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A Transgender Teen: Lucy's Story

Started by jonjon, March 26, 2007, 02:29:18 PM

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Anyone watch it?

It just brought back all those teen feelings i had that i managed tobury so deep under the soil til last night >_>

But other than, it was an interesting bit of TV
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Yeah, I'm glad I did.

she goes to the same doctor as I do and I was kinda suprised how she was just given the stamp of approval for GRS like that, I was expecting it to be more of a big thing, not that my doc makes a big thing out of anything, we just talk about how my life is going when I see her every four months or so, it kinda reminded me how I'm just not doing the whole teenage girl thing, I act like I'm about 22 or so, then again I never got the whole love of makeup/dressing up thing.

I hear she's going to suporn though instead.

the biggest effect the program had was just reminding me how far i've come, I have about 8 fairly close female friends two of which are very close, I managed to stay in education and I've gotten over all my social anxiety already, this isn't because I consider myself a better person i was just lucky with allot of things and blended easy but at the same time it kinda confirmed that I'm there, I've done it, and I'm getting on with life as i should so I hopefully will have no trouble at all next october when I'll be FT a year with getting my GRS letters.

one thing that worried me though was that she seems to have put her life on hold for transition, that her life starts post op and that sends off alarm bells with me, it's pretty obvious she is truely transexual i'm not contesting that but it seems an unhealthy way to go about stuff, what's between her legs does not stop her from getting back into school or getting a job and an expectiation that being post op will change this is likely to be a let down for her.