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I don't know how I offended her... O.o

Started by Espenoah, February 02, 2011, 10:13:45 PM

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Espenoah she recently used this forbidden word herself...and when I pointed it out to her, she blocked me. Hasn't talked to me since.
I guess I'll never figure out her perspective on things...
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk


Quote from: kyril on February 09, 2011, 11:42:29 AM
Did you call her "a female"? Or talk about "females" when you meant "women and girls"? If so, that is offensive.

Women and girls are people. "Females" are livestock. Or hardware.

Not to cause trouble or anything, but I don't consider my pet chickens to be livestock.  To me, they're my girls, and I love them.   :P

Peronally I've never considered the word "female" to be offensive, probably because I'm androgyne...

...but address me as "woman," (As in "What's your problem, woman?!") and I will seriously get angry.  I am 50% Lady, thank you very much.   ;)  And the rest of me is Gentleman.~

Don't feel bad, Espenoah; some people are just plain too high-strung.   ::)
"Be whoever you are, but be loud. Be completely fearless when you do it. That's the big thing. Just be a fearless person. A fearless artist, a fearless accountant. Whatever you want to be." - Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance



Beth Andrea,

This is a very old thread.

Probably best dropped. And remember hate is hate.


Beth Andrea



Any day when you annoy an idiot is not a total loss. >:-)
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Quote from: Robert Scott on February 03, 2011, 08:03:59 AM
in the feminist movement there is a strong push against anything that links women to men ...
Please, don't generalize by saying this is a characteristic of the feminist movement. There are really five different types of feminists. Only a couple of the types believe this way.
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano


I wrote a tiny write up on feminism, and in truth anyone can be a feminist.  It is a movement for equality.  But I believe some people have this militant view on feminism that kind of blinds the real purpose of it.  For instance there were white people who fought for  black rights alongside Martin Luther King Jr.  As such there is nothing wrong with even cis gendered men  fighting with us for equality.

It also creates a militant opposition... that whole "male rights" group which can't be taken seriously as its a direct attack on militant feminism.  Nothing more nothing less.

Your views and ideals get obscured when you have anger and hatred towards the other gender.  Being on this forum we have all have the knowledge of living on both sides so in terms of view point we have literally seen it all.

It is really quite sad when that happens, and I am sure everything in my post can be negated by hateful speech of me being born with the wrong chromosome.  But I really don't care, the truth is hate is replacing equality.

The fact that some militant feminist don't treat US equally is very counter-productive to their goal of gender equality.  The truth is at the end of the day all of us woman(mtf's included) have to deal with at least some layer of gender discrimination. To some extent even guys(including FtM's) have to deal with their own forms of gender discrimination. 

Trust me, I hate masochistic pigs as much as the next.  When I present as a womyn(which I always do) and offer a valid view point on a topic I often get attacked as well.  For stupid reasons...


Quote from: Espenoah on February 02, 2011, 10:13:45 PM
So I have no idea if this is the appropriate area to post this, but we'll see.

I've recently started talking to a woman online who is a self-proclaimed mega-feminist. In one of the conversations, I used the word "female" and she said she got extremely offended because of it. I was confused because I wasn't using it in a derogatory way, I was just using it as a distinction between the sexes. I've asked her why it was offensive, but all she told me is that I'm in dire need of taking a women's studies course. Since that isn't currently available to me, I figured I'd turn to the lovely and intelligent people here at Susan's. Any idea on why that would irk her so badly?

You need to provide some context.


I never liked militant or extremist feminists.

They are generally more for female superiority rather than gender equality.

To me feminism is about gender equality, once you go past that to claiming one is superior than the other then you really aren't any better than what you claim to be fighting.
"For transpeople, using the right pronoun is NOT simply a 'political correctness' issue. It's core to the entire struggle transpeople go through. Using the wrong pronoun means 'I don't recognize you as who you are.' It means 'I think you're confused, delusional, or mentally I'll.'. It means 'you're not important enough for me to acknowledge your struggle.'"


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)


Charley Bea(EmeraldP)

Quote from: MaidofOrleans on September 28, 2012, 09:09:56 PM
I never liked militant or extremist feminists.

They are generally more for female superiority rather than gender equality.

To me feminism is about gender equality, once you go past that to claiming one is superior than the other then you really aren't any better than what you claim to be fighting.

So in a way hypocritical? This does seem like a major if not immature reaction on her part and she by no means doing her group(?) any favors.

By the way Espenoah after seeing your avatar above QuestionMark's I couldn't help but chuckle as I instantly pictured the riddler from batman merged from the two pics.


Emily Aster

I know this is a rather old thread, but I've been blasted for my use of the word female literally because it's an extension of the word male. It's people making something out of nothing, like being offended by the word cockpit and making people start calling them flight decks instead. Just because it contains another word doesn't make it a derivation of that word. How many words contain the word "or"? Does that make all those words indecisive?