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Post Op Discharge?

Started by Icephoenyx, May 10, 2012, 06:18:43 PM

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Hi girls, I am almost 3 months Post Op and I am still needing to wear a pad 24/7. I notice there is still blood, which is understandable, but it also looks like a yellowish substance is in there too. I'm not sure if it's urine or some other discharge. I have lost a lot of control of my bladder since the surgery so I'm wondering if this will just go away in time as I heal.

Dr. Brassard's office has told me to douche w/ saline twice per day, but it only seems to help for a few hours. Any other ideas?

Thanks you!


I had the same thing until I went down to dilating once a week.  I think most of it is probably lube.  I still have stuff coming out of me a for a couple days after I dilate.  I still even have a bit of blood when I dilate--no biggie.


Don't want to worry you but that sounds like an infection.

It needs to be checked by a Dr so the actual infecting bacteria can be identified.

You will most probably have already had some antibiotics, since these didn't clear it up, it does suggest it might be one which needs something different.

But not to worry. Get it seen to. Keep it clean and where possible, wash with running water, such as a shower.

Also, unless you've had instructions to the contrary, eat a load of fruit, veg, small amount of meat and load of water. Cereal every morning.

Keep us posted by the way.


I had a discharge to for awhile and  i still do from time to time it wasnt an infection it was lube, also aboutt the bladder thing around 3-4 months post op my urin control was really bad i needed to use a heavy period pad and i was horrifed but it got alot better and my dr says its scar tissue around the urethra and will dramatically improve around 12 months but  its already alot better then it was. also i stopped bleeding vaginally around 9 months. it stopped mostly at 6 months but stopped fully at 9 which again is normal. So dont worry too much i was a wreck for no reason lol.


if its clear pale yellowish jelly stuff its likely just the lube that got nicely mixed and aerated as you shoved the dilator in and out and as the lube is hard to wash out from the far end with the usual douche nozzle it eventually dribbles out.

if its more like yellow/green lumps it might be thrush.  I had this when I came out of hospital and it took directly applied Canestan to cure it.

If there is just a smear of blood its just the dilator stretching raw edges that are taking their time healing.

If I don't ease the bigger dilator in slowly with plent of lube I tear things enough so that afterwards I can squat in the shower watching blood drip for a couple of minutes which is interesting.



A year on I still have discharge and wear a liner all the time, but then a lot of women do.

But what you described could just be the skin replacing itself, mixed with lube and other neovagina secretions. Your vag sludge will decrease in time.

Mine ranged from yellow to green and none of it was infection.


I'm 5 months post op, and there is just a little discharge right now. Dilation is also getting a little bit easyier. :)


I know this may sound a bit disgusting but just dab a finger down there and then have a sniff...if it smells a bit cheesy it may be a mild yeast infection, 5mm of cider vinegar in your douche will create the right PH for the bacteria you want. If it smells fishy, it's old lube, when I was using synthetic lube I douched after every dilation. Some people will tell you not to because you'll flush out all the good bacteria, but this is rubbish, 5mm of sea salt in your douche will not affect the bacteria you want while discouraging the ones you don't. If it smells like rotting meat it's an infection, you may have to use something like beterdine for a couple of days to kill everything off and then start again. If it smells fresh and salty it's just normal vaginal lube/discharge and is nothing to worry about. I get damp knickers all the time, usually when I'm skating (it's the road vibrations) and I've got slightly aroused. If I'm skating for an entire day I'll but a freshness liner in because it can cause chaffing, otherwise i don't bother.

You have to remember that natal vaginas are only self cleaning because once a month all that gloopy sticky blood comes out and takes all the nastiness with it. any woman who doesn't keep her vag clean will find it smells funky.

Also I've just moved to using coconut oil to dilate, it helps inhibit yeast growth, will be absorb by the body because it's natural so won't go off and smell fishy. You vag also smells like coconuts just after dilating. I've stopped douching since I started using coconut oil, but I wash own there once a day.

Also if you have thrush, you'd know about it...I've had it and it's horrible, a nasty burning itch and a thick white discharge.


Ok so it has been about 5 months post op now and I'm still noticing heavy flow, should I get it checked out? I will be trying to douche with salt water starting tonight, I'm a little worried.


when you think about it the usual penile inversion means that you have a closed end tube inside instead of having an external penis skin so really there shouldn't be much more moistness than the usual amount of sweat from the penis skin produces during the day except that the pee tube will be slightly inside and may let some pee run back and inside although I think the tight muscle ring will keep it out.
so if there is a heavy discharge then there may be some cut areas that haven't healed properly and are seeping so if the salt doesn't cure it you might try the Betadine and if that doesn't work then go see the doctor.