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What Made You Both Happy and Unhappy at the Same Time Today?

Started by V M, July 19, 2012, 09:43:01 PM

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When I was at the open day for my apprenticeship today one of the staff came up to us over lunch and said something to my mum like "Do you know if he's out of school yet?", clearly trying to make a joke about how young I look, they argued back and forth over my gender three or four times before he saw my name badge and just about died of embarrassment.  I was just hoping to disappear from embarrassment and awkwardness.


I talked to my mum about her asking for one last girly picture. She didn't mean to hurt me of course and I'm not going to do it and she is sorry for hurting me. I'm happy we worked it out. That said the uphill chore the conversation was makes me sad. It just reminded me that talking to my mum about emotions will allways be a chore and I'll never know what she really feels about thing, even if she 'tells' me. My own reaction made me sad too, whenever my mums involved everything is my fault and I just lose all the hard-earned selfrespect and boundary setting I try so hard to keep up. And worst thing is I can't even really blame her for it...


My first girl clothes arrived in the mail a day early... which meant my wife was home to receive them.

...and they're far too big (of all things). So much for measuring first!
~ Tarah ~



My grandma passed away this afternoon. My dad e-mailed me to tell me. She went peacefully, while she was being read to, and knowing she was loved.

Also, my friend said something today that makes me think she might see me for who I am. More than most anyway. I probably shouldn't get my hopes up though. But I also told her some personal stuff and she hasn't run away or told me I'm crazy. Yet.


Police officers and EMT personnel complimenting me on my ability to maintain calm and properly give care and handle a situation

Then one of them said "You've had some training haven't you sir"

Deflated V M sighed then smiled and said "Yes, just a little"
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: V M on August 29, 2013, 12:47:48 AM
Police officers and EMT personnel complimenting me on my ability to maintain calm and properly give care and handle a situation

Then one of them said "You've had some training haven't you sir"

Deflated V M sighed then smiled and said "Yes, just a little"

If those photos of yourself that you posted awhile back are really you, which I believe are, then that person needs his eyes checked or a serious attitude adjustment.


I recieved a cc'd copy of my endo referral letter in the mail. I'm happy that the referral is in process, but quite unhappy because that the letter misgenders me repeatedly.  :-\



All week I've been craving this smoked keta salmon I love. I went to the store on Monday or Tuesday and they were out of it. The guy at the fish market said they would be getting more on Thursday. So I went back on Thursday and they told me it'll arrive on Friday. Ugh!

So I went back today and guess what! No keta salmon! :-\

But I was obsessed by then, so I drove way out of my way to another place that sells it. And they had a whole bunch of them! :eusa_dance:

*munch munch* Yum! :D


Quote from: Glitterfly on August 30, 2013, 07:54:12 PM
xD enjoy your salmon! salmon is yummy >:3 what is keta salmon...? is it a different species..?

It is a rather tasty salmon caught in the Northern Pacific, particularly in Alaska and also referred to as Keta O. keta, Chum, Silverbrite or Dog salmon

The meatiest, firmest texture of all the five species and it's affordable too

Dang!!! Now I'm craving some
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: Glitterfly on August 30, 2013, 07:54:12 PM
xD enjoy your salmon! salmon is yummy >:3 what is keta salmon...? is it a different species..?

It's a Pacific salmon. It's less fatty, less oily and a lot of flavor when smoked. Supposedly it's not great for other uses, but it smokes very well. I like it. :)


I am sooooo glad I put these new road tires and tubes on my bicycle  :)   Some jerk tossed a beer bottle up from his car window which of course broke right in front of me  >:(  I thought for sure I was going to get a flat tire

But nope, I was able to ride right through it with the glass popping and crunching underneath  8)  The only other thing was my feet got spattered with beer and a small shard of glass got stuck in the toe next to my pinky toe, but that was easily plucked out

No flat tires  :icon_joy: 
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


I have to work monday.

No 3 day weekend but, I get paid twice for it.


I devoured a ton of biscuits, made me really happy.  ;D I thought about the way I'm slowly becoming the size of a house lol, made me unhappy.  >:(


That's exactly the reason I don't want to put weight on lol :) my chest needs a steam roller on it!!! :p




Quote from: Glitterfly on September 02, 2013, 10:53:32 AM
Unhappy that I can be so obsessed/preoccupied by my face that I spend hours measuring it from every angle and measuring all its proportions and comparing them with female and male facial proportions and differences between female and male faces.

Happy that the end result was 71% female xD (or another possible way to look at it: 23% male, 52% female, 24% either/andro/neutral)

...there are so many better ways to use your time than this... (-_-')

Obsessing is right, but you'll have to give the rest of us obsessive types a head's up on what criteria you used.


Happy: I made a barrel stove today to keep me warm this winter, and I didn't lay myself open cutting it.

Unhappy: I made a barrel stove today, I'm tired, sore, and got a blister on my hand that popped.


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on September 02, 2013, 03:24:44 PM
Happy: I made a barrel stove today to keep me warm this winter, and I didn't lay myself open cutting it.

Unhappy: I made a barrel stove today, I'm tired, sore, and got a blister on my hand that popped.

Let's see a photo, where is it going to be used?


She's not completed yet, I did the hole for the door and some of the drilling for the legs. It's a standard Vogelzang barrel kit, I ordered it on eBay for $40, then had local teens drag three, er, appropriated barrels back to my house for another $40. When this stove wears out, I can build two more.


I was asked acouple of days ago by a friends classmate if I could give a speech to students at a local university to help bring awareness to transgender issues, since it never even came up in the psychology class they are taking.
I'with the formationa speech. I sure as hell dont know if im even the right person to do it. The problem is, there isnt anyone else. And this is on top of helping to organize the local Transgender Day of Remembrance and also assisting with the formation of a transgender support group and possibly be creating new websites for 2 trans support groups, Indy Boyz and Indy Girlz. And the website for the Indiana Transgender Rights Advocacy Association,  or INTRAA as its known. TDOR is going to be so hard for me. Last year I shared my Sister Jannie's story of loss and family hatred. This year i will be talking about her passing away. Eventually I'll probably also help INTRAA by giving talks if need be about trans rights, lobbying, etc.

If all that works out I have almost no hope of being stealth.