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Question: Please define "Gender Variant" if possible.

Started by ChefAnnagirl, April 02, 2007, 12:41:25 AM

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Someone actually asked me this question within the last week. "How do you explain transsexual vs. "gender variant" ?

I have no idea - pardon me for seeming really clueless or something. I have really not the slightest clue as to what that means. If anyone can explain this for me, i could honestly answer that person's question.


Level the playing field

Cindi Jones

You know what?  25 years ago I couldn't even spell trassexual.  And now I are one.


<typos deliberate>

Author of Squirrel Cage


it basically pertains to someone who's [transgender] but [not] transexual.
examples: crossdressers, androgynes, transvestites, gender queer, >-bleeped-<s, and the list goes on and on.


Thanks, K-Grrrrrlll... Simple clarification greatly appreciated. 

Cindi, your laughter (and good humor) is infectious at the moment.... As always....

Level the playing field