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Do You Think Everyone Has A Certain Time To Die?

Started by King Malachite, May 09, 2012, 06:34:36 AM

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King Malachite

We all will die one day.  THAT is a given but are our days really numbered?  If we are supposed to die on a certain day then is it going to happen?

I have to admit it is kind of scary to me to have thoughts like that but at the same time I am having a difficult time understanding this process.  I'm leaning more towards the "death is random" aspect.  What about human-induced deaths?  Do those happen because "it was time"?  If that is the case then why would those who kill be punished according to the law?

What's the point of exercising, eating healthy, not smoking or drinking so you can live a long life if you just die in a car crash or get shot? 

When school or workplace fatal shootings happen and the survivors say that "it was just God protecting them so it wasn't their time to go" it gets me confused.  It makes me want to ask them does that mean it was time for those who died to go?  Did God intentially not protect them because he wanted them to die?

If there is a certain time for death then why do some people go through more painful death than others?

I think it's random with some controlled variables but I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


I guess it depends whether you believe in free will or pre-determination. At least with regard to 'unnatural' death.

We can never really know whether we have free will, or the illusion of free will. Whether we're writing our own parts in the play of life or whether we're nothing more than marionettes, controlled by some Cosmic puppetmaster. Except after the final curtain, by which time... it's too late.

Perhaps a more interesting question would be: If you did know the day of your death, but not the method by which you met your end, would it affect the way you lived your life?

With regard to natural death, well, as the saying goes: "You're dying as soon as you're born". We're subject to a lifetime of erosion, which, eventually, becomes too much. Although as we gain more knowledge of both ourselves and the world around us, even this can be slowed, and the inevitable postponed.

Something you might find interesting.
Natura nihil frustra facit.

Beth Andrea

Of course everyone has a "certain time" to die...unfortunately one does not know this time until sometime after the death.

Like me, for example. I have no idea whe--URK! *gasps* *falls to the floor*
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017

Amazon D

Quote from: Sephirah on May 09, 2012, 10:04:59 AM
I guess it depends whether you believe in free will or pre-determination. At least with regard to 'unnatural' death.

We can never really know whether we have free will, or the illusion of free will. Whether we're writing our own parts in the play of life or whether we're nothing more than marionettes, controlled by some Cosmic puppetmaster. Except after the final curtain, by which time... it's too late.

Perhaps a more interesting question would be: If you did know the day of your death, but not the method by which you met your end, would it affect the way you lived your life?

With regard to natural death, well, as the saying goes: "You're dying as soon as you're born". We're subject to a lifetime of erosion, which, eventually, becomes too much. Although as we gain more knowledge of both ourselves and the world around us, even this can be slowed, and the inevitable postponed.

Something you might find interesting.

Cawthon says that if all processes of aging could be eliminated and oxidative stress damage could be repaired, "one estimate is people could live 1,000 years."

Maybe that is how they lived hundreds of yrs in the bible because they ate natural foods that were plenty with no polution and the right oxygen levels in the air

yes what we eat really does make a difference. My family has a history of making at least 90 yrs old. My mom is 89 and since we moved out here to the country with cleaner air and water and better food she has gotten healthier. She just got thru a congestion cold in 1 1/2 weeks when if she was in the city she might have died from it. I feel more alive here eating my home grown foods.. We don't hardly eat sugar at all and the glucose we do get is natural types.. lik sorgum syrup honey and maple syrup. they have many minerals.

As for the spiritual aspect i feel like i have been sentenced to live a long life and serve others because i am healthy and i can so i do. I also feel like i hear from some kind of spirits above who try to guide me and mom in all we do.. I do feel jesus is one of them as well as my grandmother.. and maybe her mother for my mother..
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



It is purely a question of your very own believe. We create our own reality - best seen with lunatics in a nerve clinic.
Whether this reality conforms with what most of our environment happens to think/believe at the time, will decide whether you are considered sane - or insane.

So... take you pick in answer to your question. Best the one that makes you feel better and also not clash with what is acceptable within your cultural environment, which OBVIOUSLY includes the religious if that applies.

I pick the random approach - mostly.
Why mostly?
There is a situation of 'letting go' or not when you are close to death. It happened at least three times to me already. A car hit and run and left lying in the road unconscious knocked off a bicycle, a full on lightning strike on a windsurfer hitting the mast (mostly), 2 brain operations due to haematoma and subsequent major paralysis, and severe hypothermia close to brain arrest - during a windsurfing outing.
All could have easily resulted in death. Something inside me decided to 'hang in there' - if I'd decided otherwise - I'm pretty sure I be dead by now. So THAT might be a case of picking your own time of death, as would be the case when committing suicide.
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

Jamie D

Quote from: Beth Andrea on May 09, 2012, 11:02:50 AM
Of course everyone has a "certain time" to die...unfortunately one does not know this time until sometime after the death.

Like me, for example. I have no idea whe--URK! *gasps* *falls to the floor*

It's been fun.


Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


I think that in a lot of ways we can do a lot to influence 'our time' from how we take care of ourselves, the situations we put ourselves in, all the way to simply making the choice not to give up. Of course we can only control ourselves; crime, nature, and accidents can all still happen.

