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Summertime Make Up - Applying Bronzer

Started by LostInTime, June 11, 2006, 08:15:04 AM

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For these I am talking about the different makeups that are labeled as a bronzer and not a bronzer as in the stuff that can give you an indoor tan.

Want a sun kissed look but have to spend too much time out of the sun?  That is a problem I ran into while having laser done.  Pigment change impacts the effectiveness of the treatment so I was ghost white for a couple of years.

For my summertime look I went just a half of a shade darker on the foundation by combining the colour I normally use (Ivory) and the next shade darker (Creamy Natural).  Once the foundation is set you then apply bronzer.

Now it can be a pain to find the right kind of bronzer for you.  I recommend hitting the makeup counters on this one  or you might end up with several bits and pieces lying around.

Applying brozer is quite simple.  You basically place it where the sun would normally "kiss" your face.  That is to say apply it where you might get a bit of colour if you had been out in the sun.  Typically this would be the bridge of your nose and the apples of your cheeks.  Running it along the cheekbones can work for many people but try it out at home a few times to see if it works for you.  Another spot where you are likely to have a bit of sun would be your forehead but again, try it out at home when you have time rather than right before running out to the office or the mall.

Things to keep in mind:
Go easy with the bronzer.  Like blush, a little goes a long way AND it is easy to make it too dark.

Comes in a variety of packaging such as gels, powders, creames, etc.  Each one will go on a bit differently.

Bronzers usually do not play well with foundation.  Once you try it out, let it sit for awhile to see if the places it overlaps the foundation turns orange.  OR avoid foundation all together.

Also like blush, use a big brush to apply.

If using a liquid form of bronzer, use your fingers.  HOWEVER, make sure that your fingers are clean.