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Herbs,Vitamins,Minerals, Electrolytes,Amino Acids and diet for a MTF Transition?

Started by ShawnTOShawnna, June 13, 2012, 08:59:44 AM

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Shawn Sunshine

  :icon_workout:  I need to know what sort of diet is best for a MTF Transition, What foods are good for a person to take to achieve a healthy female body? How many calories should I eat per day?

What sort of herbs can I take to further feminize my mind and body? What will be helpful overall to feel and look better? I currently take Ginseng for energy but that's about it.

I haven't yet begun my MTF journey as I am not even on HRT yet, but I also want to know whats good to do in addition to HRT for health.

What is good as far as vitamins go?
What Electrolytes can I take that are helpful?
What Amino Acids does a woman need, that a MTF should also take ?
What about minerals?

Basically what I am seeking here is to be a healthy happy human being while doing the journey of Transitioning :icon_flower:
Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



Honey, for some folks to take all this stuff is some sort of an religion, and surely you'd have noticed that before?

I'm an 'old dame' by most folks ideas posting here at present. Now, all I take is (post-op) menopause level E2, something for my cholesterol, and Biotin for my nail are brittle again from too much nail varnishing - I guess.

Otherwise I walk EVERY day for at least 1 hour and do 1 hour Pilates a week (wow! stuff)
I'm pretty fit, lots more than most females my age I know, and then some.

I have no 'religion' with supplements as you can see - but I eat healthy, try to avoid junk-food, but again - I'm NOT religious about it either.

Oh, and I recovered very well from 3 major operations over the last 2 years, one was SRS, 9 months back :)

PS: the other 2 ops were a heart-by pass 2 years back (I was a consultant...), and a craniotomy due to a aneurism, 1 year back (I fell on my head), hum - chasing a dog, no less

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

Shawn Sunshine

I already take gummi bear multi vitamins now, but women have different health needs than men, so I need to know what to consider for a MTF.

I am not health nut, but I know solid science is out there. I also know people have been taking herbal remedies that work, so I want to know the whole truth and decide if it is something I need.

Quoteand a craniotomy due to a aneurism, 1 year back (I fell on my head)

Oh My Goodness, That must have been awful
Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



Quote from: ShawnToShawn on June 13, 2012, 09:36:30 AM
I already take gummi bear multi vitamins now, but women have different health needs than men, so I need to know what to consider for a MTF.

I am not health nut, but I know solid science is out there. I also know people have been taking herbal remedies that work, so I want to know the whole truth and decide if it is something I need.

Oh My Goodness, That must have been awful

You see my truth is, that I'm a woman, have endocrinal needs of a menopausal female as stated, and do what I mentioned.
Not living in a cave, seeing millions of supplements on shelves when going to any chemist – even in the South of Africa, and not counting dried ground frogs, beetles, dung, monkey balls, rhino horn, etc. etc. all pretty common 'muti' around here i.e. another million of 'natural African herbal and not so herbal' stuff.

So, I guess you go to your drugstore and find "what ever blows your hair back" for like I take Biotin at present... for my splitting nails. Do you have splitting nails? If yes, Biotin is working well – for me.

The answer you might want to hear could be endlessly long. Starting with Black Cohosh and ending with what, Zink?

Just my opinion though , see :)
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


Realistically speaking, your nutrition needs have much more to do with who you are rather than what your gender is. What I mean by that is a 300 lb linebacker (male) has very different needs than an average male; or a female marathon runner needs to have a different diet than a woman who isn't really active. You caloric needs are going to be determined by your own metabolism and your activity level, not your gender. Same with where you get those calories from (carbs, fats, protein, alcohol :P). As far as Vitamins are concerned, across the board there aren't really very many differences

The best thing that you can do for yourself is make healthy choices about what you eat, eat appropriate amounts for your size/activity level, and try to maintain some sort of active lifestyle. You can pretty much pick up all of your daily needs making good choices but if you want, taking a multivitamin is a good 'insurance' policy.