss if we don't know what your workout already looks like :P What are you doing now?

I second the squat suggestion, though, if only because most people don't do nearly enough squats. However, I would suggest doing them properly with a barbell in the squat rack...


Quote from: Berserk on March 15, 2012, 07:31:33 PM
Contrary to popular belief, you can't target specific areas of the body for fat loss (in the same way that doing a >-bleeped-< ton of sit-ups ain't gonna get rid of a beer belly).

It's true. Very common misconception. The T should help with where your body decides to store fat but you can't spot reduce. You just have to lose weight and hope that the T will make the fat you have redistribute somewhat.

I recommend you read a book called Wheat Belly.


If you lose a lot of weight it will reduce hip fat eventually.