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My changes so far

Started by Jeatyn, May 01, 2012, 09:14:37 AM

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I'm sorry for posting one of these....I'm sure their are loads of others like it, but other than my partner I have nobody else to tell and dammit I want to shout any progress I make from the roof tops. I feel like writing down what I've actually achieved so far will help me keep pushing to get to the next step. Feel free to post your experiences so far too, I'd love to compare notes.

I've been on anti-estrogen for...erm...I don't know, 2/3 months? I had high natural T levels before starting, so removing the estrogen has allowed the T to do what it's supposed to do. I should be starting actual T shots any day now, I'm just waiting for the call that it's all sorted.

My general mood and attitude to life is 10 billion times better. I just feel uplifted and positive for the first time in...well ever. I'm much less emotional and able to think more clearly. I am more able to let little things go rather than let them stew and fester out of proportion. For example I've always been very particular about keeping the house clean, and my partner is very messy. Things like forgetting to wipe the side after spilling coffee or leaving his stuff in the middle of the hallway used to make me so angry. Now I'm just like, meh whatever. I still keep the place clean, but a few dirty dishes is no longer the end of the world.

The first change I got pretty much immediately was a HUGE jump in libido....and sorry if this is TMI...downstairs is now much more reactive. I can feel myself getting a boner basically. I don't tend to examine the area much so I don't know if it's bigger, but I couldn't feel it before, so it must be.

Next came ACNE....this sucks, a lot. I'm so greasy now it's unreal. I've always had nice clear skin so this is a nightmare. I could fry chips in the grease that comes out of my pores each day. I'm also much sweatier, which also sucks. I'm needing to wear deodorant for the first time in my life, and it smells different, much stronger. I'm your typical greasy sweaty teenage boy.

Next I noticed hair growth, I'm generally much hairier all over. My peach fuzz is now black and thicker than before. I get a bumfluff moustache I actually have to shave. It's very cool when I lick my lips and feel hair there.

My voice has dropped a level, this is my favourite part. I have much more bass to my voice. I was very hoarse and had a super sore throat literally after the first week, which then went away and left an awesome voice change. I can now talk without concentrating over the phone and on xbox live and nobody so far has questioned that I'm a guy. I used to get refused security clearance on a lot of my official accounts because I sounded like a girl and was listed as a man on their systems. I used to have to get my partner to pretend to be me to get anything done.

Last but not least I seem much more motivated to exercise now. I've been chubby pretty much my whole life and never been interested in physical activity of any kind. Now I run 4 miles a day and go to the gym to lift weights 3 times a week, and I don't have to force myself to do it. I enjoy how pumped my muscles feel after a good workout and I'm much stronger than before.

So if you made it through that rather long self centred post I commend you, and encourage you to post your own progress  :P


I won't post my own, but I will say thats awesome! I totally get it with not having people to talk to about it all, I mean unless you're going through it yourself people don't really "get it" it can get pretty lonely, I'm pretty sure we are in our own very strange David attenborough documentarys :)



Jeatyn, great to hear.  What are you taking for a blocker that is giving you such great effects?  I would like to start having all those great feeling and knowing I was going forward in transitioning.  I sure want to get rid of my monthly problem, that would be such a great thing to happen for me.


oh yeah I forgot to mention no shark week since starting either :D woohoo!

I'm taking a high dose of danazol - they usually only give it in small amounts to avoid all the "side effects" but for me they just loaded me up with it so I DO get the side effects

To be honest I don't really know why this isn't recommended as a stop-gap treatment for all FTM's. It's like a test run, especially if you take it in small doses. If you don't like how it feels you just stop taking them and no harm done. If I had any doubt in my mind about testosterone before then they are definitely gone now, even without the physical changes the way it makes me feel mentally has confirmed that estrogen did not agree with me and I'm much better off without it.


Don't mean to be a downer but Danazol is pretty hard on the liver. Your doctor should be running regular tests on that - especially if they're giving you a large dose or you're taking it daily. I think injectable T has less of a risk in that arena. Danazol is a modified synthetic form of T. I was told it's meant to be a short term treatment as well. I seem to remember 4-6 months being the higher end of its use? The doctor I was seeing optioned that to me and I was leery of the liver side effects so went with the T for a few months. That didn't end up working out in my favor either but I do remember going over the Danazol treatment too.

It could be a potential stepping-stone for some people though, mostly because it's easier to obtain (I believe shark week difficulties should be enough to get it - don't have to go through a therapist, etc. etc.) and because it's a form of T could still give effects, at least in the short term. I'm not sure if the effects are lasting or not after you stop taking it?
"Let's conspire to ignite all the souls that would die just to feel alive."


Yeah he said I should take it for a maximum of 6 months and tested my liver first which came back in tip top shape. Fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong I should be on T before I hit the threshold for the Danazol. I just had another load of bloods and tests taken which I'm waiting on the results for. If those results are ok I should be getting T.

I would imagine some of the changes would be permanent like the voice but the rest would taper off and return to "normal" after a while of being off it. So I really really hope I do get T before it stops

And yes I did get it prescribed as treatment for shark week issues.