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Hrt and Multiple Sclerosis answer

Started by Joann, August 13, 2012, 07:00:54 PM

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I found a clinical study on MS and hormones that pretty much confirms what i suspected. VERY long and deep but a good read about sex hormones in general.
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I'm looking through you,. Your not the same ♪♫ :)


Estrogen and Testosterone Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis
by Stefan M Gold and Rhonda R Voskuhl
downloaded from the internet by MadelineB on 8/13/2012

Originally published as Prog Brain Res. 2009; 175: 239–251.

It has been known for decades that females are more susceptible to inflammatory autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. In addition, female patients with these diseases experience clinical improvements during pregnancy with a temporary 'rebound' exacerbation post partum. These clinical observations suggest an effect of sex hormones on disease suggest potential use of the male hormone testosterone and the pregnancy hormone estriol, respectively, for treatment of MS....

Thus it appears that MS has both an inflammatory and a neurodegenerative component in its pathogenesis....

Interestingly, a later onset of disease in male patients compared to female patients coincides with a decline in bioavailable testosterone in men....

Thus, there is clear evidence that pregnancy has a potent short-term effect on inflammation and relapse rate but data regarding long term effects on disability are inconclusive....

We now also have first clinical evidence for the effectiveness of testosterone and estriol in MS from two completed pilot studies. As a result, a phase II trial is underway for oral estriol treatment in female patients with RRMS. Both testosterone and estriol have a favorable safety profile in men and women, respectively.
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Website suggests that many diseases of the nerves and muscles may be nothing more than a problem with the diet not having a wide enough variety of foods and an excess of processed foods with various chemical additions making the body unable to adequately maintain its nerves insulation so that brain message can't through to operate the muscles.

Biotin is supposed to be processed from our food by enzymes in our guts but if those enzymes are suppressed by disease or additives then there will be a lack of biotin and the body will eventually show this lack by exhibiting various, skin, bone, nerve and muscle problems so who knows what other deficiencies we have as a result of our modern diets of processed food and excessive use of supposedly safe preservatives and flavourings?

Drinkers get DT which basically means their nervous system is sending multiple messages to the muscles so the alcohol is doing something to the nerves as many DT people are still bright and articulate while many terminal boozers are practically stupified and incoherent as the alcohol has affected the matter of their brains - but is that a result of the alcohol preventing their guts producing the essential nutrients the brain and the nerves need?

Just why estrogen and testosterone should have MS-type symptoms is hard to know but if pregnancy makes a woman constantly sick then she will be starving her body as the stomach won't be producing the essentials and she will get symptoms similar to the Marmite website suggest.


Jamie D

The discussion of nutritional remedies for a wide spectrum of diseases is a valid point for debate.

However, I am not sure of the direct relevancy to the topic.