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The Ultimate Prosthetic

Started by, August 14, 2012, 09:30:22 AM

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Hey guys, I'm the guy that was taking the risk for the undecided  team to prove this guy is amazing and product is great or that he's bullspit and product is bullspit. I had the cash to blow and I knew some of my brothers didn't. Now the reviews are popping up, and he's getting product out, well we can officially say he still lacks honesty.  A factor that WILL take down is business. HAS ruined his reputation. Bad rep is a hit to any business. As many have said if he would be real and honest with us or himself he would halfway be there. If he knew how to measure, count, or calculate he'd be 3/4's there, if he could deliver what his company claimed, well geez we'd have a winner!  But we don't. Kenton I know how you feel I'm kind of with you on some things but I'm also with the rest of you. I took that risk because I gave someone a chance, which his emails have been professional so that has changed, he is getting product out but not of expected quality or in time discussed. I took the risk because I had the cash, his product fulfilled my desires,  custom size, coloring acceptable, moving skin, 3d nuts, attached to the body, stp, my opinion and funds to take the risk is why I jumped all over it. Now I've seen what he delivered not super pleased still look ok transat18 I saw your tumblr post I'm theeXLife. After the loops I'd be pissed and irritable with what I got and that bs response.  It has many defects but if you have to keep it for now, like you are now and thanks for doing so wear it and review. Master how it best adhered, stp'd, packed and played, I'd love to hear a detailed review after that. Sorry it sucks though. When I saw your tumblr post I thought of the heat subways catching for its "footlong" lol. But as saying at this point from directly dealing with him I'd say wait it out don't order yet. I'm about two weeks over my expected 4-6 weeks but I emailed him yesterday for updates nothing yet in response.  I ordered the advanced model so we will see in four more months or more. And transat18 it only should take a small thin amount all over and most prosthetics say ppressure for a while and tight briefs to stay put for at least thirty, every stp is different so master with the drain. From reading we all have different views on looks and where to or not waste cash if its a waste let it be we all know the risk but stop beating up on some guys who aren't as hell no or never ever as you. I see some force feeding of opinions although I agree with many of you on certain things but lets not force feed, we all know it feels to be force feed opinions of norms as trans guys. Much love.
My profile pic is my hairy pre-t face. I want to be stealth, but my music career may kill that. ;D I like muscle cars, kicks, fashion, music, planes etc. The name I chose for myself is Khai. I'm 22. My ftm Tumblr is:
If you want to really know me hit my Tumblr.


I have less problem with the look of it, than his honesty and integrity. Everybody has their opinions and a perfect packer or prosthetic doesn't exist. Heck there are negative reviews of RM and I can say some negative stuff re: their packer.

I didn't order. I just had a bad feeling about a month ago when I thought about it. There were no reviews anywhere and there were a lot of posts on youtube with something like "Try ultimate prosthetic. It's the best thing ever." There were also some posts here referring to it, that looked like ads.

I feel he may sometimes be committing fraud.

Creating a business is hard work. I should know as I am a terrible business person. I want to give everything away for free. I gave someone almost a year of tutoring pretty much pro bono.
I think maybe initially he wanted to do a good thing, but I don't think he has the chops in either making prosthetics (I actually know what his problem is here because of the guy here) and in getting the capital and so on.

If he were just honest with everyone....


Dark.Knight look what mr. Zero integrity posted on the sight. .. I call bs. So guys have waited for six months who have nothing a email with lies and extended lies but if you order now its 4 weeks.  I lost words seeing this we will faith though.
My profile pic is my hairy pre-t face. I want to be stealth, but my music career may kill that. ;D I like muscle cars, kicks, fashion, music, planes etc. The name I chose for myself is Khai. I'm 22. My ftm Tumblr is:
If you want to really know me hit my Tumblr.


Quote from: Dark.Knight on February 03, 2013, 03:06:26 PM look what mr. Zero integrity posted on the sight. .. I call bs. So guys have waited for six months who have nothing a email with lies and extended lies but if you order now its 4 weeks.  I lost words seeing this we will faith though.


He posted that update a couple days ago. It about burned me up when I read it.

If he's sooo backed up how does that update make any sense?! If he's going to compare how backed up he is to RM (Which btw makes a ton of other stuff. They aren't a ftm product specific site; so their wait time makes a lot more sense) how is he going to push new orders out in 4 weeks on top of the ones he already has?


I'm not trying to force my opinion, I would just hate to see guys who haven't ordered and don't really have that kind of money to waste to go through what I have.Because honestly, I didn't really have the money to spend either. And then to be jipped on a product. It's like if I were to go to the store and buy something but when I open it it's not what the packaging says, anyone else would either refund or work to get the customer what they had actually paid for. Richie on the other hand lied and slithered out of it like a snake and thinks he can get away with it because he sells over the internet.
I'm mad yes, for what I got because I do not like getting the short end of the stick especially by someone whom knows what we all go through. But most importantly, at this point in time, their company is not worth the risk. No matter how enticing everything sounds.

