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Why am I so short?!

Started by Rena-san, July 12, 2012, 08:41:41 AM

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Hello, I'm a 22 year old male who is perhaps--more than likely-- some form of transgender. I'm still working out my feelings with a number of therapists and endocrinologist I do consider myself more female than male though. Anyway. I never grew, like vertically. I was looking online and read about epiphyseal plates and how they affect bone growth and height. I was surprised when I ran into this statement:

"As a result the osteoblasts 'catch up' and the epiphyseal cartilage narrows until it ultimately disappears. This occurs at puberty, but if children have significantly high levels of estrogen during childhood this will cause the epiphyseal plates to close earlier."
Read more:

Is it possible that my short height is directly or indirectly related to the gender dysphoria I am currently experiencing? Maybe environmental or biological factors within my own body caused a drastic increase of estrogen during my childhood and puberty that prevented my body from growing as it should have typically grown for a male body. And maybe this could explain my feelings too.


How tall are you? What is your ethnic-race background? How tall are most males on your dad and mom's families, any male siblings?



In the last few years this is something I have pondered over no bulk, slim frame and being only 5' 1". I have my teen figure and it leads me to believe I should be female. My brain sense is that I am female and almost my body with the exception of male parts and male voice. Your link has led me to one more discovery of a possible life event that makes me the way I am physically. This gives me more info to take to my first appointment with an Endo Doctor in early August.
Thanks for the item.
We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
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Silly me, I didn't even say how short I am. I'm 5'2". I'm Caucasian and come from a family where the average height is 5'7".

I also discovered something about milk and hormones. Apparently milk is filled with estrogen. I was an avid milk drinker, still am. I'm talking I'd drink a gallon of the stuff a day. I've since cut down to about a gallon a week and switched to organic, but still, love milk can't get enough of it.

Could milk have been the source of all my woes? Lawsuit maybe? lol.



That is a lot of milk, wow! I could only handle skim milk. Perhaps if I drank as much as you I would have grown boobs. If you have little estrogen boobs maybe you should hold off on the law suit. lol

We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
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Quote from: Hippolover25 on July 12, 2012, 12:13:25 PM
Silly me, I didn't even say how short I am. I'm 5'2". I'm Caucasian and come from a family where the average height is 5'7".

I also discovered something about milk and hormones. Apparently milk is filled with estrogen. I was an avid milk drinker, still am. I'm talking I'd drink a gallon of the stuff a day. I've since cut down to about a gallon a week and switched to organic, but still, love milk can't get enough of it.

Could milk have been the source of all my woes? Lawsuit maybe? lol.

Could you be more specific. For example there are many man who are 5 2 in southern Italy, South Spain, Portugal, and even France.

As far as the milk, forget about, no natural product has enogh estrogen to make any difference, despite what you heard in the internet.

5 2 would make you easier to pass


I'm of Irish lineage. I believe I am nearly 90% Irish and the rest is German.
And its not so much about passing, I just want to know whats wrong with me. I want a scapegoat.


Quote from: Hippolover25 on July 12, 2012, 05:30:13 PM
I'm of Irish lineage. I believe I am nearly 90% Irish and the rest is German.
And its not so much about passing, I just want to know whats wrong with me. I want a scapegoat.

The average height of Irish males is 5 7, so you are within the range 5 to 6 4

Blame it to the the Keltic genes


You won't be able to apply for membership in Little People of America. You are really just short, on the very low end of the range of height for a MAAB. I'd guess it had NOTHING at all to do with milk, but perhaps too much estrogen in the womb or some such. Or you could just be short for no known reason. Since you are still in the range of normal human height (though quite low), there doesn't need to be any reason for it.

If you are done growing which is likely you cannot get human growth hormone. This is what they give to very short kids now. You could get checked out by a endrocrinolist.

--Jay Jay

Kelly J. P.

 I'm standing 5'3" tall with a mostly-German ancestry. My dad was 5'8" and my grandfathers are even taller than that.

Sometimes it's just a stroke of luck. I doubt it has anything to do with hormones... though, I believe my case might be related to my early puberty.