My best friend was killed last year in a car crash. Needless to say, it was tragic. He was probably the best person that I've known. He dealt with so many hardships growing up. His life was really starting to look up for him, he had just gotten engaged, and then just like that, everything came to an end. If that was pre-ordained or destiny, then it seems like a sick and cruel joke.

So, I don't know the answer wether we have a certain time to die, but for the sake of life, I do hope that the answer is no. Either way though, every day we have is a gift, wether it just be because of random chance, or because it was decided that it was ours to have

Amazon D

I remember when i was a child i had many dejavue's which to me were strange because i could say we were going to come up on a curve ahead and arond the corner would be such and such. Then we got there and there is was. Those to me were reminders of a time before i entered this body. That was before i came to earth. I think we chose the life we have and the dejavue's are us telling ourselves that when we get here to earth in our new bodies we should know that we will go back to where we came from. Well maybe not exactly where we came from but we will be going on. There are too many things in my life for me not to know that there is more than this world here. While i am here i am tested to see if i will take the comfortable road or will i take the narrow path. In many things i have done both but eventually took the narrow path. However, there will always be more test. Right now i am taking the comfortable path as my moms caregiver. Now some might say oh thats not easy well yes and no. Transitioning for me was also a test and what i did with it afterwards is the other part of the test. Part of that is being my moms caregiver and thats a narrow path. So in some things we may get the easy path and in others the hard test. Basically i feel as long as we are trying to take the narrow path and not just always seeking the comfortable path we will be ready whenever we are called to go.

Your friend who died after getting his life together was probably taking the narrow path and was ready. Others are people who never seek the narrow path but always seek the comfortable path. They can be taken or left by the spirits above and they can also be left stuck here on earth without their bodies screaming out to people who can't hear them except for maybe others like themselves. They may then be on their next path partially crossed over but not totally at the light..

So i think a lot of our fate of dying has to do with what we chose. Do we chose the narrow path or do we chose the other. Are we ready to cross over or will we get stuck in limbo hanging around earth until we pass the next narrow way path.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



This thread made me dig out Physical Graffitti so I could play "In My Time of Dying" really, really loud! Hugs, Devlyn

luna nyan

It's one of those things that one has limited control over.
I choose to try and live in a healthy manner because I want to best quality of life possible in the time I have.  Yes, there is the possibility of greater hedonistic pleasure by being involved with certain things, but the payback/feedback isn't worth it for me.
I don't worry about how many days I've got left as I really believe that when it's your time, it's your time.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Once we actually stop growing, we are dying, is the way i look at it.  There are a lot of people in the world who were born and will exist for many years, but never really live.  I don't plan on being one of them.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Amazon D

Quote from: justmeinoz on May 10, 2012, 05:48:34 AM
Once we actually stop growing, we are dying, is the way i look at it.  There are a lot of people in the world who were born and will exist for many years, but never really live.  I don't plan on being one of them.


Ditto on that one.. I feel right now like i am in a holding pattern. I am moms caregiver and i have no bathroom so i can't get a roommate here to stay at my farm. Its so lonely.. i gave up on relationships at least 5 yrs ago.. I dress all frumpy but i do garden and grow lots of food and i have developed this farm a lot so far from when i got here 18 months ago. It just is so depressing being here by myself. (mom doesn't say much) I sleep like 9 hours a night and long each day for that nights sleep. :(  i can only do so much with my lil income but if you look at my site you would say i have done a lot. I think when mom dies i just have one last shot at finding a partner to share with me here and if not gee i don't know what i will do. I do long to be in the next world. I am tired of this one.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


King Malachite

Quote from: Amazon D on May 10, 2012, 11:51:06 AM
I do long to be in the next world. I am tired of this one.

I feel that way 95% of the time.
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


I believe in free will, but I also believe that you can't choose to not die -- you're going to die no matter what so death is outside of free will.  When it happens is when it was supposed to happen, in my book.  I have had near death experiences and I think the reason I'm still alive is because I wasn't supposed to die yet (and I have another more spiritual reason, but it makes me cry about every time I repeat it).  I don't remember thinking, "I should stay alive", and (from what my mom tells me), I had accepted that I was going to die but that it was going to be all right. 

This goes for all instances of death.  I think if you die, it was your time to go.  I think if you live, even if you know that you're holding onto that life, then you weren't meant to die at that point.

Amazon D

Quote from: Amazon D on Today at 12:51:06 pm

I do long to be in the next world. I am tired of this one.

I feel that way 95% of the time.

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Dreamer of the day

Quote from: Malachite on May 10, 2012, 05:48:26 PM
I feel that way 95% of the time.

You must be an old soul or just old  :D
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


King Malachite

Quote from: Amazon D on May 10, 2012, 06:27:29 PM

Quote from: Amazon D on Today at 12:51:06 pm

I do long to be in the next world. I am tired of this one.

I feel that way 95% of the time.

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Dreamer of the day

You must be an old soul or just old  :D

Lol just an old soul.  It would probably be the second one had I been in the Medevil ages.  Another good 10 years or so and that's the end of old grandpa at an old age of 30.
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


(Resisting the urge to write a Death Note reference.)

Short answer: yes and no. I'll use my mom as an example. The women in her family tend to die in their sixties. Therefore, she is predicting that it is likely she'll die at around the same age due to genetics. However, she may die of an accident or something before then. Or it might turn out that she lives longer. Also, medical advances are contributing greatly to people's life spans.