And to take note of the change, I saw that too and my guess is that he collects the funds so he can buy the materials to make the orders. So he wants more people to buy so he can catch up on others orders. That is best case scenario. Otherwise he is just pushing everyone aside for whom have ordered things in which he does not have the skill yet to make. Because based on what I  got he only slightly knows what he is doing. There are tons of bubbles in the silicone and obviously the defects, so his skills are not quite there yet.

I would say to wait, see if the product gets better. I do agree that the company has potential, but they need to show everyone they can actually provide what they promise.

Also I would like to say I fixed the stream problem. Originally it went off far to the left and I would of had to have been facing away from the toilet to even make it in. The mold might have been a little off or maybe when it got poured, the silicone sort of covered one edge of the hole, it was so small I didn't think it was the problem but it was. So far the stream shoots straight now. And about the adhesive, the company I bought it from said it may have gotten exposed to too cold of a temp on the way out and may have ruined it so I will be putting in a new order tomorrow. So after I get the new adhesive I'll make sure to do a total review.


I don't feel I am forcing the point either. I hate people getting robbed. You can't compare with RM. RM comes out and tells you exactly what is going on. They update you and if you want they will return your money without going to Paypal.


transat18: the stp function actually works? wow im surprised, it looks totally flawed to me.
-- Alexander Tyler (call me Tyler though)   8)

Darrin Scott

Quote from: kenton_07 on January 30, 2013, 09:31:29 PM
I just watched the video that was posted on this thread a few posts ago(I think on January 20). I understand that the customer service is completely horrible, but compared to the other prosthesis he shows, the Ultimate Prosthetic looks the most realistic out of all of them. I don't know about you guys, but I would rather shell out a fraction of the cost of a ReelMagik with about the same wait time for something that looks more realistic than those other packers and has all three functions.

What I just said may piss some people off, but we have to be realistic here. Is this not better than what we naturally have down there? To be honest, I would rather have this prosthetic than to have complete dysphoria from not having a prosthetic or having a prosthetic that is no where near being realistic enough to pass as a real penis. I haven't been impressed with the wait time, but I'm waiting just as long as I would be for a ReelMagik and this is a fraction of the cost. I'm just saying that I'm betting on this guy and I would rather spend the $229 and possibly be disappointed rather than spending almost $1000 and possibly being disappointed.

But isn't the issue that people aren't getting the product at all and shelling out like $200? I don't know about you, but if I'm spending that kind of money, I'd at least want to see a product.



Quote from: Darrin Scott on February 03, 2013, 10:32:00 PM

But isn't the issue that people aren't getting the product at all and shelling out like $200? I don't know about you, but if I'm spending that kind of money, I'd at least want to see a product.

Yes, and that they continuously lie.

It somewhat works. I had to take scissors to the inside to widen it out and when you go the urine is trapped in the rimmed part of the tab.  So far I have the problem where it backs up so much it ruins the bond of the adhesive. And so far I'm only 1 for 3, where the last time it actually leaked out the sides because it couldn't drain fast enough. So, I mean it works but not really.

ahhh i see what you mean. also i'd think it would be super damp and uncomfortable down there after you pee, major turn-off for me personally.
-- Alexander Tyler (call me Tyler though)   8)


My understanding is this is the reason so few of the prosthetics work as STPs. There is a problem with it being attached. It's somewhat attached at a different place than it needs to be to work. If you have a regular packer you can move the thing around and so on. Maybe I am wrong about that, but I think I read something in that order.



As said I agree with many of you and wasn't talking specific folks I was observing how it seemed one guy was maybe and everyone else was so far no it looked like the guy was being called a dumb ass for giving his view. Not literal but you get what I'm saying. I wouldn't tell anyone to buy from him and transat18 like I said it sucks for you and a mass of our brothers who are someone SOL. Keep displaying your experience where eyes can see and if it turns around hopefully someone can prove us wrong. I'm frustrated personally because I wrote him and no response if I said I want to purchase or upgrade it would of been instantly.  And I know for a fact he reads his email via his phone so I'm pissed.  Hopefully one of us who are waiting for our prosthetic will get something good and worth the wait. Yeah we all lack faith and are pissed but I still hope when I get mine I get a great looking functional acceptable product.

Hey transat18 are you using the mix on his site he sales or another brand. Have you been trying to control the flow of your stream it helps when I stp out of faulty devices?
My profile pic is my hairy pre-t face. I want to be stealth, but my music career may kill that. ;D I like muscle cars, kicks, fashion, music, planes etc. The name I chose for myself is Khai. I'm 22. My ftm Tumblr is:
If you want to really know me hit my Tumblr.


