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Told my farther.

Started by tammygirl2, April 16, 2007, 03:35:52 PM

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I have been struggling with my gender issue since i was about 15 or 16 i am 23 now. I had got to the point where i was going to go to my doctor and tell them i wanted a sex change but for some reason i couldnt tell my gp today while i was at the doctors.

Tonight i was spending time with my farther in working on a bike and i knew that if i told my dad how i feel that he would know what to do so i told him.

He had a long talk and he said that there is nothing wrong with the way i feel and he also went on to say that he thinks that why i feel like i do is because of the loss of my sister and he also thinks that in a way i was trying to replace my sister he also said that he thinks that it also had something to do with me feeling guilt because my sister passed away and i didnt. I never told my dad that i wish i had died instead of my sister and i think what he says has truth in it.

I feel so much better for talking ot my farther about this and i am so glad that he did not get upset and tell me to leave.

he also said some other things to do with my feelings of wanting to be a woman.

I have decided not to go ahead and try get a sex change but instead i will carry on cross dressing.

I will still wear things underneath my man clothes and just fully dress at home.
I have known my fem side for such a long time i would not want to shut it out.

I accept it and i am happy with just being a cross dresser.

Also now i have told my father this i feel more close to him and now i know that i can tell him anything.

I really feel like crying right now and i am really happy i talked to my farther.


Cool, I'm glad he had a good reaction.  Also, if you feel you can avoid transitioning, I would say that's a very good route to go.  If for some reason you feel you must transition in the future, you will alway shave that option.  Good luck. :)


I am glad too and i feel that its the best option for me at this stage in my life.
As you said if i change my mind about transition in the future atleast the option. I was not 100% happy about me wanting to transition but i am 100% happy about cross dressing.

Thank you for replying.


thats good to hear, just do whatever makes you happy.

Jillieann Rose

That is good news Tammygirl.
You have a very loving father.
I'm so happy for you.


Your father took the news well. I'm sorry about the loss of your sister. Tammygirl has the right idea and I agree with her.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)
