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What Made You Both Happy and Unhappy at the Same Time Today?

Started by V M, July 19, 2012, 09:43:01 PM

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Jill F

Making another one of my (in)famous pizzas, but I'm sick and can't taste a thing.  *le sigh*


It is still hot enough to melt concrete.

My sister in law brought a cold beer!


Seeing and talking with D. Also, he was friendly to me.
I need new binders because mine are too big.

big kim

Happy new Within Temptation CD out this week
Unhappy can't be bothered to get it

Adam (birkin)

Happy because I now pass to the homeless, which seems to be a milestone.

Unhappy because the events that transpired were truly hellish. I had to take my dog in to get her nails clipped, so I took her on the bus. The poor baby is so old and she just started crying, growling, and barking all throughout the bus ride. She then refused to walk. Flat out refused. So I had to carry her the walking distance. Which made me covered in dog hair and smell like wet dog. The clipping was easy but as I carried her back some guy (pretty sure he was homeless cause he had a cart) was like "hey dude, your dog needs some water." The we got back on the bus (more crying, growling, and barking) and another guy told me she needed water. Lol. She didn't even drink any when we got home. But yeah, that was horrible. If I were to become homeless, I'd be giving my dog up for adoption. :( It's just so hard for even a short bus ride.


will be fully out at work over the 30 hours and full time,

dealing with the disphoria stress nervousness and excitement
and trying to prepare my self for my discussions scheduled for morning
have 600 people to address
one day, one step, with grace it will be forward today




Quote from: Shantel on February 04, 2014, 04:58:28 PM
What's going on with your son Ken?

He lost his job, has bad teeth with infection, bleeding from his colon for a couple months. Had a surgery last week and having another Feb 11 with a colonoscopy today. His front teeth rotted out before he left high school. No dental insurance and too much cola.


Quote from: LordKAT on February 04, 2014, 06:28:01 PM
He lost his job, has bad teeth with infection, bleeding from his colon for a couple months. Had a surgery last week and having another Feb 11 with a colonoscopy today. His front teeth rotted out before he left high school. No dental insurance and too much cola.

Gee that's pretty sad, poor kid! I hope he's going to have a good recovery.

Danielle Emmalee

My pants are barely staying up.  I don't think they're stretching, so that means I'm losing weight.  That means new pants or a belt. 
Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
Discord, whatever did we do
To make you take our world away?

Discord, are we your prey alone,
Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
Discord, we won't take it anymore
So take your tyranny away!


Good: My psych said my face looks more female each time we meet.
Bad: Wasn't willing to believe him, started wonder if things were ever going to take off.
Worse: had to use the gents at the station. Felt like a mouse at a cat convention.
Slightly better: The janitor gave me a once over before staring at my face to figure out if I was in the "correct" bathroom. No, but thanks anyway...
Good: Messured myself. Less than an inch off a AA cup. Should be there soon, at which point I expect prompt delivery of my IBTC membership card.


The good: Remembering it's my GF, Alison's, birthday on Monday.

The bad: Remembering it's also the 9 month aniiversary of her death.


Quote from: Jerri on February 04, 2014, 03:33:58 PM
will be fully out at work over the 30 hours and full time,

dealing with the disphoria stress nervousness and excitement
and trying to prepare my self for my discussions scheduled for morning
have 600 people to address

You are wrong.

You have one person to address. You.

600 people have the problem, not you.


I realized I haven't socialized in person outside of my own apartment since moving in with my current roommate a couple years ago.

That is kinda awful, but the good side is that I'm seeing some kind of pattern and can maybe pick up the pieces.
everybody's house is haunted

King Malachite

Unhappy- I get one of the jobs at the hospital that I applied for

Happy- I'm not bothered too much since it was at the hospital that is further away than the hospital I wanted to be at, and I applied or several more jobs at the latter hospital so hopefully I can hear something from them.  Congrats to whoever got the job though!
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

King Malachite

Unhappy- My mom came home early.

Happy- She got some free food.

Unhappy- I can't eat any of it right now because I have to get blood drawn, and I'm scared of having my blood drawn.

Happy- At least I'll be out of the house for part of the time.
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


I sat next to D in chem and during break and he talked to me. I spent the whole time feeling warm and fuzzy, but painful things for him. It's still hopeless and I am ashamed of feeling this and, worse, talking about it.


Quote from: Edge on February 07, 2014, 03:08:25 PM
I sat next to D in chem and during break and he talked to me. I spent the whole time feeling warm and fuzzy,
That's pretty cool Victor, see he likes you just fine otherwise he wouldn't give you the time of day.

Quote from: Edge on February 07, 2014, 03:08:25 PM
but painful things for him. It's still hopeless and I am ashamed of feeling this and, worse, talking about it.

Oh please, stop! Just chill on that and smell the roses, there's nothing wrong with having feelings, in fact it's quite human.

Adam (birkin)

omg. I just got asked for a "few" chapters by Monday. :| When I only really have one good draft completed and the rest is...patchy at best. Unhappy because this is going to be a long weekend, happy because I need the heat turned up a little.


So I'm carpooling with someone from work (I am not out to anyone there) to an extra education/training day and my coworker asked me
"You are married or have a partner, right? So gay people wear rings on their other hand?"
(I happen to wear a plain silver band on my right hand second finger because well, it wont fit on other fingers...)

Unhappy: Many things! I don't care that she thinks I'm gay, but that she has so little an idea of same-sex attracted people, that they must be so different that they do everything backwards! I am coming out to them soon(ish) and this is the kind of blatant ignorance that I will meet and need to challenge?!

Happy: The course we went to was great!

Disclaimer: Yes it is only one small thing but it's pretty indicative of her thoughts (or lack there-of) of LGBTI people!
P.S. I basically replied, "Nope, I wear it there because I like it there.", Neither confirmed nor denied any of it!