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The Official "Do I Pass" Thread 3 PRESENTED IN 3D!!!

Started by Osiris, February 13, 2012, 01:07:32 AM

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Liminal Stranger

Not old enough to say. I've got an issue looking my age whether people think I'm a boy or a girl, I'm just trying to pass without worrying about the age thing. I need a haircut though  :-\

"And if you feel that you can't go on, in the light you will find the road"
- In the Light, Led Zeppelin


Quote from: Leo. on March 31, 2013, 09:50:37 AM
I can certainly see why you passed Matty, you look pretty much cis to me. I wouldnt question you at all. I dont even see how your chest could give you away. Wish I had your 'problem' there, I cant possibly hide this.. Of course I had to get this really bad too didnt I. You dont look fat at all either. Thats an extra problem I have too, no matter how much I try to lose weight nothing makes the slightest bit of difference. Probably have to resort to surgery while Im getting all this done anyway. Nothing about you I can see would give you away at all

I hate everything about myself, not a single thing I dont. I especially hate my face, I think I look stupid.. and ugly.. but there we go

Thanks :)

I'm actually a DD so hiding that is hard, that's why I wear over shirts all the time.  I prefer winter cause I can always have layers, in the summer I start to look a bit repetitive with over shirts all the time!  Also, when you're out and about, keeping overshirts from flying back and revealing all is pretty much impossible.  I have to kinda hold them together or button it while walking, but if I'm buttoning a shirt I have to get a size too big because I still have hips and they never look right at the bottom!  Bit of a nightmare!

I don't think you're ugly at all!  You look fine!  Chin up, bro!  Everyone looks for faults in themselves.  For myself my main hatred is my entire lack of chin.  I look fine straight on but if you saw me from the side my chin just goes straight into my neck and it looks horrible.  Nothing I can do about it bar surgery and it's not something I care enough about for surgery (more important things to address first ;)  lol). 

As for weight, I do have quite a bit still.  That picture is a little more flattering but I still need to lose about 8-10kg (17-22lbs).  When losing weight it really is all about diet and lifestyle change.  I have 5 400 calorie meals a day spaced out every 3 hours.  I do very intense workouts though so that's far too much to eat if you don't workout.  But I've noticed if I take a week off training on a recovery week, I still lose weight.  On the flip side, if I train hard for a week but maybe not eat so well, I can actually put on weight!!!  I know high level exercise puts people off losing weight, but it's really like 80% diet and 20% exercise.  A little exercise to work the muscles (even walking counts!) and switching to eating smaller amounts but more regularly with 5-6 meals a day will help boost your metabolism might get you some better results before you start considering surgery for that.  It can be an absolute pain in the butt to motivate yourself, but even with 10-16hr work days 5-7 days a week, I eventually settled down into a routine.  Feel free to hit me up if you want some advice here.  I've already lost 20 lbs since January and I still eat stuff I like, I refuse to cut out pizzas, burgers and fries because I want a lifestyle change that I can stick to, not a diet.  And no, I'm NOT selling diets or specific exercise plans, just common sense.  Exercise definitely helps me cut the weight and it'll help cut it faster, but you don't have to go as insane as me, not even close!

Quote from: Seth_P on March 31, 2013, 10:35:42 AM
@Matty Thanks! I look amazing because of the angle, if I'm looking straight on, I'll probably be a bit more feminine, honestly. .  XD And you pass really well, I would totally think you were born a boy. I might take a pic of me straight on, later.

Thanks :).  And I'd like to see a pic straight on, but right now I think you might just look like a younger boy rather than total full on feminine, but let's see.  Are you still quite young?  One of the issues I have is that I'm often perceived to be a lot younger than I actually am (28), I don't know how well that picture shows that, but I find it hard to estimate the age of some FTM, especially pre-everything, because of the issues I have.  I sometimes get told I look 17 or at best 18  :-\.  And when you have a girl's ID, appearing to look under age just sucks!


Quote from: Liminal Stranger on March 31, 2013, 11:44:02 AM
Not old enough to say. I've got an issue looking my age whether people think I'm a boy or a girl, I'm just trying to pass without worrying about the age thing. I need a haircut though  :-\
well with a hair cut you will totally pass as like 12

Liminal Stranger

Yeah, people think I'm a 10 year old girl with this haircut. But it needs to grow out before I'm allowed to get it cut, and if I go to a barber shop or something my mother will have me institutionalized because that obviously makes me psychotic -_-

"And if you feel that you can't go on, in the light you will find the road"
- In the Light, Led Zeppelin


A reminder about Site Policy:

Quote from: Not-so Fat Admin on July 10, 2009, 06:12:01 PM
Minors are discouraged from posting their ages on the public forums and any posts referencing the age of a minor user (under 18) will be edited out. This goes for personal profiles as well.
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Haven't posted in awhile wanting to know how I am doing with passing, got a new binder the other day so been feeling pretty good, and have lost about 20 pounds since I last posted. Let me know what you think, I'm still pre-T

And before I shave tomorrow here is my facial hair, takes about 6 weeks for it to be about this much, and I am pre-T

Live the life you want and want the life you live


Definite passes and holy crap Charlie, that's some facial hair for pre-T!  Wow!


Quote from: danjs34 on April 01, 2013, 03:16:26 PM
Hey guys this is my first time posting my face
would you say I pass?

I'm not 100% on it but I'd say you pass pretty well. Honestly tho I'm too busy staring at ur eyes (in a completely platonic, coming from a straight bro kind of way) lol you've got AWESOME blue eyes. And regardless of how well you pass now you've got a great base to start with. Couple years on T and those eyes will have you permanently posting in the badass thread. Good for you bro :)



Here's a crappy picture. I'm pre-everything but I've been told that I have masculine facial features. Just wondered what everyone thinks. I have my hair pulled back and that pathetic facial hair was just a sad attempt at drawing it on.  :P


You pass really well, especially for pre T. Your face does look pretty masculine, you have some good angular structure going on  :)
If I let where I'm from burn I can never return

"May those who accept their fate find happiness, those who defy it, glory"

Prince Sal

Hey all. I thought in celebration of 6 months on T, I'd post some pictures in the 'Do I Pass' thread.

sorry for the seduction you are experiencing now (j/k)


prince sal - you look great! pass with flying colors as I'm sure you already know lol

-- Alexander Tyler (call me Tyler though)   8)

Liminal Stranger

Dude, I cry manly tears every time you post here because I'd like to look like a cisguy too  :laugh:
Either way looks nice with your face shape and all, for some reason you look older in the first pic even though I would think the hairstyle in the second would do that, might just be the lighting or something. Personally I like the first one better but don't listen to me, I'm just the guy who wants to take over the world with genetically engineered cats  >:-)
I kid, I kid. I vote first one.

"And if you feel that you can't go on, in the light you will find the road"
- In the Light, Led Zeppelin


I prefer the second one because it looks neater to me, the first looks like you're trying to be neat and it's not worked, but that could just be the picture.  Either way, you completely pass and have done for ever, so get yourself over to the badass thread and stay there!

Seriously, you and everyone else who's posted recently in here passes great to me.

Adam (birkin)

I personally like the first pic, Ty. Not sure why. It does look more casual than the second, but you're young so I think in most circumstances it's expected you'll look casual if it's just say to day stuff.


Ty: down/side for me, you look more...well...badass! 

Contravene: Yeah you got some real good features there!

Prince Sal: Definite pass!


Recent pic dressed up for my friend's formal, I am on the right, let me know what you think. Thanks.
Live the life you want and want the life you live