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Why cant I be like them?

Started by imsorryimsilent, March 19, 2007, 06:04:16 PM

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You know...
on Susan's it is found that many keep things inside, or start living later on in life.
I have also found that many people my age crossdress... and are respected and appreciated for it
I get jealous of those people. I'm of high school age. My mom knows and is fine with it (so lucky)
I've occasionally have dressed in a skirt to school... it took me a few talks with some teachers to
have it be ok.  i got made fun of by a few, greatly admired by others, I am still scared to live this way though,
and thats what I want to do, I want to live always this way.
I'm afraid of this side of me being shown, yet I want it shown.. this is me..
I want to live in skirts and dresses my whole life, and it shouldn't be a problem. I'm just scared.

One of the worst things im scared about is looking good doing it.
I dont care I want to be known as a girl and i want to dress as one,
i care about doing it accurately much more, but im still scared to do it period.

now the bathroom question, it says go to the bathroom that fits your appearance,
what about at school?



Cindi Jones


I don't know what to tell you hon in response to your question. As long as you are a minor I would suggest that you work with your mother to address these issues. It is wonderful that she is "okay with it". She needs to be there to help you. She needs to be involved. You need her direction and help.

On all the other stuff, thanks for sharing. Many of us have felt this way. And some of us have changed our lives to live the life we see is appropriate. In all things, I encourage you to consult with your parents.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Hi Sydney!

First of all, you are one corageous person.  In high school I never would have had the courage to tell my mom, let alone go dressed in a skirt to school.  That is amazing!

Cindy, as usual, is right on target.  I am sure your mother and you can find a good therapist for you.  Not to cure you, but to help you clarify your issues.  Your desires and needs are not too different from those of many others on here, and a bunch of us are really concerned about looking good, too.  So join in the discussions and learn all you can.

What is the "it" that say to go to the bathroom that fits your appearance?  Can you help us out some more here?

Best wishes,


Kristi- don't be sorry your silent.. i like that :)
The bathroom thing is just something ive read from several different post and it usually is all the same.. and it says that... maybe i havent read the right material? I dont know an exact pinpoint honestly...
In all honesty, not to be rude, you all seem to want me very involved with my mother on this, that is cool, im just wondering... is it for her feelings... or to help me understand something? I imagine both or neither?
Yes Ive asked my mother about professional help, were working on it...
Maybe im as dumb as a pound of rocks in the middle of space.... but direction?
I kind of know... that i want to live known as a she... i know that much...
um... im just not quite sure what all you mean....
you both seem like really cool people though. :)
im actually dead silent in real life, im scared to talk to people.
somehow every once in awhile i burst out and say some stuff.

Cindi Jones

The reason we admonish you to work with your parents is that you are a minor. We are not qualified, nor do we feel comfortable to give minors advice. You are probably aware of the many legal cases being brought against adults dealing with minors on the internet in issues dealing with sexuality. Even though we don't see ourselves discussing sexuality per se', we do realize the rest of the world believes this is so.

The advice to include your parents transcends any legal issues as well. It is their responsibility to rear you and take care of your interests, not ours.

I hate to be so blunt but that is where it is. Now don't go away! We'd love to have you participate.  Honest. I would have given anything to find a resource like this when I was your age. There are many ways in which we CAN help. But your parents should be involved in any decision that is out of the ordinary for most "normal" people.

And if your mother ever questions your involvement with this forum, you can show her this message! ;)

Chin up doll,

Author of Squirrel Cage


I love knowing why!!!
and i didn't get a "because i said so!"
I'm feeling good.  Yay! lol
thank you bunches Cindi.
Gotta go quick sorry peace


I admire your courage for going out to school in a skirt. It's tough age  group but more people appreciate you than is being said. Keep working with your parents with your issues. It's wonderful that your mom is okay with your dressing.

Lastly, enjoy being who you are. No can live your life for you.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)





Hey, laugh a little, my young friend!  In all honesty, most people your age do not have parents who would be the least bit supportive.  But since you are a minor you will need her consent to seek any kind of medical advice.  Now I am the last one who wants to pin labels on anyone.  But that being said, you call yourself a crossdresser but seem to have the desires of a transsexual.  Only a doctor can make this diagnosis.  But  you need help to clarify this because it will have long ranging implications for the rest of your life if you do intend to live as a woman.

This journey can really be tough.  If I have any advice to give you it is to enjoy the fun moments as they happen.  There will be many.



Quote from: gennee on March 19, 2007, 07:48:06 PM

Lastly, enjoy being who you are. No can live your life for you.


I'm happy that I am the way I am,
I wouldn't trade for a "normal" life
It makes me happy you said that.

and... Kristi, all i can do is smile... thank you so much.

Honestly... I go in and out of thinking maybe I'm more than just a crossdresser.
I honestly want to be respected and known as Sydney always... but its very difficult, and it would take a lot, and involve lots of risk. maybe I will find what I'm looking just living... without all the change....

those times at school, even though I was made fun of by a few, were some of my happiest moments, no lie...
its still very scary though.

I'm also a singer... well many and call themselves that, and be American idol rejects so you cant really trust me all that much... but I've been asked to lead sing for bands... mostly punk, goth, type stuff...
i dress in blue jeans though so im not really the typical goth or whatever.
What I want to do as a career... involves singing-- a dream
Its just difficult being who I am... and having another dream.

love you all...
