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Question about halting androgenic balding with hrt only

Started by Loren, June 09, 2012, 09:05:42 PM

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Hey everyone. This is my first post and I am stoked to be here with all you wonderful people! Anyways I am 3 months into hrt, under doctors supervision of course. I am on a standard regiment, but am a little concerned about my regiment halting hairloss. My primary who specializes in transitioning, more or less says that adding finastaride to my regiment will just be an uneccesary cost. I have read some reports that say spiro doesn't really stop androgenic alopecia. I just wanted some opinions about whether hrt alone will halt androgenic balding, or if most require a dht blocker. Thanks, hopefully I am not breaking the rules here by eluding to my regiment...


You will need to check the hormone levels in your blood.

If your T is low then yeah it will halt male pattern baldness. Low T means hardly any will be converting to DHT.

Nice to meet you!


Jamie D

Quote from: Loren on June 09, 2012, 09:05:42 PM
Hey everyone. This is my first post and I am stoked to be here with all you wonderful people! Anyways I am 3 months into hrt, under doctors supervision of course. I am on a standard regiment, but am a little concerned about my regiment halting hairloss. My primary who specializes in transitioning, more or less says that adding finastaride to my regiment will just be an uneccesary cost. I have read some reports that say spiro doesn't really stop androgenic alopecia. I just wanted some opinions about whether hrt alone will halt androgenic balding, or if most require a dht blocker. Thanks, hopefully I am not breaking the rules here by eluding to my regiment...

Thanks for signing up, Loren.  If you would like, post a short bio in the "introductions" forum.

Also, please review the sites "Terms of Service" and "Rules to Live By",2.0.html

You did not break any rules concerning your HRT regimen.  But read up on Rule 8, for more info.

Male pattern baldness is genetic and is controlled by dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp.  DHT is formed in the body through the action of 5-alpha-reductase on free testosterone.  To the extent that you can reduce, or block, the testosterone, DHT, or 5-alpha-reductace, you can retard baldness.


Thanks for the replies! Definitely a little concerned about the effects of dht. It makes sense that if my T is floored with HRT, androgenic alopecia should be retarded greatly.  LOVING every minute of my transition so far, even the down parts. I now have a general sense of well being like I have never felt before.

Jamie D

Many of our MtF transsexuals have reported the same thing.

I am happy for you.  Please feel free to join in the discussions on our other boards.


I would like to comment on this subject because I have first hand knowledge of male pattern baldness and HRT's effect on it.

I'm young (19), yet I have male pattern baldness. I started HRT 3 months, 11 days ago. After a while, I noticed my hairline seemed to have baby hairs. They'd grow and new ones would grow underneath. I'm not sure how much growth to expect, but I just want to say that depending on certain factors, your balding might slow, stop, or even begin to reverse itself. I cannot predict the future, though. My old hairline may never fully grow back, but some progress is better than none.

lana_ castillo

I wish i could show you my before HRT pics where my hair is undeniably receding. It started 2 years ago when I was 27.  After 1 year of HRT, I can definitely tell you that my hair is not only thicker but the bald spots in the front have now regrown.  Here is my latest pic taken last week.

Hope it also works for everyone. That is an upside of HRT based on what I've been reading so far.