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Pre-transition relationships

Started by Autumn, April 17, 2007, 05:15:40 AM

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4:30 AM and I should be doing homework. Sounds like the same situation last time I posted here.

I'm 21, my relationship history is pretty unhealthy.

I've never had an emotional attachment to men, and never really been captivated by any guys i've met, though the obnoxious part of my brain sure is interested in them. Can't do the latter without the former, though.

I spent 3.5 years in an online relationship, never met her face to face, but it was with her that I was finally able to recognize the gender issues I'd dealt with all my life and deal with the initial craziness that comes from that. Unfortunately neither one of us really knew much about it, and I was young and stupid, but she was very supportive and intrigued by it.

After her, I spent 3 or so months online with a friend. Being a bit of a different girl herself she'd guessed my GID before I told her. We did end up meeting, but it didn't click.

I had a 3 month physical relationship with an extremely close friend who I'd known online for over a year, who I'd never dreamed would be interested in me, nor did I ever imagine she'd even want to talk to me if I told her the truth, yet one cold night I did, and it didn't phase her in the slightest. Again, I think that was from not really understanding it, but we take what we can get.

I'll spare the details about why all of those were incredibly >-bleeped-<ed up, but they were.

I'm currently involved in this grey area with a girl that I met at my college. Her family is giving her a ton of grief for spending time with me because she ended her 1.5 year relationship with her last boyfriend less than a month ago, even though I've met her parents and they apparently love me. Go figure. We talked about it and she said she wouldn't blame me if I didn't want to hang around and deal with all of that crap, but we decided to keep doing what we've been doing, for now, which is a slow process of getting to know each other better. I've had enough relationship experience to know that a kind, giving person who isn't a bitch and who you enjoy spending your time with is ultimately what I want, and that it's worth it to me to be patient for the potential of that. I probably wouldn't have this patience if I weren't the kind of person that I am, and ultimately I don't think it's going to progress the way I want it to, but we have to try, right?

I'm lonely. I'm touch deprived. I want to hug, and cuddle, hold and be held. I want someone to do things with and spend my time with. Sex is hugely on the backburner to that. She seems to be the same way, aside from the family stress factor.

Presently, I feel male sexual attraction to her. In the past, when I've 'fallen' for a woman, the same thing has happened. In fact, I fell for her about the time I made my account here, which happened because I was really at a boiling point on my GID. Without even trying to, it seems like I stonewall it when a woman shows interest in me. Yet from the past, I know it doesn't stay that way. I still have attraction towards them, want to be with them, but... I want to be my true self. Stupid testosterone.

When she first showed interest in me, i was close to making myself sick mulling over what to do about it. I decided to go ahead because I wanted to -try- a healthy, normal relationship for a change. Like I said above, I really don't see it being a long term relationship, so I stopped worrying about that and decided to just see what happens.

From reading here, I know a lot of people with GID have few to no relationships prior to transition, and for some even post. Growing up an only child, who ended up in homeschool, and a terrible computer addict for many years, I need other people around me. I need affection. Healthy affection.

The only way to find the right person seems to be dumb luck or trying to date. The former seems like a lifetime of loneliness hoping for the jackpot, and the latter quite likely a trail of broken hearts. I've already met two people that seemed to be completely right via dumb luck, but they weren't, so I'm not a fan of that option.

Or maybe I'm just thinking about it all too much. I just don't want to be selfish and play with peoples' hearts, yet at the same time, I don't want mine to die.

Random ranting is more productive than Hamlet, I guess.


Hi, Autumn!
You describe such conflicts in you, but so much (healthy) longing for love and connection. Consider therapy, for the GID and relationship issues. It will probably help you, a lot. It sounds like you might be ready for it.
Just a thought :)
Blessings, Tara


Oh, therapy's definitely in my future at some point not too distant. From looking at the therapist list on this site, there aren't any female doctors close enough to me to visit with my current transportation ability - it should improve in the summer. I know I badly need it. If for nothing else, I need some damned avodart  ;)

I badly wanted to start it a couple of months ago, but things haven't gone at all as planned. At least keeping myself busy with relationship and school theatre have kept my mind off it. And I've learned how to apply makeup from it! There's really some great irony in putting on makeup to portray a racist, bigotted southern badass.


The coincidental timing of your post is staggering in relation to what I just wrote to someone beyond dear to me.
An what I know of coincidences is that they aren't. Apart from my own bewildered and befuddled bemusing all I can say is, yeah, I know what you mean. Albeit I have no solution. At all. Heck, I don't have any hope. You are young yet though, that has got to count for something right? I wish you very much luck Autumn.



Hi there, I wish you success in your relationships. I would agree that you should seek professional help with the GID but I would also tell the person you fall in love with about it and start off on the right foot in your relationship. I wish I had done that 25 years ago and maybe I would not be where I am today. Or maybe I would be just alone and a very different life, who knows.

I think wanting closeness, love and affection is more important than sex. Sex should come out of those other things don't you think? If you have a closeness, love and affection with someone you want to share that most intimate of things between two people.

hugs and kisses

Nigella (who still rambles and is confused as ever) lol


Longing for love makes one miserable. Don't look for it let it find you. Sure date and get into relationships (you're not going to find it without taking chances).