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Clinic Appointments

Started by faye, April 18, 2012, 12:20:20 AM

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Everyone was very helpful in my last thread i created about HRT side effects.

My next topic which has come to the forefront of my life is commuting to my transition clinic, i have a job that pays only a marginal amount over minimum wage, but i manage an apparent with four roommates.

I am located at the northern end of my state and my transition clinic is a good three hours away downtown. So every time i have an appt. I walk to the train a few miles away, as to not leave my car sitting in a parking lot all day, which i share with my cousin who lives with me.

I sit on the train for three hours,  then 45 minute rail ride later i am at my clinic, 45 minutes pass or so and i pay around eighty per session.

Then  the 45 minute ride backwards to the station and the 3 hours back home, complete with the walk to my apt.

What is the premise here? If you haven't caught on, i am sort of peeved about not having any gender therapists or docs available around me. And the all day commute to my apt just makes me think twice.

Do i want to go to the appointment? Will a few more months make a difference? Just a few thoughts that roll around in my mind.

How about anyone else, did anything here strike you as similar, or some topics brought up- you go through as well? 

Also one thing id like to ask is how often you make appointments throughout an entire year, so far its been almost three months and I've had one check up.