@Dark.Knight I am using Telesis 5 which was recommend before they decided to sell whatever it is that they are listing, which I am assuming is the same thing except they are charging more and buying it in bulk.  And yeah, I've had to control it for the peecock so I've done the same it just doesn't have the same room inside the shaft to somewhat contain the flow.

@aleon515 yes, to actually have good working flow it should be positioned lower to line up with our own anatomy but to look realistic it needs to be higher up. I tried attaching it lower, which gave me that one good working flow. Then I tried positioning it higher up on my pubic bone so it would be in the same position as a bio male which made it have more of  build up since it wasn't really working with gravity.

I think just the main problem is that many guys feel that this is good enough since we don't really have anything else to compare it to. So in general we are already giving the impression we're desperate and will take anything. I believe the peecock functions better as an stp and I was hoping this would function better for sex, though the consistency is somewhere between the sailor softpack and what I do use for sex. I was mainly angry for the defects and getting shorted an inch because I wanted to use it for sex, that was my main intention. To be able to actually be naked and for it to look real, to which my gf already told me it almost looks real, the tab being a huge giveaway. So I don't feel that giving up the realism for an stp function is all that great. I would honestly rather sit down and pee and have the reelmagic for pack and play.


Quote from: transat18 on February 04, 2013, 06:31:42 PM
@Dark.Knight I am using Telesis 5 which was recommend before they decided to sell whatever it is that they are listing, which I am assuming is the same thing except they are charging more and buying it in bulk.  And yeah, I've had to control it for the peecock so I've done the same it just doesn't have the same room inside the shaft to somewhat contain the flow.

@aleon515 yes, to actually have good working flow it should be positioned lower to line up with our own anatomy but to look realistic it needs to be higher up. I tried attaching it lower, which gave me that one good working flow. Then I tried positioning it higher up on my pubic bone so it would be in the same position as a bio male which made it have more of  build up since it wasn't really working with gravity.

I think just the main problem is that many guys feel that this is good enough since we don't really have anything else to compare it to. So in general we are already giving the impression we're desperate and will take anything. I believe the peecock functions better as an stp and I was hoping this would function better for sex, though the consistency is somewhere between the sailor softpack and what I do use for sex. I was mainly angry for the defects and getting shorted an inch because I wanted to use it for sex, that was my main intention. To be able to actually be naked and for it to look real, to which my gf already told me it almost looks real, the tab being a huge giveaway. So I don't feel that giving up the realism for an stp function is all that great. I would honestly rather sit down and pee and have the reelmagic for pack and play.

So in your concluded review will you attempt to use it for sex or will it not stay long enough for that?
Have you packed with it and is it noticeable? What did you wear when packing, boxer briefs, loose jeans,  etc
My profile pic is my hairy pre-t face. I want to be stealth, but my music career may kill that. ;D I like muscle cars, kicks, fashion, music, planes etc. The name I chose for myself is Khai. I'm 22. My ftm Tumblr is:
If you want to really know me hit my Tumblr.


@Dark.Night I wont be able to use it for sex until the 14th, I'm flying out to cali, so I'm either thinking of holding off the review until after I get back or doing a 2 part review. And I contacted the company I bought the adhesive from and they said it may have gotten exposed to cold when I ordered it so I'm getting a new one sent out and I should have it for Thursday. So hopefully the

And I have packed with it for about 8 hours in boxer briefs and the skinny jeans from american eagle, which appear a lot like slim straights on average guys. It doesn't really bulge out in the front but it is noticeable when it goes down the side.



Hey Kenton_07;

Did you ever receive it?

wheat thins are delicious

Quote from: kenton_07 on February 03, 2013, 12:10:23 PM
Bane may have said my opinion more clear than I did because what he has said about the UP, is what I was trying to say but maybe I just wasn't clear enough. I am one of those people who doesn't mind the waiting. I haven't dealt with much of any BS from the UP guy besides initially out of fear I was going to lose my money because I didn't know much about it. Since then it has just been a waiting game. I will try to get a review out of the function of the UP when it gets here Monday or Tuesday.

Have you got it yet?



Nope not yet. I'm starting to go through what you guys went through now with the lying and not responding. I guess I was just really hoping this would work out but it isn't so oh well. I'm going to try to get my money back. It's disappointing because I even vouched for the guy. Probably going to go with the ReelMagik now or the Emisil. Has anyone bought an Emisil prosthetic?


Quote from: kenton_07 on February 14, 2013, 12:30:11 PM
Nope not yet. I'm starting to go through what you guys went through now with the lying and not responding. I guess I was just really hoping this would work out but it isn't so oh well. I'm going to try to get my money back. It's disappointing because I even vouched for the guy. Probably going to go with the ReelMagik now or the Emisil. Has anyone bought an Emisil prosthetic?

I'm real sorry to hear that.

As for the Emisil. I didn't even know they existed and they look amazing. I can even look past the no stp function and almost past their lack of duals. Honestly I'd be settling with this and I don't want to do that. I wish they had pictures of their darker colors up.
