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The Official "Do I Pass" Thread 3 PRESENTED IN 3D!!!

Started by Osiris, February 13, 2012, 01:07:32 AM

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Quote from: Jeh on February 15, 2012, 09:33:48 PM
I've posted a few singing clips, and here's another one. This is my 10 months (plus a week) recording.

I agree that it's not in the male range, although it does have a masculine undertone. Part of the problem might be that you're singing from your throat as opposed to chest -- but I'm not a singer so I don't know much about these things.


Jeh, you seem to be having the same problem a lot of guys do when they get on T. It's like you expected the T to do everything and just right away give you a male singing voice. It sounds to me like you're still singing according to your female voice training. Maybe you need to hook up with a different voice teacher. One that can specifically teach you to not sound stereotypically gay, since I know you're straight. I hope that didn't sound offensive, because I really want to help.



I fell for the 3D ruse! You got me hook, line, and sinker! Hugs, Devlyn


Quote from: jossef-ftm on February 17, 2012, 11:40:15 AM
i started doing some voice exercise b4 3 week to make my woice deeper i hope it works this is an other vis of me singing what u think ?

and thank u.
you pass imo. (the song doesn't really seem to work well with your voice but that's an issue many of us have pre-T)


This is me singing.
The chirbit description pretty much sums up what I think it sounds like.
Sort of funny, really. Lmao.



I pass 100% now but how old do y'all think I am? I haven't been getting carded as much lately so it's nice to know I'm getting read for my age.

And since everybody else is here's a link to my singing voice 14 months on T.


Quote from: DylanAntonio on February 17, 2012, 10:15:17 PM

I pass 100% now but how old do y'all think I am? I haven't been getting carded as much lately so it's nice to know I'm getting read for my age.

You look about 18-20 to me.
I saw that on your blog it says you're 21 though and I can imagine that you could pass for that age without question.
Like, I mean, if you told me you were 21, I probably wouldn't question it.



Do I pass?
Some days I think I do, and other days I dont.
I'd love to hear someone elses opinion though  :)

I'd love to cut my hair quite a bit shorter too, but every time I've tried it hasn't helped me pass at all haha.


Quote from: jossef-ftm on February 17, 2012, 11:40:15 AM
i started doing some voice exercise b4 3 week to make my woice deeper i hope it works this is an other vis of me singing what u think ?

and thank u.

You sound like a dude trying to sing high.

lol how did you manage that while trying to sound low?
If you do not agree to my demands... TOO LATE


I think this is the first high-definition photo of me on Susan's..
I know I don't pass 100%, and I think I'm in the chub-face stage of T now. :D

Half of life is f**king up, the other half is dealing with it. - Henry Rollins


Joeyboo~ :3

Quote from: Morgan. on February 18, 2012, 03:21:40 AM

I think this is the first high-definition photo of me on Susan's..
I know I don't pass 100%, and I think I'm in the chub-face stage of T now. :D

You kinda look sweaty haha, but pass imo.
You're cute too, congrats. ^^


Thanks Joey :)
yeah, here in Aussieland it's pretty humid even at night time right now. Plus having the extra layer from a binder doesn't help. :(

Half of life is f**king up, the other half is dealing with it. - Henry Rollins



Been a while since I posted here. Pass? No pass? (You shall not pass...?) Age guesses?


Coyote - I do think you pass here. I think you have the potential not to pass aswell, but your style seems to fit together in a way where the length of your hair doesnt prevent you from passing.
You do look quite young though, 16ish Id say.


Coyote - pass. totally. your style reminds me of metal kids in high school. I'd say you're no older than 18...maybe 19.


What the hell, it's been awhile.

It's been over 10 months on T for me.  I don't think I look that different, but the changes have been significant enough, I never get misgendered anymore, but I think my voice helps me out there too because I'm still fairly andro looking.   I could use a haircut though. XD


Thanks for the feedback, guys. Most people put me at about 14 in person, so I'll gladly take 16-19. My height is likely a factor IRL. I am into metal, so looking like a metal kid is understandable. :D

Bahzi, you get a full pass from me. I remember some of your older photos. The changes are slight, but they make a big difference accumulatively. I thought you were passing well before, but I definitely see further improvement in this pic.


Quote from: Seamus on February 17, 2012, 11:15:17 PM
Do I pass?
Some days I think I do, and other days I dont.
I'd love to hear someone elses opinion though  :)

I'd love to cut my hair quite a bit shorter too, but every time I've tried it hasn't helped me pass at all haha.
Seamus, you look like a teenage guy in this photo IMO. Pass!


This is my friend on the left and me on the right. I'm acting like a dork, but it's a recent pic.

preston: looks like u pretty much pass. wudnt rly question it in a bathroom or nuthin. its good cuz guys bathrooms r mad easy 2 pass in cuz no1 looks round nd gives a >-bleeped-< or nuthin. jus a random thought haha
-- Alexander Tyler (call me Tyler though)   8)